Who remembers last fall when Bossy caught her son flirting with the cute girl standing behind him? Well, Bossy and her family have known this girl for a dozen years, but it wasn’t until sixth grade that she really caught the family’s attention:
Sixth grade was the year she was cast in the lead role of the Middle School’s production of Annie. She wasn’t just good, and she wasn’t just terrific. Other adjectives that don’t measure up: fantastic and superior. She was engaging, hilarious, and sweet, and when she performed, the audience was rapt:
Especially if that audience contained Bossy’s daughter, who took one look at this girl performing Annie and decided she wanted to be just like her, right down to the microphone and stage:
But this post isn’t about Bossy’s daughter, it’s about Bossy’s son and his senior prom date who played Annie a half dozen years ago:
Bossy’s son and his date met a pack of their friends before the prom in order to snap the usual pre-prom photos:
And this is when Bossy’s son dipped his date:
And this is when Bossy’s son… actually Bossy doesn’t know what Bossy’s son is up to, and it’s probably a lucky thing:
And this is the part of the prom where Bossy’s son and his date got married and had two children:
And then Bossy’s son and his date disappeared into the night:
And speaking of proms and high school graduates, this is Bossy when she graduated from high school:
Bossy was all about the eyeliner. Other things Bossy was all about: her thirty-year-old musician boyfriend. And so Bossy didn’t go to her senior prom because she thought it was silly—and also because her thirty-year-old boyfriend had a gig that night.
So instead, Bossy went to her best friend Tracy’s house and helped her get ready for the prom. This is Tracy:
Bossy lived the senior prom vicariously through Tracy. She was there when Tracy applied her makeup, and she was there when Tracy stood in the front yard of her row house while a million relatives snapped photos.
Today Bossy would like to live the senior prom vicariously through you. In exactly ten words, can you describe the essence of your prom night?
Went stag, hung out with friends, sister’s friend did hair.
Stayed out late, married my date, now I wash clothes.
labor delivery no epidural because youre only 17 NO PROM
Tall hair and sex in the back seat by moonlight.
Aw, you son looks so sweet with his date! It reminde me of Our Son’s prom – his wild shaggy group of pals managed to pair off gender-wise so they could go, and they all rode a stretch limo together. Our Son’s tux was baby blue! He bought his girlfriend’s wrist corsage at the supermarket, because he forgot until the last minute (fortunately they had them – smart manager!) There was the obligatory kid wearing a T-shirt printed like a tux. It was sweet!
I went with Forgettable Boyfriend, changed my mind about Going All The Way (I decided not to, after all – I just wasn’t into him) and he broke up with me about a week later.
Wore blue, Brando’s hair was spiked, now we laugh at pictures.
magical, breakin-all-the-rules, romantic dream with ex-boyfriend, my gorgeous latin lover
p.s. Bossy and I had the SAME haircut senior year http://www.liveandlearnstuff.org/JHS/profiles/leeth.JPG
Left early, prom dress fell off, whoops… there goes virginity!
Last minute date. Borrowed dress. Red hightops. Home by eleven.*
*I actually had a lovely time.
Big white Scarlett O’Hara hoop dress & big 80s hair.
…lady in red, is dancing with me…cheek to cheek.
Girls that look like me don’t get asked to prom.
Mom setup, 28 yo truck driver, he wore toupee, humiliated!
ignored date, laughed, cried, moved three states away next day
I kissed a girl. How weird is that?
bad dress, bad hair, bad dinner, hotel party, alcohol imbibed
Stupid. Disappointing. Ditched date to run around with best friend.
Went to the beach. Love at first sight. Married him.
went with now hubby, our second prom together, happy ending
When you get bored with Bossy’s Ten Word challenge, come over to my blog and enter the contest!
skipped the prom to see a boy in a band
(even 25 years ago, I was trying to be just like you 🙂 )
Gorgeous Guy, Gorgeous Dress, No Panties, ,Beach,FUN, Married Him!!!
