Many of you have emailed, expressing curiosity over Bossy’s skin care routine, where many of you equals someone, once, and the poor dear was myopic. Bossy will now tell you everything she knows about skin care, which could fill a book! A razor thin book the size of a gum wrapper.
Let’s begin with a look at Bossy without any makeup:
The first thing Bossy does every morning is grab a clean washcloth, which she dunks under the hottest water possible, wrings out, and allows the steam to do the rest:
Bossy believes in clean white washcloths, like she believes in clean white pillowcases and clean white rooms devoid of everything but a platform bed, hot coffee, and an ocean view. This is because colored washcloths and pillowcases have too much dye and are potentially irritating to the face and Bossy is totally making this up as she goes along because for all she knows white is a colored dye too.
The next thing Bossy does is apply this moisturizer.
And then, if Bossy is going outside, she applies whatever sunblock she found on sale:
Speaking of the sun and the face, Bossy believes in shade like she believes in white rooms devoid of everything but a plank desk, two sawhorses, a laptop, and a pendant lamp. Just ask Bossy’s friends Martha and Amy who roll their eyes when Bossy not only rents one large canvas beach umbrella but two so she can overlap them because as it turns out Bossy doesn’t just believe in shade she believes in deep shade.
As an alternative to classic sunblock, Bossy applies this tinted moisturizer which contains it’s own SPF 20. Bossy uses only the smallest amount of this tinted moisturizer because Bossy believes in thrift like she believes in white rooms devoid of everything but a Viking stove, a long deep countertop, and an open shelf containing one wooden bowl and spoon.
The trick to stretching this small blob of tinted moisturizer is this:
Bossy believes in the makeup sponge like she believes in white rooms devoid of everything but a porcelain basin sink and a stone floor. Bossy simply runs the end of this makeup sponge under the faucet and wrings the excess water out. The damp sponge helps to thin out the moisturizer and provides a light-handed application.
When Bossy needs to call in the big guns — as a random example when she has been up too late in a pub listening to an Irish band play Wild Rover — Bossy will instead use a classic foundation, applied with the same makeup sponge that was all the rage last paragraph:
These aren’t the cheapest products in the drugstore aisle, but Bossy sticks with what works and uses them so sparingly it evens out over time, where evens out equals do you think anyone will notice if Bossy goes back to bed in her room which isn’t white or spare?
At night, Bossy repeats the whole steaming washcloth scene. She doesn’t use a makeup remover or wash her face with soap, she simply applies and reapplies the washcloth until it is dark with the day’s lipstick and mascara and hi have you met Bossy the lazy bum?
Before going to bed, Bossy will dot this around the eye area. And once a week she’ll use this.
And Bossy’s final bit of skincare advice: keep hands off the face. Your hands and other peoples. People’s. Peoples’. Does anyone know a good hangover cure for too much Wild Rover?
Yes. It’s called Guinness. Sometimes it’s the only way.
A baby that’s been trained to go to the store and pick up that bacon, egg, and cheese sounds awfully great right about now, eh?
You’re the bravest girl I know.
Sort-of know.
Sunlight and More Wild Rover…
Have you every thought of a foundation brush instead of a sponge? I know it means spending a little money but a brush is actually much more efficient than the sponge so your products would last longer. That’s my rationale anyway.
No! Nay! Never!
Gotta tell you, those new mineral powders my daughter and all her friends are using are pretty amazing. Just saying.
I’m guessing more Wild Rover.
That sounds dirty enough to require its own white washcloth.
Sounds like you need the hair of the dog that bit you. One pint (and it will go down like broken glass) should do it. You’ll be amazed.
A good sweaty workout or the hair o’ the dog. I know which one I’d pick.
cure for a hangover: a white room devoid of anything by a cream colored sofa and a good pair of ski socks.
A hair of the dog that bit you, perhaps.
Also, lots of water and high colesterol food (eggs, cheese, etc.) will absorb the alcohol and flush it out of your system.
But what I REALLY want to know is how do you feel about white rooms that are devoid of things?
