First there was Women’s Synchronized Diving, where they rolled the dive off the platform and worked similar rates of rotation and over-tilted and utilized terrific compensation and unfolded out of the tuck position and slid past vertical on the controlled entry.
Next was Men’s Beach Volleyball:
The men dropped off and stayed the net and played to strength and chopped down the line and curled arms under and hit the deck hard and pounded it down and pulled the shots and pounded it over the top and got the ball on the sand and backed off and played the backcourt and terminated the play.
And then it was time for Men’s Freestyle and Women’s Freestyle and Men’s Butterfly and Men’s Relay:
Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps. Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps. Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Michael Phelps.
And finally it was time for Women’s All Around Team Gymnastics:
The girls flew high and kept legs straight and reduced hip angle and executed in the air and scooped legs and created nice lines and twisted and hopped and bent and released and stuck landings.
But don’t ask Bossy, because she was upstairs asleep.
Trust me: You didn’t miss much.
The Womens Gymnastics was painful to watch, the Chinese Team creeps me out a litte and the Synchronized Diving is crazy!!!!
Love your illustrations!
I don’t think I can drive as fast as Michael Phelps swims.
You do amazing things with a computer mouse.
what about the knitting? did you watch the knitting? that’s vuboq’s favorite!
Nice recap. Your pictures are as good or better than what I saw on TV.
I think you missed a Michael Phelps.
Bossy, it was ELECTRIFYING!!! you should have stayed up, but I guess most of the bossy posse isnt much on sports, as I can see. Go USA!!! you are all rockin for sure.
coastal nest
WOW!! Cool pictures… BOSSY is gettin’ real good at the photo shop thingy.
Everything is on too damn late. I appreciate your play by play on the Olympics and the lovely drawings.
Watched and felt very sorry for the American Gymnast(Alicia) who fell off the beam and then fell on the floor exercise. You can tell these girls are under waaaay too much pressure.
And the Chinese girls? So not 16. Sorry.
Yay Phelps.
I love this post! Great pics! Actually, our women gymnasts sucked. Particularly the one who spent a lot of time falling on her ass.
I’m having a contest this week, have you entered? $50 is up for grabs! Swing by if you get a chance … cuz really, who doesn’t need fifty bucks?
i seriously cried for the gymnastics team. i felt so.bad. for them!
Michael Phelps rocks.
That is all.
(But I only saw the 10th gold, couldn’t make it for the 11th)
Dear Bossy,
I was awake. I think you forgot about the “side-out” in men’s volleyball. Whatever that is.
Love, Cheri
Your drawings have a couple inaccuracies:
-The swimmer has armpit hair (at least I think that’s what it’s supposed to be). Those Olympic swimmers shave their bodies smoother than a babies behind.
-The gymnast looks more than nine years old.
That is all.
Did you see over by Pioneer Woman she is claiming that MM is Bossy?
You are the only Bossy, unless you made him your apprentice while you were there.
Just watching your back.
Michael Phelps is AquaMan.
Nice pics!!
The things our USA teams are accomplishing have me in awe. As do your Photoshop skills.
The sight of all those yummy swimmers’ abs in Speedos would have woken you up. Maybe it’s for the best.
Excellent photomontage a la Bossy. I just hope those little Chinese gymnasts get a snack now that it’s all over.
Had I known you would do such a fine job covering last night’s events I wouldn’t have propped my eyelids open with toothpicks to stay awake.
as was I…
P.S. I thought you were joking about synchronized diving, until I read the comments and now see that it was actual event!
Maybe those are gills on Michael Phelps, not armpit hair.
I’m sorry, Michael who now?
ROTFLMAO ~ I so funny!!
Seriously, do we have any other swimmers in the competion ’cause I haven’t heard of them. At all.
And I want to see that Chinease gymnast girl’s birth certificate. If she’s 16 … then I want the name of the photog who’s shooting her ’cause she darn sure looks like a 12 year old to me!
I felt so bad for the girl that fell twice. Poor thing worked so hard and then that happened and shook her to her core and she couldn’t come out of it. I’m afraid that she will punish herself for that the rest of her life. Maybe she will be able to get some help before it ruins her life. I cried for her.
I cannot believe you would sleep through these AMAZING moments in history. I, myself, am a huge Olympics aficionado, whatever that means. Even though I am young, I nevertheless see the value in camping out by the T.V., waiting for amazingness to occur.
Shame, shame, shame on you.
Don’t worry Bossy. I did a recap for you yesterday. Sleep away.
Bellamomma: We have Ryan Lochte, Natlie Coughlin, and Aaron Piersol who are also superstars and winning lots of medals and breaking records, just not the 40 bazillion that Michael Phelps (my future husband) has.
Bossy: I haven’t been to bed earlier than 2AM this entire week. I’m dying.
And what’s with the women’s beach volleyball outfits that they stole from the Playboy bunnies, while the men are wearing sweaters and long johns. So ridiculously sexist.
