Once upon a time there were these two states, Michigan and Florida, although sometimes they called themselves Florida and Michigan.
And these two states were situated in the middle of a bunch of other states, and all of these states made up the United States of America.
Except not so United. Because: all of these states hold either a primary or a caucus in order to nominate Party candidates to face-off in a general election, and all of these states want their primary or caucus to be one of the first primaries or caucuses so that the candidates will shower their babies with kisses, and so lots of CNN trucks can litter their town squares, and so their citizens have the chance to vote before the other states dictate which losers drop out of the race.
And so in 2003, Michigan began exploring ways to move their primary date up so they could compete with New Hampshire’s early primary. One year later, Michigan drafted a resolution, which was all, Whereas this, and Be It Further Resolved that—and this resolution established a commission whose purpose was to study the timing and scheduling of the Presidential nomination process, which has a little something to do with why it was named the Commission on Presidential Nominating Timing and Scheduling.
And in 2005 this CPNTS decided it wouldn’t be such a lousy idea if a couple of states moved up their caucuses, just like they decided it would be half swell if a couple of states moved up their primaries. But the CPNTS decided that they would consider which states could make this shift based on that state’s racial and ethnic and geographic and economic diversity.
In 2006, Michigan applied to be one of those states under consideration, but Florida was all, “La la la,” and they didn’t bother to apply.
Later that year, the Rules and Bylaw Committee studied all of the proposed states under consideration and made recommendations to the Democratic National Committee and those recommendations went like this: Nevada was the perfect state to shift to an early caucus date, and South Carolina was the perfect state to shift to an earlier primary date.
Note: Nevada and South Carolina do not mean Michigan and Florida.
Except in the summer of 2007, Florida decides it really wants to move its primary date anyway, and they draft something to that effect because that’s what states do: they draft.
And then Michigan decides it’s still going to move its primary up, and they submit state legislation to that effect because that’s the other thing states do: they submit legislation.
Within a month, the Democratic National Committee met with Florida and told them to come up with an alternate plan within thirty days or the Rules and Bylaws Committee would enforce automatic sanctions, and those sanctions would be very bad, and would include the loss of all of their state delegates. The DNC figured their Florida decision would also serve as a warning to Michigan and other states threatening to move their primary dates.
Late in the summer, the four states that were approved for early primaries and caucuses—New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada, and South Carolina—asked the Democratic Candidates to sign a pledge which was all Whereas this and Therefore that, and promised that the candidates would not campaign in those states looking to break the rules and hold early primaries.
All of the candidates agree to the pledge.
In September, Florida moves forward with plans to hold their early primary anyway. Michigan moves forward with the same plan.
In October, the Democratic candidates agree to remove their names from the Michigan ballot in order to honor the pledge they signed about not campaigning in states that weren’t being compliant—except Hillary Clinton leaves her name on the ballot. “It’s clear, this election they’re having is not going to count for anything,” says Hillary.
A couple of months later the Rules and Bylaws Committee issues one more 30-day warning to Michigan to submit a different primary plan but Michigan was all, “La la la.”
On January 15th, Hillary Clinton wins the Michigan primary. Also: she was the only Democrat on the ballot.
On January 29th, Hillary Clinton wins the Florida primary.
But the Democratic National Committee was all, “Not so much, because it doesn’t count. We warned your arses.” And then suddenly Hillary is all, “Those votes should count.” And Michigan was all, “Our votes should count.” And Florida was all, anyone? Anyone? “Votes. Should. Count.”
So this past Saturday, the DNC agreed to seat Michigan and Florida delegates, but they are only allowing them a half VOTE each, which is more like a V-O.
The End.
Coming from a Michigan resident, I would have to say that your analysis pretty much was spot on!
Bossy knows her politics!
Thanks for making the issue understandable.
I was all ready to tease you for putting a picture of Maine up there, but it’s Michigan. I never noticed how much Maine & Michigan looked alike! Except for Michigan’s little island hairpiece.
Yikes. This whole thing is such a cluster. I just don’t understand what Hillary Clinton is hoping to gain from dragging this out….
Madness appriciated Bossys tutorials because she tells it in such a way that Madness can understand. and yeah.. Madness really didnt understand the whole Michigan Florida thing till now.
Oy Vey.
Thanks, Bossy! I think you’ve proven, beyond a doubt, that I can go ahead and cancel my newspaper subscription and ever miss a beat.