The answer is NOT corned beef and cabbage. Fair warning.
I can tell your kids are much older than my son since you can even contemplate white anything!!
My skin regime has been showers in the morning with a plain unscented soap and then Oil of Olay since I was about 30. since i don’t bother with makeup much at all, my skin is still pretty good for an old dame of 51….
Hangover cures – lots of water and go back to bed!
You have the prettiest blue eyes.
Thanks for the Skin Care Regime info.
Hey bossy, I’m with ya on the shade, during the summer the gals in my office compare their tan’s from the week-end with my original White Girl, sunblock 500,legs whoohoo!
I would never post a photo of my face online… let alone a close up of me in early make up stages. You are a brave woman!!!!
Bossy, hot water is BAD. It dries out your skin and causes wrinkles!!! Tepid is better.
A double dose of Dubliners should do the trick!
My dermatologist would be proud of you and your deep shade orientation. He did a baseline check on me recently; found freckles “from sun!” not only on check and stomach but also on, umm, sides of breasts. “Naked sunbathing, huh?” Ya can’t fool a dermatologist.
Greasy food, it’s my favorite hangover cure. Oprah swears by eggs.
The cure? Chicken fried steak with cream gravy and Texas toast. I swear. Drank way too much in grad school at the end of a semester and to leave at 4 am for a flight from the EC to Houston. Got in at breakfast time and had a wonderful Texas breakfast of those items. Felt like new.
Black pudding & Seven Drunken Nights oughtta make it better.
I’ve got an age spot, too : (. I call it “John Boy”. On of these days I’m going to get that sucker lasered off.
Joie: I agree. I went to a brush several years ago – and have never looked back. I can use the smallest amount of foundation now.
Bossy – I use Lush’s handmade face washes (but they’re not too much $$ and last for-evah). But otherwise, we have similar routines! Except – i usually just use some coverup in blotchy areas and skip the foundation all together.
I don’t believe in white rooms.
I do not know a good hangover cure. I do, however, pine for a skin-type that would allow me to cleanse my skin with a hot washcloth only. Seriously?
Man, I envy you. My skincare regimen now involves newly acquired topical zit medications, because, yes, I’m 33 and STILL BREAKING OUT, damn it.
Oh no. Weirdness is a *dermatological* condition too? I see the need for a face transplant in my future.
It’s far too late for preventive treatments or remedies.
I am always going back to Cetaphil to wash my face – I try others and this just works best for sensitive skin. Its gentle, and cheap and it takes off make-up, lipstick, and especially mascara without a lot of scalding and rubbing, and did I mention that it was cheap? In case you wanted to try something new.
My hangover cure/process generally goes like this…water (doesn’t work, back to bed)…a pepsi…(slight improvement, back to bed)…pasta carbonara and a bloody mary (feel good until vodka wears off, back to bed)…finally suck it up around 4:00 p.m. and have a glass of wine (feel better, start again)….Love your writing, it just cracks me up!
Yeah, good one Bossy – try showing us all the worst angles and you with no make up in bright morning light. You’re still gorgeous, as all your other photographs testify. I call those *searing* blue eyes.
I’m pretty sure that the secret to good skin is to be the product of at least one person with good skin and dominant genes. Thanks Mom!
Hangover remedies vary according to circumstance, but in this case, it goes like this:
Wild Rover, Wild Rover, send more beer right over.
(Or wine, as the case may or may not be.)
Bossy-you are my idol. I only drop both kids off at school without makeup with ugly hair.!
1.Wash Face
2.Apply moisturizer
3.Drink Beer (1-2)
I have turned 35 and just paid for skin cream from the Derm Doc (sorry poverty party, Mama needed a treat) This stuff burns like hell but I already look and feel younger. Yay! (?)
I tend to buy lots of products with good intentions, use them for a week or so, and then forget about it.
My secret? Cetaphil.
so now i wanna know how you get all the makeup and mascara off your beautiful white wash cloths? i’m always battling this but rarely win.
p.s. mine aren’t white otherwise i’d bleach the snot out of them.
