Sister Mercy, it’s school spirit fundraising time in Bossy’s neighborhood. When Bossy was growing up, school spirit was shown by not slathering the hallways with graffiti. That day.
It should come as a surprise to exactly no one that Bossy would only agree to the $15 shorts, purchased in a size Bossy’s daughter will be able to wear through her first pregnancy.
and hopefully without any words across the butt of the shorts.
I heartily support Bossy’s decision to not spring an extra five bucks for Pawprints on the Tush! Oy.
Sounds like Bossy might be able to share the ware as well.
My daughter’s school sells diner-style coffee mugs. We use them every day.
Things with things printed on the butt = EPIC FAIL. And not very parochial, you know?
I thought they only sold this stuff in ASB. What is awesome is the 3 dollar delivery fee to your house. You know, just in case your kid never goes back to school to pick it up from there.
School spirit rocks, but I would have picked from the $15 items too. Although, I am not so sure I am as “anti-things-printed-on-the-back-of-shorts/sweats” as the others.
Oh, yes – I know this form well. I agreed to the plaid flannel “jammy pants” and told her, “Just roll the waistband down a few time…they’ll fit!”
My bet is that the girl’s shorts are maybe ten inches,at best, from waist to the bottom of the leg, whereas the boy’s version is at least two feet in length.
What? No School Spirit Pajama Pants on that list?
Wrote a check this morning to the school for $25 for drive-thru fund-raising burritos. And I will be wearing those burritos where I should be wearing cheer shorts. RAH RAH RAH.
I was soo proud of myself for scraping together enough cash to buy my son a school sweatshirt — only to discover that the size I purchased will barely fit him through the end of this school year, not another year or so like I’d hoped. I’m with ya, Bossy.
I’m sitting at the computer this morning wearing sweats from my son’s high school and a hoodie from my daughter’s…a good investment…
You are nicer than me.
Take this and put it together with today’s recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics that toddlers up to at least age 2 should sit facing the rear of the car and I think I’ll stop at the one I already have.
Say no to school fundraisers!!! – Just write a check and be done with it!!
School fundraisers are so 1992.
We need new ideas. Do they sell tagging materials to other schools?
Bossy, you crack me up: “…through her first pregnancy.” BWAH!
I especially enjoyed buying spiritwear for my 5th grade son this year, knowing full well that even if it does still fit him in September, he will be SO OVER IT because he will be advancing to middle school. Sigh.
Honestly, the first thing I thought to justify those pricey shorts was well at least those school activities will statistically discourage that first pregnancy from coming with in the next decade….
I”m so out of it. I thought this was a “donate $$ so some poor sad cheerleader will have shorts to lead her school to victory in, instead of only her thong” concept. “If you don’t buy that jacket, some long distance runner won’t have anything to break wind in!” is how my clueless brain took it.
This is what they do these days in lieu of selling donuts or wrapping paper or magazines I don’t care about? And they sell them to the poor parents who are already having to cough up money$ for pajama bottoms and shoes and replacing dog-bit lips?