Bossy has said it a million times: if you are trying to pay down your debt, do not go out to eat. Just don’t.
But OK, sometimes it happens. Very infrequently for Bossy and her family these days, but when Bossy does eat out she always seems to be talking about it right here because that’s the kind of confessional this party is turning out to be.
So here’s the deal: Bossy and her husband slipped into the city yesterday afternoon to run a different kind of errand and found themselves in one of Bossy’s favorite upscale neighborhoods where, even on a Monday afternoon, restaurants are flooded with fine looking people whose job it is to sit in restaurants off the city square looking fine.
So Bossy and her husband couldn’t resist the temptation to try to act like a couple of those people, if only for an hour or so. But here’s what they did: they ordered one reasonably priced appetizer and one even more reasonably priced vegetable side dish, and they shared.
Oh, and they scarfed the basket of bread, wicker and all.
Bossy is a big fan of sharing stuff when dining out since the serving portions are out of whack anyway, although not in yesterday’s upscale neighborhood restaurant where, sister mercy, Bossy could have eaten seven times as much as the plate contained.
Another interesting point is Bossy tends to think appetizers are typically where a restaurant shines, and so she’s only too happy to order something from this section of the menu, which is cheaper than the entree column.
So, yeah, that is the full disclosure about yesterday’s lunch in the city, and how Bossy and her husband managed to leave the place feeling relatively unscathed, with wallets intact, if not still a little hungry and not nearly as drunk as they wanted to be.
Hula likes to order an appetizer and a side salad as her meal because the portion size is juuust right. Oh, and it often leaves room for dessert.
Oh, Bossy, I am so glad to hear that you shared your portions. I do think all the time. I’ve stopped worrying about whether the establishment thinks I’m cheap.
Bossy never would have gone to Europe when she was 4 years old if her parents hadn’t eaten appetizers only!
A restaurant where you can bring your own alcohol is a great deal, too.
I also enjoy eating this way: helps with portion control, and lets me try more items on the menu. While my daughter is willing to share, my husband wants to order his own food. Does Bossy or any of her astute readers have any suggestions about how my husband could be encouraged to have an attitude adjustment?
Thanks and cheers, p.j.
Ohh, I needed to hear this today, Bossy — I am waffling as to whether or not to buy today’s “groupon” deal which is $50 for $100 of food and drink at one of our favorite restaurants … but, $50 is $50 and right now I shouldn’t even spend that. Not even for an advance Christmas present…
Not even for appetizers… which is a good way to save and still enjoy.
For me, maybe next time!
Those dishes and that basket look exactly like the upscale restaurant in the upscale neighborhood where I took my son to brunch on Sunday. If it is the same, I have to say that I saw a teaser for a spot on the 11 o’clock news where they were going to announce rock bottom discount pricing at lunch at that very spot during the week from now until the economy bounces back.
Maybe they started the special early and you got a good price?
We often order two appetizers and a salad to split.
My next Poverty Party post is going to be about our local barbeque place. We take home the “Feast For Two” and eat off it for 3 days.
I posted today about my Poverty Party mammogram.
I have a question Bossy. My husband and I have been ordering food at restaurants this way for the entire year. Just yesterday I FINALLY PAID OFF MY DEBT!!! Should I continue on with my frugal ways or go all crazy and order my own entree, plus a bottle of wine, plus 2 desserts? What would Bossy do?
Does Bossy or any of her astute readers have any suggestions about how my husband could be encouraged to have an attitude adjustment?
Thanks and cheers, p.j.
A pipe wrench? Borrowed or purchased on sale, of course to stay frugally balanced.
Other than that, you may just have let hubby have his own plate. Of course, if you still want to share and your charming daughter is not with you, you could have the server “bag” up 1/2 your dinner before bringing it out to the table and you can take it home for lunch the next day.
Sigh. I was hoping to see the pre-eating presentation of the Most Modest food order at the very end of this post. Cause that would have been prettier.