Dear Internet,
Please excuse Bossy this snow day. Because Bossy can’t scrape the encrusted ice from her laptop screen, and her keyboard won’t start.
So Bossy is sitting here waiting for AA. Or maybe she means AAA. Because perhaps they can jump-start her post.
Until then, Bossy has updated her Top Five Bossy Posts on the navigation bar under her banner, and hello one person who noticed Bossy even has a navigation bar under her banner. There are all kinds of interesting things up there on the banner, like eeeeeee and oooooooo.
See you when the plows have freed the hard drive.
Love, Bossy
Daddy thinks Bossy needs to suck it up. That little glazed-donut look your compound has is cute, but THIS is snow.
Dear Bossy:
I guess I’m the one person who noticed the navigation bar.
Wouldn’t you rather be waiting for A (as in Alcohol)? It would make waiting for those plows a happy, happy occasion.
Love, Maria
I’m sorry but I have to agree with Daddy. That ain’t nothin’.
We had over a foot of snow on Friday, THAT was some snow.
Guess what work did?
Nothing. It was on all normal like.
I love your little house. It’s so dang cute. But that is a pussy snowstorm. No whining Bossy!
Come to Minnesota and visit! On second thought, it was 40 degrees here one day last weekend and a lot of it melted. Yours is so fresh and new!
Suck it up and make a snow angel… =}
I don’t know where that girl is from MN but we still
have 3 feet of snow where I am in MN and from last
weekend to today it’s a 45 degree difference.
Fracking -10 below.
It might have melted a few inches on Saturday and was able to wear a sweatshirt instead of big jacket.
It looks really nice with all that snow. You’ll think about
it when it’s so hot you want a walk in freezer.
Frozen in MN
Wow~ Bossy is really getting hammered here in the comments section today!
P.S. That is just a tweensy wee bit more than a dusting really…so not an excuse for missing work today! Get to it!
I know how you feel. Winter’s a b**** in Canada. Think summer thoughts, and we’ll see you when your keyboard starts again.
Bossy, don’t feel bad.
Even though I live in Chicago, I grew up in Texas and so any temp. below 50, and any “white stuff” over a inch is like an unholy storm of Death to me.
Make a hot beverage (yes, snow storms entitle you to add whatever “spirits” you like); grab a book; grab your big doggie and snuggle in. And good luck!!
It might be snowing there, but we’ve got Day 1 Billion of below freezing weather here in MN. ARGH. Why do I live here, when there are lovely and warm states like California just SITTING there?
P.S. A lot of Minnesotans read Bossy. Perhaps she should just move here?
I really like the idea of AA — as in Alcoholics Alltogether — helping to jumpstart, well, just about anything. I’m using that…
The pictures look so cold…..yet the post still warms my heart!
(Oh, and I live in LA, so if you ask me I don’t know what all these people are talking about and it looks like STORM OF THE CENTURY to me and I think you’d better get underground. In some kinda, you know, snow bunker or whatever. So you don’t freeze to death and die. Just in case. Safety first. Brrrr.)
There had to be a reason why we endure the semi-tropical summers where we live. You have posted excellent pictures of that reason.
I love that second photo!
Now, I would like a snow day, please!
I hate winter with unwavering passion, no matter how cute you make it look.
I used to live in places where winter looked like that, and then I moved to San Francisco. Less shoveling, less layering, and rain boots are way cuter than snow boots. But we do sometimes need to drink our way through the summers.
Cute house. Great photo. Nice place to sip (sip?) boozy hot chocolate.
I love your Top Five feature! The updated version HAD to have the Tug McGraw story. That is the best post ever.
The terra-cotta shutters look lovely, shining out through all that white. We’ve got 55 degrees today along the Puget Sound. How nice for us.
#1DaddyScratch, I hope I never have to live anyplace that roof rakes are required. Tried to comment on your site but blah blah Java something blah blah warning screen came up blah blah but I can comment on Bossy’s blog. I liked the snow nestled in the little swings.
Le sigh. I saw snow falling in 2002, but it didn’t stick.
It will be 66 today, quite a drop from Saturday’s 74. I’m hunkered down with my space heater. Pray for me.
It looks so pretty as a picture on your blog.
We’ve had snow on the ground continuously since, um, I can’t remember when here in Chicago. My poor short legged basset hounds are having one hell of a time trying to do their business. They’ve almost given up, and they just pee in the middle of the sidewalk now.
I put up some pictures, it was 72 yesterday, due for more sunshine today but cooling and rain over the weekend. No white stuff though. (nya nya)
Bossy’s commenters make me very happy that I was too busy* to post my snow pics last month. Think of their wrath had they seen my shots of #1 kiddo playing in 0.001 inches of fluffy goodness. I would have been strung up by my toes for cheering over snow. I will save myself a beating & not tell you how pretty I think your snow covered house is & how jealous I am that I am not there drinking spiffed up coffee with you. (I assume there is a bit of baileys added by the 4th cup, correct?)
* Busy = being sliced in half in order to give birth to a person
Found your blog through PW, too cute! Enjoy your snow day.
My advice is hold up in the house with vodka and cranberry juice (needed for warmth) and pray that the mailman can still get through with your Netflix subscription.
There’s nothing better than a beautiful blue sky morning and fresh snow, Miss Bossy… and kudos for not messing up the pristine snow on the sidewalk to take the picture!
P.S. The crocuses are blooming today in Oregon!
I’m always so happy to see that Bossy’s house is the size of MY house.
Oh, and, we’re poor too.
Remember to stay away from the yellow snow. Boy that snow sure looks pretty.
How do you manage to take the most perfect pictures of anything with snow on it? And the one before this…the birdhouse. I would totally frame that and hang it in my house if you let me. Seriously, I think I love that picture!
Is that your house –that ever so cute white house, matching the snow, with red(or are they orangeish??) shutters so you can find it in the snow?? love that house
Hardy, harr har and a happy b-day no snow day to you!
Hardy, harr har and a happy bday no snow day to you!
Bossy, how does Stella feel about the snow?
Uh- are you sure your house isn’t actually MY house? Holy crap, that’s weird. Go here, you’ll see what I mean.
We’ve had snow since December. Somebody tried to tell me today how pretty the snow it. But I said no it doesn’t.
Snow sucks.
I know you think your house is small, and maybe it is by today’s overdone standards…BUT it is way, way cute.
Your house so rules. I totally want to live there.
What was that address of yours again? OK, maybe not YOUR house but a different one, next door or down the block. Totally.
I love my current city so much because unlike my hometown winter ends before March, and the snow ends (usually) five minutes after it begins. Brilliant!
Wot, no autostitched pic of your garden? Tch tch. Although that is one pretty wide angle you’ve got there.
I’ve come out of my lurking to say– ADORABLE house!!! I love the red door and I want to move it.
Even though I want to slit my wrists just a little because of all the snow and ice around it. —I am seriously hating this cold midwestern winter right about now. 
At least Bossy has a well-insulated house. Just look at that roof!!!
I FEEL your pain Bossy. We were in Philly til yesterday morning and woke up to that crapola. We had to use a hotel washcloth to clean off the car. Then I got a on plane and came home to AZ! By the way, I also am from MN, but I woke up one day and said :enough is enough”
We’re closing in on 180 inches here. That’s not a typo. It’s like living in The Shining, but without the interesting spooky parts.
Le Sigh, snow. It looks so cute from this distance.
Why cant I get snow like that?
I love the House of Bossy-so pretty! Love the porch especially