Yesterday Bossy wrote about Robert Downey Jr.’s tattoo, and it got Bossy thinking about Robert Downey Jr. tattoos.
Bossy admires tattoos but never wanted to get one herself, mostly because of their permanence. Also you’re stuck with it. But lately Bossy can appreciate the value of selecting a particular image, word, name, or icon that holds a profound meaning for a point in time.
In fact, Bossy is an expert in these matters because she got her master’s degree in Tattoo Iconography, which means she used to watch Miami Ink. And Bossy is here to tell you most people have a very interesting and complex story behind their tattooed images. Tattoos represent a turning point in the past, or a new beginning. They represent people and places and the things that happened there.
Many people select Chinese characters to express something:
While some people choose the name of a loved one they can carry with them, forever:
Some people select only a very small image, modestly placed:
While others showcase a larger scene across an expanse of skin:
These days Bossy likes to contemplate which tattoo image she would select and where it would be placed. Four years ago, Bossy’s kids drew a couple of tattoos on Bossy for a Halloween costume party:
When it comes to the permanent image Bossy contemplates tattooing on her upper arm, she has this to say: Barbed wire, really? And it would symbolize what? Bossy’s captivity?
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy and her council what sort of image you would tattoo if you could, and what that image means?
And be sure to check back later today for the most tattooed comments on the web.
If you missed last week’s Ten-Word Challenge, click here to see where Bossy and her council would choose to move if they were leaving their homeland.
And don’t miss Bossy’s new feature, debuting today at the bottom of her left column. Look! It’s Bossy’s son!
No tattoos here, I stand out enough as it is.
Chain w/a missing link. Symbolizes much, like broken blog. More.
Flowers, fairies, color. I have it. Started at 45!
Thought small ones were cute,
Then heard words ‘tramp stamp.’
On my ass would say, “One Way, Do Not Enter!”
My marbles, so that I may never lose them again.
An art nouveau floral design, but haven’t found it yet.
Dragon – spiralling up my right calf, symoblizing … um … my dragon-ness?
treble clef on my foot because I’m an Alto singer
Tigger playing hockey, but will never do it – hates needles.
Veuve Cliquot logo. The champagne for me, the anchor for my father, the star for my mother. It’s perfect. And I have it.
I prefer originality expressed with new shoes cuz’ tattoos? Argh.
I have one – a small snake that moves down my pinky finger.
I have a tat- hubby’s initials in a heart –permanent.
I’m already tattooed – elephant and armadillo living in perfect harmony.
Maybe a little bee, like the one in Bossy’s bonnet.
–>Wanted 4-leaf clover somewhere that didn’t stretch. Hence, no tattoo.
Which part of the body has the least pain receptors?
two flowers, one bud. two children, one lost soul. mine.
post cubs game – ladybug on leaf – no regrets – want more
anything, symbolizing that I have gone out of my mind
One is a Celtic knot symbolizing eternity for my daughter.
Tattoo Jim just needled me up on my foot…..Ouch !
Bossy has tattoos! All kinds! Wait, those are varicose veins.
a ying-yang symbol surrounded by blue waves~ life’s balance &beauty
My baby’s newborn footprint; she’s only going to grow up!
Hubster’s name and mine mean the same…inside flower crescent.
A little letter ‘G’ for Bossy. Spelling not strong suit.
Outline of state of Georgia? Would only look ridiculously misshapen.
A cashew! And it can double as a hideous birthmark.
On upper arm. How about: “You know who you are.”
Ever seen how a tatoo looks on old wrinkly skin?
Munch ‘paper bag princess’ character – you r your own person
Have two. 12 years, no regrets. Delicate Flowers on hip and nape of neck. No meaning, just pretty decoration. Want more.
I’m Irish. Ladybug on shamrock. Lower back. Looowwwwer. MUCH pain.
in 20 years-nursing home-boobs to knees-not pretty
“Breathe,” in white, on my wrist. ‘Cause I forget sometimes.
tree:life . rose:father . magnolia:past . heart:love . celtic:knot
Maybe an infinity symbol because I want to be immortal.
Deciding on a sofa I like took me 20 years.
I have a sun…gift to myself after my divorce.
I’m thinking the babies first footprint tattoo’d on my foot.
Worked at VA, saw many old tattoos, just say NO!
invisible tattoos all over, painless, pretty – permanent ink? eeeeewwwww!
RDJ would be much sexier sans cigarette. I’m just sayin’.
My “tramp stamp” inked before “tramp stamp” term became vogue.
The above? Not a tattoo. No tattoos on me. Ever.
2nd tat will be a little owl, Charley Harper style
Across lower back: Cusack? All this could have been yours.
Forgive & Forget, one on each wrist. Or each foot.
Got two: om – nape, enso (zen symbol) – upper arm. Spiritual.
thinking of celtic knot, nape of neck, children’s names entwined
Lower back: Objects not viewed in mirror smaller than they appear.
Next: Mary – forearm. She’s helped me, despite my pagan ways.
Too permanent, so I got my belly button pierced instead.
How about: I love you WordPress? Are there ironic tattoos?
Too old. Wanna’ think upper-arm tats on your grandmother?
Husband and I have this: “science.” and birthdate in binary.
Can I get an epidural first?
Can’t do it. Not after I saw Snoopy tattooed on a woman’s breast at the beach. It was already starting to head the way of Fred Basset.
Symbol for Father Martin Ashley’s Treatment Center, SAVED my life.
A butterfly to signify coming through difficulties and flying above.
I have two: LOVE (like the Park), and a tree.
Like Radio Raheem (I am PARAPHRASING!) , LOVE on left hand, PEACE on right.
