Yesterday Bossy drove back to her friend Bobo’s house for another playoff game, but this time it was all pain and suffering. See you next season, Philadelphia Eagles.
I’d like to be able to say I’m sorry, but since I’m an Arizona native and have been a long (really long) suffering Cardinals fan for the past 20 years, I’m pretty excited.
I had a feeling we would be hearing from BodaciousGirl today. Congrats, good luck against the Steelers. Im being a good sport because Im exausted and have nothing left, not even a wise crack.
Sorry about the outcome of the game Bossy – but it looks like you at least had some fun with all the football food. I agree with the first commenter. It could be worse…I live in Cincinnati Bengal territory & I think they only won like 4 games all season… I guess that’s why I follow college football instead. Better luck next season!
Sorry about Bossy’s Eagles. I’m a Cardinal fan, but I have to say, it was an exciting game.
Looks like Bossy had fun with friends family and good food. I’m curious about the seating at Boo’s. How do you score a seat on the couch? Is is first come first serve? Are the folding chairs musical?
It could be worse – you could be living in the home of the *cough*Detroit Lions *snort*.
Now I just feel bad for making fun of you last week.
I’d like to be able to say I’m sorry, but since I’m an Arizona native and have been a long (really long) suffering Cardinals fan for the past 20 years, I’m pretty excited.
I’ve never seen that room in a photo. How did I hang those pictures so straight? Great crowd, Bad ending
Sry sweetie.
Go Cardnials!!
(Hey, gotta root for my hometown boy Kurt Warner. Waterloo representin’!)
But there was no joy in Mudville…
that game just tore my heart out, thank goodness for the Phils!
Whuuu? The Eagle and the Cardinals played in a FOOTBALL game yesterday? And whuuu? The Eagles lost?!?!
Did I miss somehing? Where was I? OH WAIT!…
I WAS AT THAT GAME AND BOOYA! CARDINALS rock! No wonder you wouldn’t bet me… hee hee
sorry your eagles lost, But I am a STEELER fan, and we are quite happy today, although we swore alot during the game.
Unfortunately for Tampa, they are going to have a lot of cardinal feathers and bird poop to clean up after the steelers get done with them.
Get the six pack!!!
I had a feeling we would be hearing from BodaciousGirl today. Congrats, good luck against the Steelers. Im being a good sport because Im exausted and have nothing left, not even a wise crack.
Sorry about the outcome of the game Bossy – but it looks like you at least had some fun with all the football food. I agree with the first commenter. It could be worse…I live in Cincinnati Bengal territory & I think they only won like 4 games all season… I guess that’s why I follow college football instead. Better luck next season!
I don’t pay attention to football as Husband doesn’t watch it. Nonetheless, when I heard on radio that the Eagles had lost, I thought, “poor bossy.”
Dexter, is that FRANK ZAPPA framed among those nice straight photos on the wall?
yes Reeb, Thats frank on the wall. He also has a spot on another wall too
Aww poor Dex! *Insert big RED hug here* if it is any consolation, your Eagles nearly gave me about 26 heart attacks…
I hope that you can all cheer for the red birds in 2 weeks.
Steelers – bah who needs em…
Tho that Mike Tomlin is damn cute….
My brother, the Eagles fan, salutes you.
Bummer on the loss
But fortunately, Bossy’s friend Bobo has stadium seating in his living room!
Sorry about Bossy’s Eagles. I’m a Cardinal fan, but I have to say, it was an exciting game.
Looks like Bossy had fun with friends family and good food. I’m curious about the seating at Boo’s. How do you score a seat on the couch? Is is first come first serve? Are the folding chairs musical?
I feel so much happier now I undestrand all this. Thanks!