This Mother’s Day cake, which Bossy’s brother purchased from a local bakery, insisting that the cake decorating lady spell it Mutha’s Day, because Bossy’s brother is city like that.
“Trust me,” repeated Bossy’s brother to the confused, grandmotherly cake decorating lady.
I’m curious about the “mutha” spelling.
I think Bossy should consider opening a “rent a sibling” business. I would stand in line.
Word to your Mutha.
Remember how I want Bossy’s mom to adopt me? Well, the deal is off unless bro comes with the package.
“City”? Or “ghetto”? Because I’m almost positive James Brown said it the exact same way. :o)
WORD to Bossy’s Brutha.
As an aside, I TOTALLY LOVE Fetzer Cabernet Sauvignon. My current fave red wine.
1. I like the little girls clustered around the computer in the next room, behind Brother.
2. The top two strawberries look like very large, pert nipples.
3. Did I just write that?
Cake and Wine! Happy Mother’s Day is right! 😉
Bossy’s brother looks like an actor. And I wish I had that strawberry cake.
He won my heart with his impersonation of your bashful, straining-to-catch-the-sun windowbox flowers.
It’s perfect. I could use a brother like that!
I see that your old friend Fetzer Merlot was invited to the Mother’s Day party.
Pretty flowers on the table
I can see that Brother will not be allowed in any future Mothers’ Day celebration photos, as he is stealing all of the available thunder.
Your brother is awesome. I’m eyeing the wine on the table….
We drink a lot of the Fetzer too (we, meaning ME). Around these parts, TJs has an amazing Beringer Stone Cellars wine that is four bucks and reeeeeaaaaalllly nice. See if your TJs has it!