Nominated for seven Oscars, this 1944 black and white classic stars Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, and Edward G. Robinson.
The movie opens as Walter (Fred MacMurray) dictates a confession to his boss, Keyes (Edward G. Robinson). Walter, an insurance agent, begins the story on the day he makes a house call regarding an automobile policy and is greeted by the client’s wife, Phyllis (Barbara Stanwyck).
Walter watches as the hypnotically beautiful Phyllis descends a staircase:
Seducing Walter with her purposeful glance, Phyllis says she gets all jittery thinking about her husband’s welfare and the fact he has no life insurance. She asks, “Is there a way to get an insurance policy on my husband’s life without him knowing about it?”
At first Walter plays along, but then, sitting opposite Phyllis, he challenges her, “You want to knock him off, don’t you?” Phyllis rebukes Walter with her response, “I think you’re rotten.”
Later that night Walter is in his apartment mulling their chance meeting when his doorbell rings. He knows immediately it’s Phyllis. She’s come to tell him he’s wrong about her, because she doesn’t want to kill her husband. She then goes on to explain why she wants to kill her husband.
But Walter warns Phyllis she’ll never get away with it because insurance claims are scrutinized by men who know more tricks than a carload of monkeys. He tells her a bad setup is like a slice of rare roast beef to a Claim Man.
Walter clutches Phyllis and explains he doesn’t want her to hang, which is why he’s going to provide a plan no Claim Man will ever catch. They will conspire to get Phyllis’ husband to sign a life insurance application, and then Phyllis will see to it her husband takes the train to his next conference because certain accidental deaths pay double the policy amount — Double Indemnity. Because Phyllis’ husband is about to fall off the back of a train.
And then they kiss.
One night soon after, Phyllis and her husband prepare for Walter’s arrival:
Walter is coming to collect the husband’s signature on an automobile insurance policy, but in the meantime Walter slips him the blank life insurance application:
As the husband applies his drunken scrawl, guess who stands in the back of the frame licking her chops?
But Phyllis isn’t the only witness in the front parlor that night. Seated in the rear corner is Lola, the husband’s grown daughter by his previous wife, who died of an illness years prior:
With the husband’s signature in place, Walter departs with a spring in his step. Except guess who is waiting for Walter in the dark car?
Days pass and the plan takes shape. Walter and Phyllis meet in the food market to exchange information so as not to be seen together.
Meanwhile, one day at the insurance office, Walter’s boss, Keyes, asks Walter if he’d like to stop making sales calls and instead become a Claim Man.
But Walter says no thanks to a desk job, because he wants to stick with sales.
Finally it’s the night Walter and Phyllis have planned for: the husband’s business trip. Phyllis offers her husband a ride to the train station, and he hobbles to the car with a cast and crutches due to an accident earlier in the week. He settles into the passenger side of the car. Unbeknownst to the husband, there’s someone hiding in the back seat.
And before you know it, Phyllis has veered off the route, down a dark street.
Then Walter dresses like the husband and fashions a pretend cast. Phyllis drops Walter off at the train station as conspicuously as possible in order to gather witnesses. Walter limps his way down the length of the train on the husband’s crutches until he reaches the last car, the Observation Deck, which is open to the night.
Walter is annoyed to discover a fellow passenger already enjoying the Observation Deck, so he devises a scheme and sends the man to a distant car for Walter’s cigars. And then Walter jumps.
But Walter isn’t hurt, and in fact lands on the predetermined spot to rendezvous with Phyllis and the dead body in her trunk. Walter drags the husband’s body to the train tracks so it looks as though he fell.
With mission accomplished, Walter and Phyllis return to their separate lives so they don’t arouse suspicion. The police conclude that Phyllis’ husband got tangled in his own crutches and fell off the train. It looks as though everything is in place, and yet a fear grips Walter, who suddenly feels as if everything will go wrong. He walks down the street but he can’t hear his own footsteps.
Days pass without issue and confidence grows, and one night Phyllis calls Walter from the pay phone in the corner drugstore.
Walter agrees to accept Phyllis’ company and readies himself for the visit when suddenly there is someone else at his door. It’s Keyes, his boss, and Keyes has a sudden hunch about Phyllis’ husband. He thinks falling off the train was no accident, and he has a hunch Phyllis didn’t act alone.
But meanwhile, guess who has arrived from the corner drugstore and is listening behind Walter’s apartment door?
After Keyes departs, Phyllis slips into Walter’s apartment where they discuss the need to proceed more cautiously.
A few days later, the husband’s grown daughter Lola visits Walter in his office and tells him a few things about Phyllis. First of all, before marrying her dad, Phyllis was her mother’s nurse and was responsible for her death. And second, Bossy can’t remember because long movie.
Walter decides to take Lola out for a drive and dinner so she doesn’t tell anyone else Phyllis killed her mother.