I didn’t go. Hubby took someone else. I forgave him.
For maybe the first time, wondered why Boyfriend was thirty.
My first love. Dance fever. Back of his BMW. YOWZA!
Had two dates, both cancelled, over-dosed on magic mushrooms.
skipped dance for the party. almost got arrested, but didn’t.
First I must tell you that my husband played with his band at my Junior year prom. Then:
I went to the senior prom with my future husband.
Jello shots with no water. Can you say hung over?
Only girl to bring a guy in Air Force uniform.
nothing special, usual, and not memorable…
P.S. Thank you Bossy for the gorgeous pics of your son & the backstory (&pics!) of his date!!! I loved it loved it loved it!! What a treat…. And (and not an add-on and, but a BIG AND) your high school pic & story was fun to read too. Amazing how we know everything by seventeen!
Asked three boys who all said no — I danced anyway.
That was my first prom. The other two have even better stories. And, serendipity? There’s a prom story carnival on Mommy’s Martini today — so if you want to see pictures of me all 1987 and Senior Prom-ish, come on by!
Everybody gets it on prom night.
(**except Bossy’s son and friends and all, of course.)
Did not get lucky. I blame Dionne Warwick and friends.
Frizzy perm. Headlamp zit. Braces. Photos burned. Still friends, though.
thought prom was stupid also, went to Kiss concert but got in car accident on the way.
Don’t need ten words. No prom for me.
Boyfriend dumped. Went with uncle*. Had an “eh” time.
*(my uncle is only 3 1/2 yrs older, btw. Mom’s youngest bro)
Went with nice boy who was bad kisser. No sex.
Totally skipped my Senior Prom and I have NO regrets.
Two geeky nerds (math and computer), beautiful for one night.
blew it off because I was too cool for school
Prom queen married prom king living happily ever after.
Lost it to a good guy. No regrets. Still friends.
I was seven months pregnant and a queen candidate! Huzzah!
Three dollar Grand Slam breakfast at Denny’s with my friends.
Friend crying in bathroom and a parking ticket. Still fun.
High school sweetheart, fine time, can’t remember details… excessive alcohol?
Decided instead to get married. Mistake. Really wish I’d Gone:(
Booze hidden in the centerpiece though we were legal drinkers.
My strapless dress kept falling down. Curse you, flat chest!
black limo, dorky boyfriend, lots of booze, lots of sex
Tragically disappointing: she previously had no idea I was gay.
Dinner, movie with 30-ish boyfriend. No regrets – high school sucked.
P.S.- Does Bossy’ gorgeous son have anything but gorgeous friends? Wow!
Sewed my own dress, wore Converses, saw Spiderman movie instead.
“Blew off prom and went to Mexico with college friends.”
And now I regret it! Love the stories about your family. It makes me flash ahead with my own three little boys and what adventures we have in store.
Just brokeup with funeral. Sat home and cried.
Big hair, purple bridesmade dress, nice date but horrible dancer.
Your son and Annie are adorable! The grounds are gorgeous-Swartmore College I presume?
Didn’t go…no way I was wearing a frilly dress!!
Just posted the story on my own blog so there.
(Ha got to ten!)
Sorry. Funeral?
Just brokeup with BOYFRIEND. Sat home and cried.
That’s what happens when you post while talking on the phone and not previewing your entry!
strapless bubble dress and prom princess.
prom queen coked up.
Date good friend; he spent night following my best friend like a puppydog.
(I had to use 13 words but the excellent part was I hung out with the hot swimmer whose date ditched him!)
And your son and his date look adorable! I am awaiting my sister to send her daughter’s senior prom pictures. Can’t wait!
Went all four years, last was worst, date broke up.
black velvet dress with rhinestones, big poofy hair, no love.
*i have to do another*
First prom went with best friend’s boyfriend, she was grounded.
