Bossy and her daughter went to a mall briefly when Bossy was looking for a cheap feather boa for her Marilyn Merlot dress, and about that? How come cheap boas and their shedding feathers are always around when you don’t need them, but never when you do?
Anyway, at the mall, Bossy’s daughter spied this green headband and was all, “It’s only $3.00, please please,” and Bossy was all, “Didn’t you bring your own money? Because Bossy needs that $3.00 to pay for more important hair accessories, like wine.”
And so Bossy’s daughter bought her own green headband, and just to spite Mrs. Bossy Tightwad, she has worn it every day since.
Green is definitely her color.
When I saw the photo and read the first few sentences that said you were at the mall, I expected the story to end with “and then the modeling talent scout handed us her business card and made us promise that we would call.” Seriously, Bossy’s daughter is breathtakingly beautiful.
I always buy my feather boas at the Dollar store.
What a beautiful girl. Bossy and Bossy’s husband know how to grow ’em.
She fixed your little red wagon now, didn’t she?
Go Bossy’s daughter!
Dang it! The Domestic Goddess stole my line!
You make pretty people, Bossy.
Hey “Golden”—me too!!
(Bossy’s Dad)
She has beautiful eyes
picture…to die for.
Hey, did you try Fredericks of HOllywood for 500 billion dollar boas? Just sayin’.
Way to go , bossy’s daughter! You keep buying your own stuff so mommy can feel good about teaching you about money!
I love Bossy’s daughter…and how she out-bossy’ed Bossy with the headband. And it looks adorable, natch.
Things you buy yourself are always the best!
You GO, Bossy’s Daughter.
She is flat out friggin gorgeous.
When my daughter needed a red feather boa for some dance production number, it was ordered from one of those dance supply websites.
Talented, spunky, beautiful. I Love Bossy’s Daughter.
That’s sticking ito to her, Bossy’s daughter.
The Dollar Tree has feather boas and crochet and knit scarfs. I buy them for my transvestite teddy bear, Phillip Johnny Bob.
feather boas cheap at craft and fabric stores
Bossy’s daughter has a beautiful look in her eyes, and that tells me she’s pretty on the inside.
Dog gonit!!!!! In one picture Bossy’s Daughter looks like a young child (dah) and in this she looks so grown up.
Guess that is what life is all about
She’s gorgeous.
Your daughter is beautiful & the headband really suits her!
as i can c that bossy’s daughter is a friend of mine, the green white dotz headband definetley suits her! and she’s even got her own outfits that suit her perfectly w/ the green white dotz headband! XD
I love her eyes.
This is the most precious photo of your daughter yet. Jim and I both think so.
Both daughter of Bossyand headband are gorgeous! Now onto other important things . Bossy, could you still get wine?
please delete this if you just plain don’t feel like hearing it, and I will completely understand, but her scar only highlights her beauty. She is one gorgeous girl. I say this because my daughter also has a scar and I have come to see this in time. Beautiful girl, she is. Look at those eyelashes, for god’s sake!
Wine is a hair accessory? If you rinse blonde hair with red wine, what happens?
Bossy’s daughter is perfection wrapped up in a green headband.
Now Bossy, about that three dollars. Bossy would not believe it, but where I live the little independent grocery store– which is hardly a grocery store and more like a convenience store– anyway, recently put out a whole cart of wine marked down to three dollars. Expecting it to taste like yesterday’s vinegar, I bought one bottle for three bucks. After I could collect myself enough to go in public, I raced back down there and bought a million cases for, what, fifty bucks? (Numbers, math, and all. Whatever.)
My point, and believe it or not I have one, is that sometimes three bucks can buy a GREAT bottle of wine. And I normally draw the line taste-wise at 7-8 bucks.
In short, I stumbled upon a three-dollar miracle that won’t last forever, but is stockpiling quite nicely in my cupboards.
That bow goes perfectly with her eyes! Bossy I agree with Laura, every modeling scout should have given you a business card on sight. I too have noticed stores never have what you want when you want it (like a fancy hat for the steeplechase), I think I saw some boas at the dollar tree.
Oh, that gorgeous girl!
I got my latest feather boa recently at Michael’s Craft store, if you have one. And sometimes you can find them in department store toy sections, by the Cinderella costumes that I wish they made in my size.