This alarm clock, which used to belong to Bossy’s parents and now sits on Bossy’s bureau. It’s a Westclox “Big Ben“—and the only thing that differentiates this clock from the real Big Ben is that this clock is slightly louder.
This clock doesn’t just tick tock. It Tick. Tocks.
And the alarm? Frequently throughout Bossy’s childhood, her family had the opportunity to pass the summer in a beach house. This meant Bossy’s father would spend his weekdays in the hot city and then climb in the car each Friday night to join the rest of the family.
And then on Monday morning, while it was still dark, this alarm would go off to rouse Bossy’s dad back to the city. The clatter of the multi-bell alarm not only woke Bossy’s dad, but Bossy, her teenage brother, the old folks next door, the mayor of the beach community, the rooster on the farm twelve miles away, and the construction crew of the Alaskan Pipeline.
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