Fire at our high school — left prom to watch it burn.
(Dang it, that’s 11.)
(P.S. — One of your nieces is on G’s school bus, and she always waves to me and Theo through the bus window. What a sweetie.)
Danced, then left prom, got drunk, and then got laid!
Preacher dad, moved around alot, knew no one. No Prom.
Pre-prom was best: Ditching classes with BFF attaining perfect tan.
So young, so dumb, so beautiful, then I didn’t know.
Two dates, great fun, drunk-off-ass, still kept virginity!
everything matched – dress, corsage, shoes, eyeliner, cummerbund, boutonniere – all teal.
“OBTAINING,” rather!
wow, your son TOTALLY looks like he’s marrying that girl. That must alternately scare and thrill you all at once. I can’t understand how these kids grow up so fast!
I refuse to answer the prom question; painful memories abound.
Bad food, dance was lame, afterparty was okay.
Dress didn’t fit. Sick from dinner. Dead deer. The end.
Date wore Mickey Mouse bowtie unironically, no sex…obviously.
Ugly, recycled bridesmaid dress, cute boy to make out with.
Got drunk. Danced like mad. Loved my date. Didn’t fall.
Saw a crappy movie with a friend starring Ellen Barkin.
Promiscuous prom dates waltz to the tune of promised passion.
No date, danced with gay boyfriend, got drunk in parking lot.
Okay, I know that’s eleven! 😐
horrible homemade gold dress, ended night watching star wars. geek.
Skinnier girl wearing my same dress. Dinner: Hamburgers at Winstead’s.
Arrived late, got baked – with another guy, not my date.
Made our own prom at a local swing dancing club.
Did NOT wear a scandalous dress like these girls.
(Also, prom was not that long ago for me. How and when did I get so crotchety?!)
Skipped prom, went to beach with loads of smart seniors.
Not memorable, but afterward we went camping on the beach.
new school, last minute date, bad dress, bad hair…regret!
Had an 11 pm curfew. That about sums it up.
Errr, ahhh, didn’t go either
Parents moved me far away instead
Pregnant, morning sickness, post-rehab boyfriend, too sober, nice dress.
Principal told the band no Led Zeppelin, so very disappointing…
Don’t have proms in Italy. But I must say these two are HOT. Ciao.
Teal dress made by mom, future husband at my side.
Questionable oyster dinner; boyfriend spent the evening in the restroom.
Zit-faced ex-boyfriend, vintage dress before fashionable, home early with “headache.”
An existential love story
Srsly, I went to an all boys public high school.
I was hoping to have sex that night ! Prom night that is. Well that doesn’t make it much difference from any other night. But at least I was dressed up and feeling like I was dressed appropriately for sex.
just a pre-10-word note. amazing photos of bossy’s son and gorgeous annie-girifriend. and where is SHE going to college, hm?
ok 10 words:
hotel in copley square live band dress too tight laughing.
ok date, danced with other boys should have gone with
“No Matt, you are not getting lucky tonight, you idiot.”
Too cool for school, dated musicians at that time too.
Stupid, I know. I strongly encouraged my kids to play sports, go to dances, get into theater, have the whole HS experience, because I so regret not doing that. I lived HS vicariously through them. =)
black dress, pretty flowers, funny date, nothing spectacular. Sorry, Allen.
senior prom date looked like a penguin in his tux
Date wore a red leisure suit his mom sewed.
Wish I had pics.
True love didnt last it was a magical evening W/friends
Faked it with a girl, wished it was a boy.
Is it wrong that all these pictures of happy young people makes me a bit sad?
Chubby Von Big Hair White Dress: what was I thinking?!
Had a much older boyfriend, so skipped prom like Bossy.
Wore navy velveteen, went with best friend (he’s gay now).
Who remembers that far back? Oh – I married my date.
Hand sewn dress. Long hippie hair. Smoked pot. California 1968.
First date with first love, no kiss, no drinking- magical.
