Sure, other blogs feature celebrity photos. But Bossy is out to highlight those special celebrities who put the fit in outfit and the tit in prostitute — in a new feature Bossy likes to call ‘HoTos.
are those a sea creature’s tentacles writhing about in the rat’s nest on that first tart’s head? or the dismembered fingers of an alien who attempted to run his fingers through her hair? barf.
Reeb plaintively sighs that she’s so culturally clueless, and doesn’t know who any of these people are, other than Jennifer Anniston which just underscores how out of date she is. Help me, Bossy, you’re my only hope! (Or the Bossy Posse.) Do all these personages have names you know?
Just the fact that Jennifer Aniston is dressed like this shows I am not the only person out there with a baked potato fetish. Thank goodness no one ran up to her and stuck her with a fork to see if she was done!
If she is trying to protect herself from alien mind control, however, she forgot the hat.
Geez Blake Lively….could you at least try to uphold your surname? Why so sad? Oh that’s right, all that money, that fabulous show on the CW (it’s so fabulous in fact that I’ve never watched it nor can I recall the name of said show), and you have that lovely boyfriend, whose name I can’t recall either.
In the next installment of “HoTos”, could Bossy include captions with names? Because I have no idea who any of these people are, except for Jennifer Aniston. Who on earth is that girl with Josh “Grobin” on her boob?
I feel so confident in my capris, tshirt and flip flops. Almost regal. Of course, no one’s taking my picture. If I had a body like any of those women (?) I would throw the ‘ho clothes off and shop neekid… but that’s just me.
Hi Bossy’s mom! Ok, now that Audrey said Blake Lively, I guess I do recognize her from the show my teenage girls love, Gossip Girl. Which I have never watched in my life. I stick to my Soapnet reruns of Beverly Hills, 90210, the original recipe. I love me some Brenda and Dylan. And now you know more about me than you ever wanted to know.
Whew, I was so afraid from the post title these were going to be BlogHer pix. For the record I was wearing more than pigtails at.all.times. I’m glad Shelley admitted she doesn’t know anyone except Jennifer Aniston, ’cause I’m in the same boat (but I think I’m glad… no need to be dropping names like these for my husband to know about).
Don’t these people have stylists? Lady Gag-Me always looks like a ho, but at least she doesn’t look like a crack-ho, like Amy Winehouse….such a sad mess.
Do you have to picture of that girl’s face when they explained to her that Josh spells his last name “Groban” and not “Grobin?”
OH LORD, Z Mulls, you are right! Hahahahahaha.
I can only see one pic–all the rest are flick “unavailable”
I only see one pic also
Can I say that I am somewhat relieved that I, too, can only see one pic? Too early in the day for this, for me.
Just one picture.
Did Bossy snitch pix from someplace illegally and have the internet police people come to take her away?
Will there be a “get out of jail” party??
Should we bring refreshments???
Tune in later today for potentially the most interesting developments on the internet!
I can only see one pic too. Wow, those Internet cops are FAST. Can I RSVP now for the “Bossy’s Out Of Jail” party?
Bossy has temporarily escaped from prison confinement. Stay tuned and enjoy the ‘HoTos while they’re up!.
are those a sea creature’s tentacles writhing about in the rat’s nest on that first tart’s head? or the dismembered fingers of an alien who attempted to run his fingers through her hair? barf.
‘HoTos. Brilliant! Love it!!!!!!
Hey, you’ve been swiping my Facebook profile pics again.
Where did you get all these pictures Bossy? From the BlogHer Conference??
ROTFLMAO…hos, hos, and more hos!
Ho, Ho, Ho
and a bottle of WHOA!
All we need now?
Night-vision video!
(I’m sorry, I just SO love the rhyming.)
Nothing frightens me more than pictures of Lady Gaga, ok, maybe pictures of Courtney Love.
Reeb plaintively sighs that she’s so culturally clueless, and doesn’t know who any of these people are, other than Jennifer Anniston which just underscores how out of date she is. Help me, Bossy, you’re my only hope! (Or the Bossy Posse.) Do all these personages have names you know?
Awesome BlogHer pics!
–>I see all the pictures (unfortunately)… Will Bossy comment on the CFM shoes next?
Just the fact that Jennifer Aniston is dressed like this shows I am not the only person out there with a baked potato fetish. Thank goodness no one ran up to her and stuck her with a fork to see if she was done!
If she is trying to protect herself from alien mind control, however, she forgot the hat.
The More Money You Make = The Trashier You Look. Interesting phenomenom, no?
Wait, aren’t these all the same person?
Coulda fooled me.
I see all the photos, but I only recognize one of them. I guess I’m officially old.
Geez Blake Lively….could you at least try to uphold your surname? Why so sad? Oh that’s right, all that money, that fabulous show on the CW (it’s so fabulous in fact that I’ve never watched it nor can I recall the name of said show), and you have that lovely boyfriend, whose name I can’t recall either.
In the next installment of “HoTos”, could Bossy include captions with names? Because I have no idea who any of these people are, except for Jennifer Aniston. Who on earth is that girl with Josh “Grobin” on her boob?
I feel so confident in my capris, tshirt and flip flops. Almost regal. Of course, no one’s taking my picture. If I had a body like any of those women (?) I would throw the ‘ho clothes off and shop neekid… but that’s just me.
What is going on? I don’t see any pink feather boas anywhere.
The faux Bratz dolls still look hot though.
these women SO understand the appeal of mystery and the understatement.
Hi Bossy’s mom! Ok, now that Audrey said Blake Lively, I guess I do recognize her from the show my teenage girls love, Gossip Girl. Which I have never watched in my life. I stick to my Soapnet reruns of Beverly Hills, 90210, the original recipe. I love me some Brenda and Dylan. And now you know more about me than you ever wanted to know.
Is it wrong that I am strangely attracted to almost every pair of shoes in those pics? I have a thing for ho shoes!?!?!?!?
in that last photo, do you think she’s going for sad? or dumb?
Who let the hos out?
My muffin top is saying to me…at a certain age you ain’t never looking like that again… flaunt it while you got it?
Whew, I was so afraid from the post title these were going to be BlogHer pix. For the record I was wearing more than pigtails at.all.times. I’m glad Shelley admitted she doesn’t know anyone except Jennifer Aniston, ’cause I’m in the same boat (but I think I’m glad… no need to be dropping names like these for my husband to know about).
Don’t these people have stylists? Lady Gag-Me always looks like a ho, but at least she doesn’t look like a crack-ho, like Amy Winehouse….such a sad mess.
I am diggin’ the shoes!!
I know exactly TWO of these people.
LORD, I’m old.
I think Bossy is just jealous that she doesn’t have those slinky outfits to wear (especially when camping).
Chloe Sevigny makes me barf.