–>My one lab taught the younger lab to stand at the door with a sad face and Shiver. It usually works but loses it’s effectiveness when the temperatures are above 60F and the sun is out.
My six year old (and small) daughter just saw a Great Dane live and in person the other day while we were out walking our very small 10 pound mutt. Her eyes got as big as saucers and she said “ooooooh mama, think he will let me ride his dog?” You do. not. know. how bad I wanted to ask him for her.
Oh, Stella. You are beautiful in that dappled evening (morning? afternoon?) sunlight, with that screen door in the foreground. And I don’t even like dogs. Bow WOW!
I love this picture. There is just something about it that does something to me! Could be the great dane or the beautiful background. Or maybe it’s because the sun is out and we all know we haven’t seen THAT in ages!
–>My one lab taught the younger lab to stand at the door with a sad face and Shiver. It usually works but loses it’s effectiveness when the temperatures are above 60F and the sun is out.
Bossy’s Dane isn’t just Great, she knows when to come in out of the rain.
Oooh, Stella is serious!
Bossy’s Dane isn’t just Great, she means business.
(Sorry, I just can’t resist photos of Stella.)
I love Stella. She’s longing for her coveted spot on the couch. Believe me little dogs have that same “look”
i heart bossy’s wooden screen door.
I just love when Stella is the *Guess and Press* topic!
My six year old (and small) daughter just saw a Great Dane live and in person the other day while we were out walking our very small 10 pound mutt. Her eyes got as big as saucers and she said “ooooooh mama, think he will let me ride his dog?” You do. not. know. how bad I wanted to ask him for her.
Oh my, I love dog lips.
Bossy? Your horse wants to come in the house!
Oh, Stella. You are beautiful in that dappled evening (morning? afternoon?) sunlight, with that screen door in the foreground. And I don’t even like dogs. Bow WOW!
My doxie gets very indignant if we don’t hop to it and let him in when he’s ready too…
It’s obvious who wears the “pants” in your house! lol
Bossy’s dane isn’t just great, she makes everyone’s day!
Ditto what Ms. Crank Pants said…If only Stella could talk!!!
Bossy’s dane isn’t just great, she’s fabulous…
I love this picture. There is just something about it that does something to me! Could be the great dane or the beautiful background. Or maybe it’s because the sun is out and we all know we haven’t seen THAT in ages!