Come to think of it, there is an severe Michigan-and-Florida-shaped pain in my ass.
Florida was all “la la la”. hahahahhahahahaha
Yep. That sounds exactly like us. We were probably all at the beach the day the applications were due.
great post
I live in the State of Confusion, and we don’t get to vote at all…which is a shame, since I think we could lend some clarity to all this political mayhem.
Shade and Sweetwater,
Well, I’m glad my vo for Bar Oba counted somewhat.
This isn’t politics they’re doing, it’s flippin’ recess. THIRD GRADE RECESS. Oops, must use indoor voice. (Now you know why Ms. Karen is not allowed to participate in political discussions. Anywhere.)
And this is why I write about Floridiots.
Our whole state is arse-backwards. You must see Recount to know more.
awesome tutorial Bossy!!!
The only part I’m going to quibble with is that I believe Florida is and Michigan are located “at the edge” of a bunch of other states, not in the middle of them. Other than that, why aren’t you doing color analysis for CNN?
I have so many splatters of coffee on my computer screen and I blame Bossy….warn me before I take a sip that you are going to either make it come out my nose or spit it all over the place. Bossy = FUNNY!
And for the record – Iowa should stay first. =-) We may be 99.9% white…..but we’re smart out here in the Heartland….to be trusted. And we NEEEEED that CNN truck revenue ’round here….otherwise people think we’re just about corn and pigs and such. NOT TRUE! We also have soybeans.
Okidokee I get it now. Does anyone else find it one letter away from funny that they called a committee CPNTS?
Florida is half-filled with Michiganders anyway. Is curious how they both got into this mess at the same time.
Exactly why I am a Republican.
Best “what-the-heck-is-all-this-craziness-about?!!” straight-forward summary of ANY political topic, but especially this one. Thank you!
What a load off my shoulders. I finally get it!
Thanks for this. It really is beyond crazy.
The whole thing is whacky and interesting at the same time. May the best man or WOMAN win.
See, I didn’t know that.
This is just what I thought had happened and now I know I am right and smart just like Bossy. Can someone please explain to the understandably disappointed Clinton supporters who now plan to vote for John McCain? Or perhaps Bossy could explain that position to me?
So much for Amendment 19 securing my right to vote. I only got to v-o.
You are toooo freaking funny!!! Awesome wrap up… I think CNN should use it to help explain things…
Sounds like Hillary was all “La la la” too until she needed those 2 rebel states & then all the sudden “But all the votes need to be counted!!!!” Even though 6 months ago she agreed that those primaries wouldn’t count for anything *But SHHHHH don’t take my name off the ballot just in case they do SHHHHHHH*
Wonder how loudly she would be screaming if the shoe had been on the other foot?
And yet…
And yet people are still calling up radio stations and complaining that “uncommitted” votes are being given to Obama in Michigan, because after all, people voted for Clinton and not for him, and we shouldn’t read the minds of people who voted for “Uncommitted”….
And others are explaining helpfully that the Democrats should have “winner-take-all” primaries like the Republicans, so that anyone who votes for a candidate who loses by one vote, is SOL and gets *NO* delegates….
…ah, NOW I get it. Thank goodness gracious for this tutorial!!
After the whole ‘hanging chad’ debacle, you’d think Florida would want to lay low around the elections.
Come on, Barack CHOSE to take his name off of the ballot. HE MADE A MISTAKE. If Hillary Clinton had taken her name off of the Michigan Ballot and Barack had not, the media would have been having a field day ridiculing Hillary Clinton for making such a dumb mistake.
Pretty much spot on … except for the part where you said “…all of these states hold either a primary or a caucus”. Because in Texas – being Texas and full of the “We’re bigger and better!” thing – has BOTH! Just to make it REALLY confusing, after the polls have closed on primary election day, then they have caucuses to pick some more people for something. And at the end of the whole thing, the State Democratic Party simply says that somebody won and everyone is too confused to argue with them. I think.
Spot on! I love to wander in my mind to “what if” land where Hillary was actually ahead in delegates and popular vote and in that scary, magical land she would be, like, “Sorry, we said they weren’t going to count and we can’t change the rules now…” But then again, in that magical land Obama wouldn’t be heading for victory, so I quickly exit as I like the real outcome better. I am a Michigander and feel like we made a big mess of this primary this time around, however, the issue of the same state going first every, single time does need to be address.