Never had chest like girls in Bossy’s picture: depressed, inadequate.
Worked at a hotel. Got suite cheap. Partied all night.
Wasn’t asked, took lab partner who refused to dance. Snoozefest.
Ten words?
date had fever, restaurant lost reservations, dress broke, fell off.
I skipped out on the prom, didn’t have a date.
Sloppy drunk. Slurred. Wept. Date left with another – don’t blame him.
White dress. Younger date. Passed out in back seat car!
Date showed up while I was still shaving my legs.
Should have gone with my first choice for a date.
Size Zero off-white dress and OH NO! HUGE ZIT!
vicarious details for you:
never went, didn’t have a date, didn’t care, life sucks.
Strapless Gunne Sax dress, dyed matching shoes… aaaaah, the ’80s.
Went with the twin brother of the boy I liked.
weird boy later convicted of paedophilia confesses love for me
Boyfriend away, friend accompanied, home early, sick with strep throat.
big hair. bright lipstick. rain. unbelievably handsome date was younger!
Gay friend asked. Mom stated “I’ll Drive.” I said NO.
busted dress straps dancing, borrowed car newspaper ink all over seat, covered with sheet!
busted dress straps dancing, borrowed car newspaper ink all over seat, covered with sheet!
enormous unflattering dress. boyfriend loved another. dumped him day after.*
*and deliberately left him without a ride home from the afterparty cabin in Wisconsin, but that’s another story altogether
white dress, first love, dinner, dance, breakfast, sunrise; no alcohol
Had a baby so I danced with him at home!
In the top ten of embarrassing nights of my life.
rode in date’s monster truck. black and white polka-dot dress.
*it was awesome!!!
Yellow satin dress made by mom – unique – loved it! Fun.
(almost 20 years ago…)
Ten words eh?
I stayed home too.
The End
Too much Champagne equals boyfriend’s vomit all over my shoes.
I didn’t go to prom either, but had to comment to say that your son is very handsome.
Lots of naughty things, hope my children never find out!
Came home late. Got in trouble. Grounded for a month.
(Your son is…too much for me to take.)
I wanted to be Annie, too! Except I couldn’t sing.
who ever knew a pink dress would look so horrible.
uggg. not fun. groping. ripped nylons. remained a virgin. phew.
My boyfriend’s Sr. Prom or mine? ‘cuz here’s mine:
Boyfriend at college, ignored the freshman friends made me bring
Girls who look like me also do not get prom invites.
Stick-on strip of eyeliner with rhinestones on it. Yes ma’am, I was Smokin’!
Prom was boring. Then we got drunk.
dream dress, perfect dream date – except, he had a girlfriend
Skipped prom. Went downtown to see Rocky Horror Picture Show.
New Jersey yukkiness.
Entirely forgetable.
On to a different world
boyfriend in the army
so far away
stole friend’s boyfriend
whiny soon to be ex ruined it all for me
First lovah takes another. Manhattan the movie instead. Still stings.
He who comes too early has mess on his pants.
Actually, not only is that a Confucius saying, but describes my after prom party very well.
Grotesquely wealthy teens.
Egypt Theme.
Belly Dancers with snakes.
Red taffeta strapless gown, HOOP SKIRT, dyed-to-match pumps.
(Note: It’s not so easy to wear a hoop skirt while dancing to Maurice Day & The Time’s “Jungle Love.”)
And did I move on
right straight into the arms of
Lenny Bruce.
(you’re all too young!)
Brits don’t prom. Relief. It was the eighties – BAD hair.
Ugh times 10.
Took Ex out of sympathy. Got sick. It kinda blew.
Now about that house and yard of yours. Where do you live and how can I live the Bossy lifestyle? Can I be your neighbor?
too much expectation. date cried over his ex. i split.
I went with my gay best friend – best date ever.
(PS son & date are super cute!)
Broke up with bastard boyfriend; went with geeky friend instead.