A few days later, Walter and Phyllis once again meet accidentally on purpose in the aisle of the grocery store to discuss the fact that the insurance office has rejected Phyllis’ claim and investigators are growing closer to the truth.
With growing sympathy for Lola, Walter allows his anger toward Phyllis to surface. He sees clearly he was used, not for love but for logistics. He tells Lola he wants off the trolley whose last stop is the cemetery.
A few days later, Walter takes Lola out for another drive. They end up sitting on the grass, talking, above the Hollywood Bowl:
And it’s here Lola confides to Walter that her boyfriend has been visiting Phyllis every day, and she suspects him of being Phyllis’ accomplice in her father’s murder.
A few days later, the insurance office confirms the same suspicion. Walter sees a chance to frame Lola’s boyfriend, and he decides to pay Phyllis a visit. A gun-packing visit.
Walter tells Phyllis he’s been nothing but a sucker, and he’s come to say goodbye. His plan is to kill Phyllis and frame Lola’s boyfriend. “We’re both rotten,” Walter says. “Only you’re a little more rotten.”
As Walter moves across the room to close a window, Phyllis fingers a hidden gun. Suddenly a gunshot. Followed by a kiss, followed by another gunshot.
Will Phyllis live to kill again? Will Walter die or go on to star in My Three Sons which is arguably the same as dying?
Thank you so much for this. I am currently studying to take the state insurance exam, and now I know feel confident I’m going to remember the ins and outs of Double Indemnity clauses. Now all I need is for someone to make a movie called “Long Term Care Provisions and Riders” and for you to re-enact it, and I’ll ace the exam for sure.
Wonderfully done, an Oscar for set decoration, costumes and editing! Go Bossy!
P.S. (Is this how it ends? I’ve never seen it)
Seriously, that was Brilliant!
i found this to be incredibly entertaining…all the while, imagining bossy positioning barbie(s) and crouching for photos. bravo!!
Brilliant, as per. A little early in the year, though — those Academy voters always go for the END-of-year pieces. We’ll have to send out extra dvds.
Enthralling, Bossy! Though I was admittedly thrown to see Mary Kate married to Ashley.
Bravo, Ms. Bossy, Bravo.
Although I liked My Three Sons.
I was gonna say how creepy Phyllis and her Husband look! but now I know it’s because they are the Twins!!!
Seriously, how much time do you have to devote to this kind of project, and do you laugh yourself silly as you go through it???
Cracks me up
OK, way, way, way too funny!!!
And does your family ever accuse you of having too much time on your hands? Like at dinner time maybe? Just wondering.
HTG, you are brilliant!
Um, is it my imagination, or were those Olsen Twin dolls? Scary! But the whole thing is brilliant!
But wait! How does it end???? Oh, the suspense is KILLING ME. Also? I think that was the best role the Olsen twins will ever have. Perhaps Bossy should be their new agent?
Take enough pictures repositioning the dolls and you can animate the story. And add voiceover. And music.
Come on, you know you want to.
There are days I feel like I need to carry my head around with kitchen twine. This was hilarious!
Start writing your acceptance speech now.
BTW, were those MARY KATE AND ASHLEY DOLLS? If so, I’m so sorry.
This is why Bossy is a bazillion times better than that boring old Dooce.
Oh my. Bossy, you just plain rock. Down with Prop 8, indeed.
The head on the kitchen twine-had me in tears!! Loved it!
I am so concerned for your sanity.
Bossy wins the Oscar for Best Adaptation of a Screenplay.
As soon as you said Fred MacMurray, I wondered if you had enough Barbies to play Robbie, Chip, Ernie and Uncle Charley in their cameo appearances.
I’m scarred. Hold me.
Also? Genius!
Well done. applause, applause, applause.
They need to add a new category for the Academy Awards–best movie recap in a blog post.
Phyllis is looking a lot like Cameron Diaz here to me.
Do you crack yourself up sometimes? That was great! Was alcohol involved?
Is this available on Netflix or DVD at our local stores?
I love all your Barbie sagas.
Your Barbies have very intriguing dark pasts don’t they?
OMG. Brill.
Also, I never know whether to be all, “That was so much better than having to see the movie” or whether to be more like, “ADD TO NETFLIX QUEUE KTHANX.”
This edition of Barbie Theatre spoke to me: one of my friends calls me “Keyes” after Walter’s boss, on accounta I have this little person inside me who tells “something’s just not right–the story don’t add up.”
Also, the train tracks win for best improvised set design.
love it. love it. LOVE it! I now have to go rent that movie and see how it ends. The drama! The suspense!!
This is one of my favorite Barbara Stanwyck movies.
Gold star for narration, Bossy.
Love the Christmas lights on the observation deck.