Hangover Cure: More Wild Rover
“Oh I’ve been a wild rover for many’s the year
And I’ve spent all me money on whiskey and beer.
But now I’m retournin’, with gold in great store
And it’s never I’ll play the wild rover no more.
Cuz it’s no, nay never (take off your shirt)
No nay never no more
Will I play the wild rover.
No never no more.”
Alternate Hangover Cure: Black Velvet Band
“As I was walkin’ down Broadway
Not intendin’ to stay very long
I met with this frolicksome damsel
As she came tripping along.
A watch she took out of her pocket
And slip’t it right into me hand.
From the very first day that I met her
Bad luck to her black velvet band.
Her eyes they shone like diamonds
I thought her the queen of the land.
With her hair hung over her shoulder
Tied up with a black velvet band.”
I have more.
thank you Bossy!! i am greatly heartened that you use so little of the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer – i’ve been using, umm, too much and i look like a corpse. And thank you so much for sharing the routine, I’ve wanted to know for so long!
Lord girl… you crack me up!!!
I would love to have the intestinal fortitude to do CLOSE-UPS of my NAKED FACE… but then I realise that the world (and especially this particular inhabitant of the world) is just not ready for that.
Steaming washcloth sounds like the go to me!

Two things:
1. I’m right there with #37. How do you get your plush white washcloths all mascara-free?? (And how do you manage to have a fresh, clean one DAILY? Empty white rooms with nothing but stacks and stacks of fluffy white washcloths??)
2. I finally understand how you manage to make those products last as long as you do….you never actually take them completely off! Over the years you have cumulatively developed a protective layer of rich creams and sunblock. DON’T USE SOAP OR SCRUB, BOSSY! If that layer is removed? Well,…you’ll look just like the rest of us.
I am a little ashamed to admit that your face care routine is way more complicated than mine!! I just don’t. Every once in a while, I will buy product and make a plan to be good to my face, but end up back in my old non-routine in no time.
I second the “no hot water–lukewarm is better” sentiment. I started washing my face in jojoba & castor oil and it has made my skin more supple and less shiny/greasy (believe it or not). The jojoba oil removes my makeup and moisturizes, and the castor oil draws out the dirt and calms down inflammation (i.e., acne). Then i place a warm rag over my face with the oils until it cools, and put on some ROC and I’m done.
DAMMIT, now I actually have to step foot in a Sephora and get some of that tinted moisturizer, and even worse, since the Web site didn’t have “for redheads with red blotchy skin they don’t take care of” I’m actually going to have to talk to one of their “specialists” and hope I don’t end up leaving with $5,000 of “product” and looking like a geisha.
Thanks a bunch Bossy. I just went online and spent $110.00 on the hair products Jennifer Aniston uses. I damn well better have JA hair this week. What was I thinking? :):):)
I recently discovered the use of makeup to hide….. well to hide so many things. Here’s my two sense – buy a brush to smear the make up on. It feels really good, blends well and it washes much easier than a sponge.
Try combining a hangover and pink eye. Then get back to me with your beauty secret.
You are so funny and smart keep your face out of the sun and moisturized and you’ll good for a long time.
Dorothy from grammology
but really.. all I can see are those blue eyes.
I wish I’d listened to my grandmother when she told me to get my ass out of the sun and into the shade. I’ve now invested enough into Oil of Delay that I should probably sit on their board!
And hot wash clothes? Hmmmm, I’m gonna have to try that.
White washcloth die? So *that’s* what’s causing my breakouts.
I agree with Bossy:-) I believe in moisturizer and sunscreen, I believe in shades, I also believe in regular skin care.
Last of all I advise all of you to take care of your body and your skin.
If I owned an expensive bike that had high-quality components, I wouldnt treat it as disposable either, Gerry! But Cdn$140 is the MOST Ive spent on a bike in decades (maybe ever!), so it wouldnt be very rational to spend a ton of money replacing parts. And Im still pi$$ed about the time I wasted replacing the salt-rusted and worn chain on one of my first department-store bikes, only to find that the high gears skipped (and the time it took me to figure out why).