Nice catch, Martha. 50 million for your own personal cook…and it’s Emeril LIVE! I’m just a little worried that he may end up like the headless Ken doll if Martha pulls too hard on that leash. That collar looks like it has some electrons or something that might be painful…look at his face!
I’m thinking of buying a chef too…
I just can’t decide which one.
Jaime Oliver might be good but he’s got that speech thing –
I know! I’m gonna pick up Anthony Bourdain.
I guess she had to hurry up and get it done before the Ebay fees went up.
I have a side project for you (actually Alpha Mom). I saw a vibrator that hooks to your Ipod on someone elses blog. I couldn’t tell if it was a joke or not, and there’s no way for me to search on something like that without being fired.
I must say, this purchase makes me question Martha’s taste level. Emeril? Really? If you’re going to shell out that kind of change, I would go for someone more au courant. And less annoying. And certainly less hairy.
You would think she would buy someone more attractive.
So, Emeril’s her beyotch now, isn’t he? BAM!
Nice catch, Martha. 50 million for your own personal cook…and it’s Emeril LIVE! I’m just a little worried that he may end up like the headless Ken doll if Martha pulls too hard on that leash. That collar looks like it has some electrons or something that might be painful…look at his face!
I’m thinking of buying a chef too…
I just can’t decide which one.
Jaime Oliver might be good but he’s got that speech thing –
I know! I’m gonna pick up Anthony Bourdain.
Blackbird: Don’t let soNOTcool hear you talking about Anthony Bourdain in an ownership way. She has kitchen knives and she knows how to use them.
I never even saw the real estate listing for Emeril – I might have put in a bid. Damn that Martha gets everything!
Is this like her Nepalese sherper?
Blackbird is going to have to fight me for Bourdain.
We’ll watch the stock market then!
She’s going to sautee him in garlic and serve him for dinner.
And here I feel guilty when I buy a $50 shirt.
Stay away from Scott Kelby.
I guess she had to hurry up and get it done before the Ebay fees went up.
I have a side project for you (actually Alpha Mom). I saw a vibrator that hooks to your Ipod on someone elses blog. I couldn’t tell if it was a joke or not, and there’s no way for me to search on something like that without being fired.
That collar looks like it might chafe.
Wow Martha’s looking pretty fit and trim in that picture. She must actually be using her trainer’s advice.
Now all she has to do is buy Rachel Ray and it’s a monopoly. Dang it, now Emeril’s stuff is gonna cost more.
Martha is just crazy. And she frightens me.
The Domestic Goddess,
Actually, Emeril’s stuff will probably be cheaper now. With all Martha’s powerful and lucrative contracts, Emeril will be coming to a K-Mart near you!
I really like that his collar matches her shirt. That woman can accessorize!
So glad you’re doing the Scott Kelby thing. He rocks. He’s my secret luva. (Secret being that he does not yet know.)
Undomestic Diva
I must say, this purchase makes me question Martha’s taste level. Emeril? Really? If you’re going to shell out that kind of change, I would go for someone more au courant. And less annoying. And certainly less hairy.
I want Jaime Oliver.
And I am willing to take it outside if need be….
starting the Anthony Bourdain bidding now at….uh….87 cents? sorry, post-holidays, cash a little tight. (whips out credit card)
I predict a chapter in Martha’s next book on how to fashion a man collar out of handy household items. It’s good to be Martha.
It’s a good thing.
Well Scott Kelby is profiting from your blog – I bought his book after someone mentioned it here. You should ask for a cut bossy.
Maybe she’s just making a Man Suit. A hirsute Man Suit. It puts the lotion in the basket . . . BAM!
Unattainable benchmarks = new show: Emeril Dead. Shazam!
What’s funny is she thought she was buying a backwards limerick, but doesn’t know how to spell, oh and is dyslexic.
holding up bidder paddle:
Bourdain is at a buck now.Be careful – I have a proxy in.
I may be for sale if Bossy’s price is right.
This is pure Bossy genius. Martha’s got nothin’ on you (except maybe a few bucks).
After scrounging another 87 cents out of the sofa, I can now up my Bourdain bid to, uh, $1.74. And 2 ChuckECheese tokens. Take that, OperaGirl!
uh, sorry, OperaGAL. (dyslexic, finance challenged me….)
I hear you can buy Graham Kerr dirt cheap, but he’s not as funny now that he’s off the sauce.
She knows it’s all about the pork fat. Brings new meaning to the saying “wham BAM, thank you ma’am.”
Oh, Emeril. How far you’ve fallen.