Hot weather, Mercedes, dancing, drama, ditched by date at after party.
1983 dress from Judy’s date was my awesome friend Jason.
Where are you now Jason Peck?!?!?!
Spent more time with best friend than boyfriend/ prom date.
And he’s still one of my best friends while the boyfriend is long gone. Says a lot me thinks.
And now TW is wondering if ANYBODY in Bossy’s family or neighborhood is less than adorable and talented. Sheesh.
Mega-storm, Prom-us Interruptus, flash flood, accident. Dress: Gunne Sax. Hair: @@@@@@:o)
Was on a boat. I was late. Missed the boat.
PS. Are those girls the Stepford Prom Dates? I don’t remember me and my friends ever looking that perfect. Geesh.
Strip poker and Jack, older boyfriend too cool for prom.
good thing few pictures exist: I had (unwanted) hillbilly hairstyle!
First girl asked said no. Took her sister. Great time!
Baby blue tux. Slinky emerald green dress. Borrowed orange Mercedes.
and my date? tux jacket like blue brocade flock wallpaper…
“I’m Not Going to the Prom” party with 10 guy friends.
Most over-hyped night ever. Should have rented a movie instead.
Blue dress. Top hat and tails. Date is now husband.
Seventh picture bossy’s son is looking down dates dress, giggle.
Who remembers I was too wasted on stawberry daquaris- barrrrfff.
After the photo’s, he left with my best friend’s date.
What – Bossy is a grandmother already – what?
Crowned prom queen. Dad so proud. Me so embarrassed. Truly.
Didn’t go. Boyfriend was punk rock drummer. way too cool
Didn’t go. Boyfriend was punk rock drummer. way too cool
First date, new guy in town, stayed out all night!
First date with best friend; married him, still in love.
girl “date,” awesome dress, perfect hair, terrible decorations, left early
and biddy is seriously jealous that her husband took someone else to the prom. he is SO sleeping on the couch
Too much vodka makes it hard to walk in stilettos.
Go with a friend: No worries about HIS good time.
fondue dinner, black velvet dress, dancing, walk in the woods.
Talking to crush, friend pukes at our feet, mood killer.
Also, I can’t count: that was 11.
hated each and every prom.
dates had eyes for others.
Never made it. Met 27 year old future husband instead.
Is that oddly similar, or what?
Congratulations, Son of Bossy!
Girls wore homespun-looking dresses, boys in baby blue tuxes. 1976.
Scarlett O’Hara dress my mom made, big, big hair, 1971.
My junior prom was a much more fun story, we watched Mallrats, ate chips & salsa, and then went to prom. We were just friends, and barely danced.
My Senior prom, my boyfriend was only 14 (yep, I’ve always been a cradle robber).
We danced the night away, “fell asleep” in the moon bouncy thing at after prom, and next thing I remember is waking up with my knickers around my knees at 6 am and thinking HOLY CRAP I GOTTA GET HOME!
Urm… maybe I shouldn’t have told you that last part.
Nonexistant. My senior boy friends were lame losers. Boo hoo!
No one believed I could get such a hot date!
Senior prom, no go. Jerky boyfriend dating others. Didn’t know.
Boy with straw hat. Whitman’s sampler. Potluck dinner with friends.
Of the 4 I went to that one was my favorite.
buddy date, torn dress, lost shoes, lake, sunrise, still virgin
70’s, harvey wall-bangers, big coed sleep over, true love
Boyfriend busted, I’m in hospital, can’t stop crying. Nervous breakdown.
Like Bossy I didn’t go to my prom, no biggie.
Fought before; didn’t have much fun; broke up shortly after.
went with good friend brian but wanted to be with 25yo BF but glad i went with brian:)
Drove to Baton Rouge for wild party instead. VERY wild.
My dress was too poofy, though I boasted nice cleavage.
The teachers crashed my after party. My English teacher smashed champagne-bottle all over my front porch.