Great post!
Very nice but missing one important nuance … it was Florida’s Republican controlled State Legislator that moved the primary date when it was attached to an election reform bill that ensured a paper trail to electronic voting.
The Democrats in the legislator did not have the votes to stop it.
So it’s officially the Republican party’s fault.
Hillary was the only Democrat on the Michigan ballot, but she still lost two counties — one way up north, and the other Washtenaw, aka the People’s Republic of Ann Arbor. Snicker.
I voted strategically for Mitt to keep him in the race, because what’s a primary ballot for if not screwing around with the other party’s heads?
I hate when all this politics gets in the way of our politics!
Someone needs to tell Florida and Michigan and Michigan and Florida that there are no take- backsies in politics.
I. For one. Am still confused.
And think we should just cut those two states out of the US. Fill that area with potato salad or something…
Well THANK GOD somebody cleared that mess up!!!
I was wondering what the hell was going on!!!
Bossy lost me at “party” – pass the cat bowl, please.
It all reminds me of high school.
The best explanation yet.
She’s like “Waah! MY votes! WAAAH!”
But I really appreciated the insightful explanation. Thank you.
Cannot tell you how much Florida and Michigan and especially Hillary annoy me right now.
It’s time for the democrats to stop squabbling. If we want to win the White House, just nominate Obama already!
If I were Rachel Maddow, I would kiss you. But I’m not, so I won’t.
Im just glad I am Republican..sheesh.
I’m a Michigander…first off, we look NOTHING like Maine…Maine is a blob, WE are a MITTEN…2ndly, Obama took his name off to comply with his agreement about the early primaries in states that broke the rules….I think dividing the votes in half is fair…They broke the rules, now they need to suffer their punishment, just like any other bad kid on the block..and for the record, I’ll be voting for McCain…Maybe..I’m a swing voter and I haven’t made up my mind yet, and I didn’t vote in the primaries for that reason…However I would like to know something, When can we get rid of the electoral college? How fair is THAT process?
I’m with Heather, can’t we just “secede” them from the union? Like “Oh, oops! Our hand slipped!” and just chisel them out of the continent?
And I can say that cause I’m from Austin, NOT TEXAS.
This election is going to be such a mess. I bet McCain will some how accidentally get elected!
Bossy is very smart. As for the commenter who claims to be voting for McCain, I sure hope you’re not a woman. Your membership should be revoked.
I’m going to forward this to my friend who was all, “They just GAVE Obama votes that he didn’t EARN!” Thanks for making it clear!
this thing is just such a mess. I wish that they had held firm to the “if you break the rules you will not get the reward” stance they started with. Now it’s like saying “if you punch your sister you will get a timeout, but since you didn’t punch her in the face it’s only for one minute.”
dumb. although sometimes that’s how punishment goes at our house, but I always preface it with “whereas” so it works out okay.
Thank you Bossy – for making sure I didn’t have to try to write an articulate post about why I am so pissed off right now. I can’t believe they’re allowing any of the votes to count.
The Other Ree (in Michigan)
Thank you.
Now can you turn that into a song similar to America Rock’s “I’m Just A Bill” or “Three Ring Government.”
Ahhh! Thank you for explaining, because I was confused. I had seen the rumbling on twitter, but didn’t know what they were talking about or, frankly, if I should care. Geez, you’d think Florida would have learned by now, what a bunch of goobers.
(not people who live in Florida “Hi!”, just those that run it)
I’m just happy that Ralph Nader decided to join the race. Now the whole process has true meaning
Bossy should CLEARLY be commentating on CNN, because this is the VERY FIRST TIME I have ever been explained this series of shenanegans, and UNDERSTOOD THEM.
Thank goodness I’m Canadian, because this process sounds EXHAUSTING!! But, fun to read about.
Especially the “lalala” parts.
xoxo CGF
I really think that the most logical way to solve this in the future is to have a rotating primary schedule, so that all the states have their chance to be first in the primaries. It’s just good sharing.
Thank goodness SOMEONE could explain all this – I watched Recount last night and heard my husband leaving the room in anguish saying “Ay yi yi – it’s gonna happen all over again!”
To Serial Mommy above – I am in Dallas, unfortunately IN Texas and wishing I were IN Austin – you lucky duck!