Oh my God! How can you not get excited over the olympics??? I am glued to the tv every single night!! Michael Phelps ROCKS!! The men’s relay on Sunday night that won by the width of an eyelash? Oh my God — I was literally on the floor screaming! Too much fun! Go USA!
Bossy, you have found your true calling … computer graphics. You are an ar-teest.
Also, today my daughter said, “Michael Phelps isn’t really my type, but MICHAEL PHELPS michael phelps MICHAEL PHELPS michael phelps MICHAEL PHELPS.” I replied, “Beer.”
BOSSY watches the Olympics so we don’t have to. But I watched Michael Phelps after reading this. Jings!
I agree w/the comments “still alone” made! My heart ached for that girl and she is an amazing athlete too. So sad for her………
Were there any Olympic sports that did not primarily involve Americans?
Bossy is a very talented artist. =)
I am L.O.V.I.N.G. these Olympic games. I even loved the (falsely) perfect opening ceremonies, which was all about (hypocritically) harmony and peace.
I am more in love with bossy’s computer graphic skills….such an artist!
I had tivoed the equestrian events on another channel in the wild number of channels they are televising this stuff and watched that most of the night. Oxygen is where the equestrian is televised in my area.
The Chinese girls can’t be 16 and Bella Karlloi said something about it…they cut away very quickly.
Wow – you’re quite the artist!
Your paint shop photos are very good. I really like them. I don’t have a paint on my iMac and I miss it.
Nice artwork!
I can’t get into the blahlympics, I mean the uhhhlympics.
I mean, can someone tell me one reason the women’s volleyball team wears bikinis, other than to increase viewership? How is that “best of the best?”
The words I saw in the first paragraph were (tense out of whack due to my roaming mind):
rolling, rotating, terrific, tucking, and sliding past a controlled entry.
I thought for sure there’d be a mention of a boyfriend or a husband.
You = Arteest!
You weren’t asleep! You were in Beijing on the Beach Volleyball court. (You are actually Kerri Walsh aren’t you?????)
Either that or Bossy and Walsh were separated at birth!
I’m ashamed to admit it but Michael Phelps makes me wish I was a nineteen year old girl again.
I’m sorry, there are sports? I was distracted by the pecs pecs pecs pecs pecs, glutes glutes glutes glutes, biceps biceps biceps, rippling backs rippling backs rippling backs.
You deserve the gold for those illustrations. Even the Russian judge agrees.
Bossy takes the gold for her Olympic Artwork. Watch out Peter Maxx!
I’m a total idiot–I meant Leroy Nieman.
Nothing beats seeing the throaty yells of Michael Phelps.
I don’t even watch t.v. to know who’s who in the Olympics. And I won’t watch, because the Olympics are in China, where they torture, maim and kill Christians every day, just because they’re Christian.
Sorry to get political. I just don’t think the U.S. should be there.
The Olympics are on?
The swimmers don’t have armpit hair. They shaved it all off to give them more speed and finesse in the water. Just sayin’.
Is it so wrong that I loooooove Michael Phelps even though he is exactly half my age???
Thanks for the update Bossy! (Glad you were getting some sleep after being declared sane – which I knew – in your John Cusack “visiting” case. Hee, hee)
Back to the Olympics: Ok, anytime I see men playing volleyball, I hear Kenny Loggins singing “Playing with the boys” from “Top Gun” ’nuff said. (Now my question: why can the men wear board shorts and tank tops, and the women have to wear those micro bikinis???)
Michael Phelps – That boy is part fish! And you have to love the shots of his mom they show! So proud of her son!!
Girls Gymnastics – This is the first I have heard of the US dissapointments. See? Bossy has all the late breaking news!
Syncronized DIVING?? What next? Syncronized biking??
Your pictures were much more riveting than what was actually being televised on NBC…besides, the Chinese gymnasts kinda creep me out a wee bit.
these photos are total comedy. ha ha ha.
Thanks for making the Olympics LESS boring.
If only photoshop where an olympic event.
Steph @ 10:39 best comment evah.
Can you share the secrets of your mad computer painting skillz?? What program do you use? (No seriously, I’m such a neophyte).
Can you recap men’s gymnastics too?
Never mind the bathing suits for beach volleyball…I just don’t get the networks showing us seemingly hours of beach volleyball (2 Americans) when they could be showing us TEAMS of American doing much more interesting things. But then again, when the beach volleyball comes on, I can do the dinner dishes, feed the dogs, and take out the garbage. My house would be a wreck otherwise.
Holy cats. Your illustrations are GENIUS.
Thank goodness someone summed that up for me! I’ve been wondering what was going on….oh, wait, no I haven’t.
Love the pics!
Jodi aka soNOTcool made me SNORT. At work. When we have guests in the office. Yeah. Proud.
Bossy, you could sell those as posters. I’d totally buy one, if I were an Olympic athlete. Which I may be in four years, if I can get Synchronized Blogging or Butt-Sitting Biathlon past the IOC.
bossy is an artiste.