Sneak preview showing of Tom Cruise in Top Gun (instead).
Second prom with college boyfriend. Hotel room at the Laquinta.
(Oh yeah, we totally did it!)
1985 Gunnie Sax, feathered hair, fruitless date with gay guy.
Psychadelic mushrooms and good friends make one memorable prom night. =)
Female. Went with best friend, also female. Virgin until 20.
white eyelet dress, cute boyfriend-hot sex in hotel!
Now- your son and date could not be any cuter!
beth and I had well attended after-party. Loved all.
Boyfriend’s house, beer, MTV, love of life, married 20 years
White Gunne Sax dress – I looked like a Victorian bride!
Nobody asked; I boycotted; Played mini golf; Ate ice cream.
Nice images! Better be watchin’ son and prom date, goodness!
Junior Prom: Date from Finland, no speak English. Double dated, no kissing.
(wishing I still fit that dress!)
Senior Prom:
Boyfriend had other girlfriend, in attendance. Left with him anyway.
(he is dead now, car accident 8 years ago-still cared for him much)
Other Sr Prom: Accompanied friend’s ex-boyfriend. Should have switched dates, hers WANTED me.
(BAD, she wouldn’t give him my phone number-with good reason I might add).
we dressed.
we dinnered.
we danced.
we crashed
at a friend’s.
(that is eleven.)
Went with friend, ignored him at dinner, got really drunk.
Wasn’t cool enough for
the coolness that
was us.
Felt awful
Jersey shore next day
Full blown mumps arrived
Let’s see, I was engaged to a guy in the military who was not in town so I invited a junior to my senior prom. We danced, said hi to people we could care less about and then went to some after party and fell asleep. I really should have slept around more in HS, it would sound much more adventurous in these comments sections.
1989 Electric blue + crinolin
with best friend
now my husband
Amazing dress + crappy boyfriend + didn’t actually end up going = Lame
First love, Gunne Sax… later, champagne and sex on beach.
(That was a GREAT time!)
Homeschooled, never had a boyfriend. Prom was not a thing.
…not popular no invitation alone with cheetos and mountain dew… :o/
…Am I the only one who thinks Bossy’s son looks like “Jim” on the tv show “The Office”? Cute couple – makes for cute grandchildren for Grandma Bossy… ;o)
…Me thinks Bossy’s daughter is gonna be famous… :o)
I can’t think about my prom, because I can’t stop swooning over your gorgeous son.
I’ve thought and thought and I just can’t do it in 10 – I need 13…
Driver left lights on, battery died, got jump from another limo, totally embarrassing!
Prom committee = much work, boyfriend drooled over best-friend, the jerk.
never was asked, have the dress pattern, still cry sometimes
Open liquor cabinet, and STILL everyone was gone by 11:30.
purple sequined dress. hung out with friends. pancakes for breakfast.
Paisley Ascot, Smoking Cigarettes, Dancing Salad Waiters, Home By Eleven.
So much prep, over so fast, remember little. 25th reunion (next summer!)
Date went to the house next door, downhill from there.
Your son’s date is divine. And I am pretty sure she is wearing a thong. Oy! Son is 15, can I handle the next 3 years?!?
Can’t do it in 10 –
Went with friend. He defied mother, snuck out of house, borrowed teacher’s tux. Photos, dinner, not enough cake, D.J. didn’t have prom song, sunrise on the beach, breakfast picnic at dawn.
jamie didn’t go to prom…cause jamie was a dork!!!
Great dress, bad hair. His hand in my shorts later.
Way too much alcohol only at prom for pictures
Dancing is Satanic, let’s have a nice formal dinner instead.
(Yes. Really.)
Posted my prom story today. Drama with a capital D.
have I got a girl for him!!
Your son is quite the handsome young man.
oy vey
bad hair, tiered chiffon floral dress, snuck in the booze
Dead beat date, bad chicken dinner, gorgeous purple silk gown.