That was brilliant! I want to know why you’re not working for CNN, or NPR?!
The whole mess is just ridiculous…but as a very wise man once said: “It ain’t over till it’s over.”
As someone in Michigan, I have to say that while I’m not really into the idea of seceding from the Union (or being seceded by someone in Texas), counting our votes is downright stupid if one wants to play by the rules. After all, the state broke the rules the DNC put forth. Also, with only one name on the democrat ballot, it’s a little dumb to be all “ohh Yippee and Yakky-da! Hillary WON!!”
On the other hand, it more than a little burns me up that I didn’t have any say in whether we would bull-headedly move forward on this idiot plan of defying the DNC and just running the primary early anyway. And it pisses me off that because of that, nothing I could do in the primaries would make my vote really count. However asshat the state legislatures are, it remains a simple fact that YET AGAIN the people are being screwed out of a voice by the gubmint.
I like the “good sharing” idea from Sarahbee. And also? Could everyone please pick up their own crayons and other messes? It sure would be nice if we could run this country at least as well as a good Kindergarten.
I fully agree that Bossy should be commenting for CNN. Maybe I would be more motivated to go to the gym if I knew I could actually be entertained while panting like a dog.
that. is. crazy.
It makes me very glad to be from Canada
We have lots of room up here, feel free to join us anytime!
Thank you for making a maddening and mind numbing situation seem comical and myself less homocidal.
Though seriously? Florida? Can we just go ahead and annex it already?
That’s why my BIL calls it Eisner’s Prison.
Also? Barack was polling to lose Michigan anyway so taking his name of the ballot was strategic not altruistic.
I also heard that it’s technically the fault of Florida’s Republican party. So I’m blaming them. Feels good.
So, the new rule is all states that look like articles of clothing only get to V-O ?
And Florida..you gave us Katherine Harris. We don’t want her, either. Although, I must admit, she was pretty entertaining in a train-wreck sorta way.
Hi, GrandmaJ. How’s everything? I miss you at the lake.
I never liked Michigan or Florida….now I know why.
We talked about this when you were here, but when I found out why Hillary’s name was still on the Michigan ballot, I realized that I had made the correct decision to go with Obama. The changing of beliefs simply to get power? No thanks.
Perfect and having witnessed the debacle Saturday…I would like to nominate Bossy to Chair the DNC to simplify this process!
In Kindergarten we learned to play by the rules. WTH changed? OBAMA 2008!
I was a solid Hillary supporter, voted by absentee ballot in CA, and then. The more I watched her, the more I regretted it. What a clusterf*ck this is turning out to be.
I am not a Michigan nor Florida resident, but there is no doubt in my mind that all these political “tactics” do spill over the rest of the country. It is a blatant example of what politics is really all about, and it is not necessarily what it *should* be about.
You made this mind-blowing issue a lot simpler to understand, and I thank you for that. Other posters have commented on the fact that you be working at CNN, or NPR, so that the rest of us could be actually clear on issues that are mysterious and not easily approachable for many of us.
Great post, as always! You can be the Boss of me anytime!!!! This is one of the reasons why your blog is one of my very favorites!
*BLAM* <---- My head And over at HeyJoe we're talking about dead celebrities and other light fare.
Be it resolved whereas Bossy is funny as all hell, and therefore Bossy should hereby be in charge of the heretofore ridiculously boring social studies educational curricula (e.g. curriculae? curriculums? curriculasauri?) in these UnUnited States public education institutions, except wherein any one [or pluralus] state [or states] (i.e. Michigan and Florida or conversely Florida and Michigan)decides they don’t wanna, as in the circumstance of the primary dates and pledges thereof.
Well, I can’t vote anyway
(no! how many times no! Not because I am a felon. That makes me sound like a felon. I am not a felon and that is not why I can’t vote…)
but this whole thing has been very exciting and entertaining. Except the Florida/Michigan part of it which just made me feel very very confused –
*until today*.
Thanks Bossy!
Thank you for taking the time to make this all clear. You have brought more clarity to this issue than I’ve seen anywhere.
Hey, I’m Canadian and all I can say is… huh?
Although you made whatever you’re talking about very clear!
Bossy, that was cute and all, but I was so hoping for a Barbie movie. I just don’t think I fully understand the political nuances without headless Ken and Barbie.
Mayberry Magpie
Please share this with CNN. They have no idea!
