This moisturizer.
Back before the invention of the wheel when Bossy was 21, she suddenly developed a bad case of acne. The timing of this acne was poor, since it perfectly coincided with the stretch of time when Bossy was meeting her husband—and did you ever notice that yet another of life’s cruel jokes is the fact that love causes acne?
Anyway, Bossy made an appointment with a fancy-pants dermatologist. She can’t remember if she had much of a skin routine up until this point, but if she did it was probably something along the lines of: Poke at pimples. Oy, still there.
So this fancy-pants dermatologist in his fancy-pants office with fancy-pants degrees from around the country, he emphasized the importance of a skin regimen and then he did a strange thing: he recommended that Bossy use this very un-fancy moisturizer, which cost only a few bucks and was available at every drugstore.
So Bossy has been using this moisturizer on her face ever since, even though nowhere on the container does it say it’s for the face. And it’s still inexpensive, for instance it’s available here: $21 for an enormous three-pack that will probably last until they check you into the Senior Center.
did he recommend a cleanser by any chance? i have 2 teenage duaghters who could use a regime – in fact they could use many regimes (a cleanupyour room regime, a do your home work regime, …). anyway, a low cost cleanser recoc’d by a fancy pants dermo would be awesome.
I don’t usually stop to leave comments, however it is hard to find actual thoughts on this topic today. You did a wonderful job in this article and I may just go read your other blog posts now. Keep up the good work!