I’m like Bossy…dated old guys, didn’t go to prom.
One week. Two proms. Two nights. Two dates. Too fun.
Didn’t even know which night it was on. No regrets.
actually called beautiful, not cute. we cheated on his girlfriend.
setup date, paid for everything, had a blast but never danced.
cocktail party–> friend barfed –> whole prom in car –> I worried
Laughed at prom with MY 30 year old musician boyfriend!
(I thought I was the only crazy chick who did that?? Except mine was a keeper- still in love 14 years and three kids later.)
Boarding school does not have Prom. We had Banquets. Dumb.
Took pictures Ditched Prom Lots of drankin Serious hangover Awesome
Her? She used to be my wife. Not anymore, though.
Boyfriend made the prom court. I did not. The end.
Crush on his friend. Date got drunk, drooled on me.
The actual experience deserves more words (says wordy me). I had a crush on this guy in my history class, a growing flirtation, and I felt pretty sure that he would ask me to prom. Two weeks before the big event another girl slept with him at a party, sealing the deal on her prom plans. Out of some odd act of chivalry, he arranged for his friend, who I barely knew, to ask me. On the big night, my date got promptly drunk. Obnoxious, slurry, smelly drunk. He passed out and drooled on my shoulder during the last dance. I had to drive us back to my house in his dad’s car and then my older brother had to wrestle him to the ground to keep him from driving himself home. In the weeks to come it would be revealed that my date would have/should have taken his “secret” girlfriend – a fellow Mormon – who he had gotten pregnant, to the prom instead of me. Her dad strictly opposed them being together (obviously not effective). Her dad was the prom photographer (practically an undercover prom chaperone and no doubt the bane of the prom for his 13 children over the years). It ends happy – the two rebel Mormon’s got married had a little baby boy, and were still together at our ten year reunion, although I bet she still gets pissed when she hears, “Forever Young.” As for me, I went to college and fell in love with my honey who was such a badass punker in high school he never bothered with prom. He’s that cool.
Friendly date, dinner, dancing, party, watched movies til morn.
He managed to cheat on me AGAIN at our prom.
Omigosh, reading so many posts of people who married their dates, I was not even into guys yet, let alone marry my prom date!
Hmm, 10 words… Odd couple, went with friends, more fun than I expected.
Or maybe this: Relieved to be asked, he fixed his car, chaste kiss.
First drinks after three years of sobriety (I started young!)
My date came out to me, and then we danced.
1982-Blue hoop skirt and date with a best friend. The band played “Cocaine” six times. I drank a bottle of champagne and wore my garter around my upswept hair…home. Oops!
Got stood up. Shiny pink taffeta dress went to waste.
You people are HI-larious.
Bossy’s son’s friends all look so sharp!!
MP’s Senior Prom
Big Hair, Big Dress, Little Date, Sunburnt, Too Much Booze
1972 – unairconditioned gym – yellow satin hot pants – wedge heels – FUN!
went with my best friend
had a blast and no sex!
Bossy’s son is totally adorable.
Long-term breakup. New date setup. Mandatory swing lessons. Thank God for champagne.
Date wanted sex, I said not in a million years.
(not part of the 10 words, but he actually bought me a sexy Victoria’s Secret nightie to boot. I kept the nightie but not the boy).
They’re both gawjus. We cancelled our prom. It was 1970 and Kent State had erupted. We were protesting. What’d we know.
on road, champagne exploded in the car, ruining our dresses.
Working hard to appeal to boyfriend yet remain a virgin. (Succeeded!)
He took drugs
I did not
Night ended very early
Didn’t go … it wasn’t that important to me–no regrets!
Two male best friends as my dates, embarrassed my sister!
Senior prom was so much fun. Way better than the Junior Prom with the serious boyfriend the year before.
Like Bossy, I thought proms were silly and didn’t go.