And I *love* Double Indemnity, the quick back-and-forth dialogue, the DRAMA. Though I felt a little oogly being attracted to Steve Douglas, what with the father-figure and all.
The head-on-twine pretty much took care of that for me.
Bossy has entirely too much time on her hands or maybe had a leetttllleee much alcohol.
Mary Kate and Ashley in black and white is just so Film Noir!
I admire Walter’s strength to get past his handicap of a severed head and learn to love.
Dirty confession: I kind of have a crush on Walter.
Why: I’m guessing his vocal chords were cut during the beheading so he probably doesn’t argue back, he stays where you put him, and if you look down his throat it looks like there’s a penis sticking out of it. Down with Prop 8, indeed.
You so totally suck. LMAO…. you better post the ending tomorrow.
man, you’ve got a lot of time on your hands… 😉
Linda says it appears that Bossy has just a bit too much time on her hands!
OMG, if I had known ahead of time, I would have had a bucket of popcorn for lunch instead of a salad. Bravo!
PS …perhaps a heads up (off) next time so we can pack the appropriate movie food.
So, bossy, have a lot of work goin’ on today?
oh my god, I think I just lost a major organ from LAUGHING SO HARD.
Ack! For those of use who have not seen the real thing, your ending the five-hour Barbie version without a clear ending is TORTURE. (Also, the tying on of the head is perfection.)
I for one am glad Bossy takes/makes time to produce this kind of entertainment for us. Loved it!!
So the only question is…who will you wear to the Oscars next year?
totally awesomely brilliant.
but let’s face it, you have WAY too much free time.
I have seen this movie so many times and I never before realized that Lola? Bit of a ho.
More Barbie Theater! More Barbie Theater!
Also, down with prop 8!
do you think BOSSY would do the bourne ultimatum next? because oy, i’ve seen it four times and still don’t understand it. but that movie that you just did? totally get it.
Oh, but where are the tampons?
Dear God, the work that went into that. I am exhausted just thinking about it.
And I think I understand the use of the Olsen Twin dolls. Because if you HAVE to have them in your bloody home, for Heaven’s sake, you might as well defile them. Just sayin.
Walter needs to have his head handed to him on a silver platter. Film noir.
During the staging of the Hollywood bowl/ball scene, did your neighbor watch and worry yet again?
Remind me again why Ken’s – I mean Walter’s – head can’t be crammed back on? Most amusing but ew. Double ew in the car scene just as Walter kills Husband and there’s — what is that?? — a chicken neck sticking out of Walter’s neck? Or, um??? Oh wait, while I was reading, Cheri#37 got right to the point of that neck issue.
I just love black and white movies. Thanks tons, Bossy!
LOL @ at the Chicken n Rice scene~
Seriously, you are a genius Bossy! I love Barbie theatre – I am still laughing…
Terrific and brilliant – and I don’t even have words for how wrong and wonderfully perfect this is all at the same time. And being a new reader I snarfled my tea when I saw someone comment along the lines of “all your Barbie theater posts are great”. There are more?! I am so not getting anything else done today!
But, how does it end?! Please don’t make me watch the movie because it will pale in comparison to this.
It’s a good thing Walter’s head fell off. Otherwise he’d be too tall for Mary Kate. I mean Ashley. I mean Phyllis.
I love this movie though I never realized how much Barbara Stanwyck looks like an Olsen twin. Oh and Lola? A SLUT obviously, I mean, she’s topless through the whole thing after all.
Oh, GOD! How does it end???
Guess this means your daughter doesn’t play with these dolls anymore…
I think Lola works here in Vegas, she’s dressed for the part.
Thanks, I love your reinactments.
Did Bossy watch this movie last week when Cheri did? Only I could not remember the name of the damn movie. And the ending is not that exciting…I like your ending better. Thanks for the laugh before I go to work. 🙂
That 5 minutes of reading was WAAAYYYY more entertaining than Sunday’s 3.5 hours of Oscar doldrums.
Luckily it’s breakfast time down here and I got to enjoy that over my cereal (not quite popcorn, but good enough!). I had no idea I was in for a feature-length film…
I have no idea about the real movie, but this version ROCKS! I admit I did get a little stuck on the Chicken with Rice in Bossy’s pantry… is that leftover from yesterday’s post?
I want to know how LONG that took you?
Just reviewed all the sets — like the observation deck particularly. And of course the grocery stores. Did you typecast Lola to be such a skank?
Still amazed.
I heart Barbie Theatre, thanks for making me laugh.
I thought the Phyllis and her husband dolls looked like BOSSY DOLLS (with straightened hair). THAT, I would pay to own.
wow, I really enjoyed that story. Thanks.
LMAO!!!! I’ve gotten rid of dd’s Barbies and Bratz so I don’t have chance to do a remake of Star Wars or something… 😉
Once again, bossy is a family blog. The whole family gathered round to read this edition. Together time. bossy time. We laughed. We cried. We said:
“How can we copy bossy?” AND “I never DID like the Olson twins…but you gotta feel bad about the one that got murdered….”