“Whereas this and Therefore that” my favorite. Loved it.
I seriously love these. I didn’t know Hillary’s name was the only one on the ballot in Michigan. Thanks for teaching me something (yet again)!
It scares me to see how many people weren’t aware of this in the first place!! Thank you for explaining it. I’ve been frustrated that this hasn’t been made more clear in the media.
Yup, and I’m in Michigan and I was all like we should do what they say or our votes won’t count and only one person will be on the ballet and they were all La La La, “your vote will count just vote non-committed if you want someone other than Hillary. Which is kind of the same thing as…right… waiting for the other States to decide first and the rest of the candidates to drop out…so pretty effen pointless, huh?
Well done, Bossy. I never comment. But man, this situation? Gotta’ comment.
Here’s the statement from the Hillary campaign as of September 1:
“We believe Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina play a unique and special role in the nominating process. And we believe the DNC’s rules and its calendar provide the necessary structure to respect and honor that role. Thus, we will be signing the pledge to adhere to the DNC approved nominating calendar.”
The very scary thing for those of us who don’t want four MORE years of what we’ve seen during the last EIGHT years is what I’m seeing on the Hillary web site: commenter after commenter after commenter using this decision as the reason they will vote for McCain over Obama come November.
Point being: after decades of fighting against Bush-McCain policy — and despite being aligned with Obama on nearly all matters of policy — Hillary is doing a damned fine job of ensuring that the policies she believes in WON’T be put into place, and the policies she DOESN’T believe in will.
Darn shame I tell you.
mama truly doesn’t think that when push comes to shove, that the Hillary people will vote for McCain.
As Dems, they are too smart, and we can’t march our men and women into war, and march our economy into further disaster because we are sore losers.
Dems aren’t spoiled brats.
Well done; great post!
Oooh! So good!! CNN should hire you!
Next would ya give us a tutorial on the gasoline situation?
You’re a genius, Bossy! As many others have commented, this is the clearest explanation I’ve seen ANYWHERE. Of course, it helps that I’m seeing it written down and that you’re such a great storyteller to make it so compelling.
I don’t think that most of the Hillary supporters will vote for McCain; I’m sure that a small percentage will…but not most of
Boy am I glad that despite the fact that I’ve lived in Florida for almost TWO years, I am not registered here AND TOTALLY DON’T CARE.
Thanks for clearing that up. You should go work for CNN. It would have made this whole thing much easier for me to understand.
Yes, Ms. Clinton was all “this victory doesn’t mean anything, because the delegates have been disqualified” … but then someone said “Crap, we’re losing”, and she was all “We are disenfranchising voters, people” … even though a few months earlier she said the states should be grounded for busting curfew.
I hope this ends on Wednesday, and we can get down to the business of Victory ’08. Si, se puede.
Thanks for explaining! One question: what is the V-O in the last sentence?
Els from Amsterdam (where we have the one-person-one-vote system… so much easier)
Well done! Excellent explanation. As a real-life social studies teacher, let me tell you that you summed it up with perfection.
My favorite parts were the “whereas and therefore” segments.
As to the person from Texas, let me tell you that we in Washington (state, not the capitol) also seem to have some caucus/primary confusion and so we have both.
After having lived in NH (mostly) for 46 years I finally get why it is a good idea for us to have the forward primary. We are small & homogeneous but organized. We run a good primary. House parties galore, ample media opportunities for candidates to be covered, pithy questions from people in overalls with funny accents. We are also geographically small allowing the candidates to spend more time on the ground rather than in an airplane. Rotating primaries just wouldn’t work. That being said I am thrilled for the people in Puerto Rico & Montana who are getting the last word- literally. All of these late voices are negating what we said up here in NH. Who is more important now?
Aside from being angry with my state legislature, I feel all of us who voted uncommitted deserve to be heard. Clinton didn’t play by the rules either. I also know family members and neighbors who voted one party or the other just to try to skew the election…they would never vote for Hillary in November, but did so because they think she will be easier to beat in November. This state is Republican aside from the urban areas in the southeastern section of the state….outside that section, people generally vote Republican….and their vote in the primary was for Romney, not Mc Cain. I am just waiting for the election to be over. My vote didn’t count in the primary and probably won’t count in the fall.
And Dara was all, La La La, and all the little piggies went, wee wee wee, all the way home.
The End.