I took a friend and was disappointed in the end.
Senior prom: Itchy lace stockings, burgundy velvet dress, what was I thinking?
Junior prom: He wore I tux, I wore a regrettable trampy dress.
Japanese Foreign Exchange student, Miami vice tux, Princess Di dress
Last minute date who got food poisoning…enough said.
ivory lacy tea-length gown, freshman boyfriend dove-grey tux, way overrated.
It was cancelled because no one would buy $50 tickets!
too much champagne on the way to the prom.
Boyfriend “couldn’t afford it.” But spent $120 on Air Jordans.
Guy was gay – he had Lucille Ball collection – Clueless Me
“Pretty in Pink” Cinderella dress, future ex- husband, oh the memories!
Fought with mom. Snuck to prom. She still doesn’t know.
No booze, no nookie, best guy friend, no spark, uncomfortable.
Went with a friend, liked him alot, got no kiss.
Samaritan date saved drunk driver, I looked beautiful on roadside.
Went with future brother-in-law. As friends. Worst prom night ever.
We never had Prom’s in Canada. We had dances but not the hyped up “Prom’s”.
I guess the only thing similar was the dinner & dance the night before high school graduation. Then the next night we had the official graduation ceremony and the big after party. No limo’s or requisite cherry popping 🙂
Bored but looking DAMN fabulous, please see url for proof.
Lobster dinner, clove cigarettes, kissing on the beach, curfew broken.
boyfriend dances all night with other girl, supertiff feels un-super.
Went with a friend. Lusted after History teacher all night.
I wore a gown my mother wore to her prom.
Denny’s and a Ford Escort. The End.
Eloped beginning senior year, took 30 year old hubby – FUN!
purple taffeta, black velvet polka dots, crimped hair, 80s duh.
Which one? I went to 4 proms with same guy.
What I want to know, though, is why bossy’s son’s date was only wearing her slip to the prom?
Big hair, strapless dress, long satin gloves, sigh, was thin.
bossy – your growing popularity is overwhelming me. to be the 8 hundred and 30th commenter…BLOWS!
additionally i don’t have the money to drive cross country to meet my 12 internet friends. sux to be me.
but thats Stella’s issue. not yours.
G. Bossy’s son looks DASHING. and the lady friend – is a doll!
hope they had a blast!
should have skipped it and gone to visit Grandma. Sigh.
way too cool for prom, went to U2 concert instead.
High school crush, followed to college, then dumped – Felicity much?
Sexxxxx! and red wine splashed over white hotel room carpet.
Coral Courts Motel. First time for him. Not for her.
It sucked. Date was a jerk. I came home early.
It sucked. Date was a jerk. I came home early.
Only one contact in, screwed by screwdrivers, no eggs thanks.
Bossy’s son is very handsome with his date.
What a great looking bunch of friends as well. I love to see trendy prom pictures.
First big drunk. First cute boyfriend. Got very, very sick.
Why pick one?!
2 turndowns, Mother bought corsage, drove friends, one dance, depressed.
Skipped Senior, not on purpose, but mucho fun with friends
Big-ass hair, tight-ass dress, date had mullet and Australian accent
Didn’t go. Thought I was too mature for such nonsense! … I was wrong!
My boyfriend was 22, and I? Too cool to go.
I can’t do this in ten words, sorry. My husband and I met when I was a Junior at one H.S. and he was a Sophomore at the H.S. one city over. Were friends only, for my Senior Prom, now-husband set me up with his best friend (who is still his best friend!). So I went to prom with my now-husband’s then-and-still best friend. We had an okay time, just okay. I really need to find the photos of me with my HUGE 1985 hair and my tea-length teal blue dress!
Date and brother got mugged afterward. Delivered his paper route.
Red dress, tailed tux, Micheal Jackson impersonator, got pregnant. Really.
no date.
didn’t know they were having sex in h.s.
My date wouldn’t dance but he did feel me up.