Seriously? Head tied to arm? Hilarious. Time Magazine really missed the boat. Obviously, they have never seen your Barbie Theater. Brava!!
you cant go wrong with topless Barbies in sports cars
OMG! Brilliant. You deserve your own academy award for best bastardized adaptation of a screenplay. Oh, and for staging too. Definitely the staging. Loved it. WHen’s the next movie start?
Barbie Theater is always my favorite Bossy:). I love that your Ken doll’s head comes off. I used to actually pop my Ken’s head off by pushing my thumb under his chin and aiming it at someone/something. Good times… Sadly, real men don’t work that way:).
I love that I can come here and get my culture fix, rather than having to spend time watching those darn movies. It’s quite a service you offer!
Madness hearts Barbie Theatre .. even if you did go and give MaryKate and Ashley way more face time than even they deserve.
Well done, as always, Bossy.
My favorite scene was where Walter was talking on the phone, but his head was between his ankles. Such creative license!
Walter really lost his head over Phyllis didn’t he?
And Lola is really skanky! Puts some clothes on girl!
Oh. My. Gah. I cannot breathe from laughing so hard while not making any noise because I am at work. Ken’s head. The Olsen twins. Nekkid brunette Barbie. This has got to be one of the best posts EVER!
I’ll bet Bossy’s daughter helped? Seems like the perfect Mother/Daughter activity and what with daughter being in the theater biz and all. I had to go back to look at the Olsen Twins.. just thought they were some ugly Skipper dolls. VERY FUNNY post… still chuckling.
I’m inspired. I’m buying Chicken and Rice TODAY!
to say you have too much time on your hands is an understatment, has poverty drove you to playing with
Barbies for free.
Just think if you put these powers to something that gains monetary value….
Okay, at first, it was hard to get past The Olsen Twins. And then I totally got into the story. And now I am disappointed that you left it hanging like that…because, long movie.
This shows a lot of … determination.
Also, Lola’s boob job looks totally fake.
Mary Kate and Ashley did their best acting ever here! Fantastic.
I thought your barbie looked funny. I feel so ashamed that I did not recognize the Olsen Twins, esp since several of my daughters thought they were the best thing since sliced bread. Great job Bossy!
Brava! Brava!
And for those wondering who Bossy will be wearing to Oscar’s (the one who lives in the trash can, that is) next year, why it will be Mary Kate and Ashley, of course! Actresses, designers, and now, Barbie Theater alumnae.
Well I finally figured it out. Call me a tard. The ending is at the beginning.
I’m sure it’s been said but I must quip it too:
that Walter, he gives good head
A tangled web of intrigue and deceit. How odd that Phyllis and her husband look like Mary Kate and/or Ashley. Coincidence? I think not.
Isn’t it illegal to marry a relative? Especially your twin!
I love the way Walter carries his head around!
FYI, Doouble Indemnity Wikipedia gives two endings. Take your pick.
Double, double. The awesomeness of Bossy Theater (Theatre?) has effected (affected?) my spelling.
BOSSY, thank you! I have never seen this movie and now I don’t have to! Please continue Barbie Theater so I can develop my woefully lacking classic movie knowledge.
There is not a better actress than Barbara Stanwyck to play a role in Barbie theater. I think Barbie/Barbara Stanwyck “Big Valley” has potential. The Ken doll could easily be Lee Majors.
This is better than Masterpiece Theater. Have you ever read that disturbing children’s book The Lonely Doll by Dare Wright? Similar shades of creeepiness.
Brilliant! I especially love the way Walter’s head seemed tethered at his crotch.
This all makes me want to go watch “Body Heat” again — the sexier, steamier remake of Double Indemnity, with Kathleen Turner. You MUST see it, if you haven’t.
Also, Olsen dolls! Ack!
Double Indemnity is one of my top ten. You have made it even bettter-er. Ignore those philistines who:
a) say you have too much time on your hands. Nonsense! This is art, not some decoupage project.
b) want to know what happened at the end. Yep, special needs., all of them.
I am in, ummm…is awe to fawning? Well, bossy, too bad. I’m in awe!
BOSSYYYYY!! YOU my god..answered my barbie theatre prayers!! I fall down and worship thee!!!
I always pay full price to see Barbie Theatre first-run instead of having to rent it from the library because I’m a broke graduate student. Top notch work Bossy!
Glad to see there are still acting gigs for those Olsen twins but how in the hellllll are the dolls still getting skinnier?
Are you not feeding them, Bossy?
so what i’m wondering through all of this is why is ken’s head tied to his arm and not on the top of his body where it belongs?
Left me breathless. Gawd.
Great but what happend in the end?Kind of funny.