Jealous! I so wanted to be Brigitta, but I was a roly-poly child so they cast me as a nun. A twelve year old nun. Balls to that. Your daughter looks so cute!
I think Bossy’s daughter has a real future, lord that girl is in a play a minute. I wanted to 327 years ago and was just to damn chicken. GO Bossy’s daughter! see you at the Tonys!
Whee! I love “The Sound of Music”! I also love that pinafore, and am wondering if the Costume Mistress would consider making one for me in my (much bigger than BOSSY’s Daughter’s) size. Because it would look AWESOME with this cute pair of shoes I have.
Sound of Music changed my life. Our junior high production actually triggered my first serious bout of depression, BUT it wasn’t because i was cast as a nun, lol. I can still remember the Latin chants! yay for bossy’s daughter!
That was one of my favorite plays growing up. You might say I was weaned on it. Not the Julie Andrews version, but the orig.Broadway play Mary Martin version. I loved those nuns voices. And I always wanted to be one of those kids. But never got to. So I love that bossy’s daughter is in it. She seems terribly deserving. And she makes a perfect Brigitta. (Pssst, those costumes look like they were made from curtains though!)
I went to see a local theater’s youth production of The Sound of Music, and a Broadway production broke out!!!!!! I was amazed at the talent!!! Bossys daughter was GREAT!!!!!!
Those costumes are fabulous as hideous curtains-turned-play clothes. Whoever went on a shopping expedition for the fabric for the costumes must have jumped for joy on finding that fabric. Intense.
And BD does have such a luminous quality about her.
I did a drag version of Brigitta one Halloween many years ago when a bunch of my friends dressed up as the cast from the movie. We won a costume contest.
Daisy did such a great job last night! She looks so cute!
Well of *course* she is Brigitta in my most favorite musical of all time.
Way to go Bossy’s daughter!
In the event she needs an understudy I am pleased embarrassed to admit I know all the dialogue to this: The Best Movie Of All Time!!!
I remember wondering why I couldn’t be named Brigitta and have glorious pinned-up braids. She looks wonderful.
Jealous! I so wanted to be Brigitta, but I was a roly-poly child so they cast me as a nun. A twelve year old nun. Balls to that. Your daughter looks so cute!
Thanks everybody!
See you tonight nun in the back!
Bossy is a very lucky mama.
Bossy needs a Flip camera so we can see AND hear the actress in the family.
Bossy’s daughter is the cutest von Trapp daughter ever!
I think Bossy’s daughter has a real future, lord that girl is in a play a minute. I wanted to 327 years ago and was just to damn chicken. GO Bossy’s daughter! see you at the Tonys!
Bossy’s Daughter just glows joy whenever she is onstage!
What a sparkly wonder child for you and DH!
Oh she is just stunning! She looks very much in her element.
Whee! I love “The Sound of Music”! I also love that pinafore, and am wondering if the Costume Mistress would consider making one for me in my (much bigger than BOSSY’s Daughter’s) size. Because it would look AWESOME with this cute pair of shoes I have.
Sound of Music changed my life. Our junior high production actually triggered my first serious bout of depression, BUT it wasn’t because i was cast as a nun, lol. I can still remember the Latin chants! yay for bossy’s daughter!
That was one of my favorite plays growing up. You might say I was weaned on it. Not the Julie Andrews version, but the orig.Broadway play Mary Martin version. I loved those nuns voices. And I always wanted to be one of those kids. But never got to. So I love that bossy’s daughter is in it. She seems terribly deserving. And she makes a perfect Brigitta. (Pssst, those costumes look like they were made from curtains though!)
Brigitta is the cutest of the VT children and Bossy’s Daughter nailed it! Congrats, girl!
Beautiful~ Wish I could have seen the performance. I love Sound of Music!
Brigitta was my favorite. I chose her name for my high school German class name and my friends called me that all through high school.
Bossy’s daughter makes a much prettier version though.
You know how some people PROJECT energy and some suck it up? Not only does Bossy’s daughter project, she GLOWS.
You heart must have ‘sploded.
Bossy’s daughter isn’t just great, she’s great x infinity.
If this were ten word Tuesday, I’d say: Bossy’s incredible daughter isn’t just great, she’s great x infinity.
Of course she is! Love that smile!!!
I went to see a local theater’s youth production of The Sound of Music, and a Broadway production broke out!!!!!! I was amazed at the talent!!! Bossys daughter was GREAT!!!!!!
Your girl looks happy, but it’s the nun to our right whose expression is killing me :).
She’s a natural! Broadway, look out!
Those costumes are fabulous as hideous curtains-turned-play clothes. Whoever went on a shopping expedition for the fabric for the costumes must have jumped for joy on finding that fabric. Intense.
And BD does have such a luminous quality about her.
No kid ever looked happier wearing a smart brown curtain! A magical night I am certain.
I did a drag version of Brigitta one Halloween many years ago when a bunch of my friends dressed up as the cast from the movie. We won a costume contest.