I think it’s great that Bossy’s son matches his car. Oh yeah, and the paid internship thing. Are there paid internships for 40 year old mothers of three?
While, yes, Bossy’s son is very handomse, and yes, it’s wonderful Bossy’s son has a paid internship, all I can think is: Didn’t he just leave for his first year at Columbia last week?
Kudos to Bossy’s son for landing an internship that pays!
Sure does take the edge off student loans and IOU’s.
I think it’s great that Bossy’s son matches his car. Oh yeah, and the paid internship thing. Are there paid internships for 40 year old mothers of three?
Good for him. Many company’s either eliminated paid internships or offered fewer internships.
I think he just wanted to be out of the “cleansing house” while said cleansing was underway….
Paid internship! Woohooo!
You sure do make pretty children, Bossy.
Paid?? Fabulous! What a score for Bossy’s son, congrats to him!
Great! My daughter is volunteering. Which means no money! But she has a plan…
Bossy’s son’s car is almost as snazzy as Bossy’s son! Congrats to him on a paid internship, that is a rarity right now!
Bossy’s son is NOT ugly. Bossy’s son should be about TEN YEARS older. Bossy’s son should be NOT ugly around THIS TEN YEARS OLDER girl. **sigh**. 🙂
It’s always casual Friday at a summer internship.
Good looks and gainfully employed…what a catch!
Hey look, it’s my fiance.
That’s awesome! Way to go bossy’s son!
To get a paid internship in times of recession… what can I say but well done!
While, yes, Bossy’s son is very handomse, and yes, it’s wonderful Bossy’s son has a paid internship, all I can think is: Didn’t he just leave for his first year at Columbia last week?