I’m so not a tattoo person and I’m not changing.
(But Bossy would look fab in any tattoo)
My kids names; how cliche. That’s why I don’t bother.
I’d know the minute AFTER I actually got a tattoo.
A couple of Moonstones on the nape of my neck.
Already getting one; My Fire Company; while wife’s away. (Heh.)
I’m thinking of having Ashley Judd’s face tatooed on mine.
Already have a Liberty Bell–works on so many levels.
Met someone tatttoed “Angle Child” – spell check is a must.
If they didn’t freak me out – I have the perfect idea.
My boys think they’re cool – hope that they outgrow this.
Something in Hebrew, if it wasn’t a sin in Judaism.
A small number 1. I’ve always wanted to be #1.
My son’s name in my husband’s handwriting. But where?
(Wow, Gillian, Bossy loves the idea of it being in someone’s handwriting, and THAT THERE conveys the thing…)
(You see, parenthesis excuses the ten-word challenge.)
(That, it seems, is a new rule.) (Heh.)
Council, do not miss Bossy’s mom’s comment, #70. Sister mercy.
Turning my boring 15 year old bird into a PHOENIX.
(Using the parenthesis rule here… with a pound of bacon its talon… maybe…)
there will be lots of old folks with wrinkly tattoos.
(I’m totally cool with being one of them. It’s not like untattooed old skin is a joy to behold or anything.
How about: A plot of skin available for lease here.
Bossy’s mom rocks the council yet again; very funny response!
(Tattoo = no thanks; love the parenthesis rule)
no tatoos…gain weight you have great big ink blob
A castle atop a rock, to symbolise the Edinburgh Tattoo.
Working on a “pantleg”; timed to cover emerging veins!
I like math so I got pi – it’s neverending, dude.
The heart, not any heart, but Sunny’s heart. Miss her!
I would like a memorial tattoo on my inner wrist: names of son’s 20 year old girlfriend & friend killed in car accident. My son was driving. I just can’t seem to figure out the design. I know, not ten words.
A “W” on each butt cheek, that way, when I bend over, it would say “MOM” or “WOW” depending on which way you were looking at it
Henna vines on inner thighs. Henna’s three-weeks = max. Husband likes.
GPS coordinates, children’s birth locations. Wait! Forgot to have children!
Hmmm – won’t do it ever – but maybe a buzzing bee?
Small Chinese symbol “Te”. Power or virtue of the small.
Bossy’s Mom…bwahaha! No tattoos here…nurses know better.
I would tattoo a thinner person on top of my robustness. Sort of a trompe l’oeil tattoo.
I’ll get “Mom”; because three kids, 11 tattoos, no “MOM”.
Got through that phase. Now I’m so glad I did.
Got my bicep tat in 2000. Sort of a barbed wire motive. It’s meant to block out the past, so I can move into the future. It was a ‘millenniuml’ thing for me. Now, I can’t imagine living without it. (Okay, that’s more than 10 words)
Kiss, kiss!
2 daughters, me, all have same squiggled line on foot.
I didnt want one, and they went and paid for mine and gave it to me in gift certificate form for my B-day..Guilt. Had to do it then!
Turquoise cross on inside ankle for bday #55.
Best comment section ever. Way too chicken and big for tats.
Something stunning above foot, to deter later-in-life cankles.
Hummingbird that morphs into pelican when I’m older than dirt.
The number 9 million. Times I’ve cursed at Fox News.
A portrait of Sanford and Son in silhouette. Just because.
Just above my sagging bazooms: Majestic Mountains Were Once Here
Have butterfly tat in memory of beloved uncle’s “Butterfly Theory”.
No tats but if I did would have the initials of my 3 kids, hubby and a teeny tiny Jeep logo.. Somewhere where no one could see…
I think I will just enjoy everyone else’s tattos, ok?
all I can say is i had a tattoo before girls havin’ tattoos was cool. hehehe.. and if you ever knew the REST of that story hehehe… buh bye!
present — to remind me of the gifts i’ve been given
Mother’s rolling over in her grave. Iris/kids’ names.
(Sorry, 10 words is not enough here! Must explain! I was raised by June & Ward Cleaver, hence the rolling-over-in-the-grave over the tattoo. BUT… I got an iris in memory of my mother–they were her passion–and then I had to include my two kids’ names, since they’re *my* passion. P.S. I can’t believe you visited my blog. It was better than if the Queen of England had visited it. Or Dooce. Or Robert Downey Jr. You get the idea.)
150-Word Commenter
i got a dragon fly tattoo on my right inner forearm when i returned to school at 44 to start my undergrad degree. i have it now and am working on my masters (more playing right now, but that’s just semantics).
i wouldn’t recommend getting a barbed wire tattoo unless you’ve been to prison, same with the spider’s web.
i’ve got one from 30 yrs ago before girls getting tats was cool hehehe and- all THAT means is i was really, really intoxicated 🙂
Before I comment officially I have to say how impressed I am that Bossy looks good as a brunette and a blonde. Oh, and also, I actually learned something from your intro about why people get tattoos — what does that say that I get my social data from you, Bossy? (It says, “Please don’t stop writing!”) Anyway.
Cross on my hand would remind me I am loved.
OL of Guadalupe, my right shoulder, because i love her
originally small rosebud on breast-25 yrs later-longstem rose!
BUTTERFLY: because i am thyroid cancer survivor (thyroid is butterfly-shaped)
Dolphin mother, baby; most important job, but not only job
Cupcake (105). It would be agony to tattoo that #, because you’d have to change it at least once every day if you keep watching that crap ;>).
Bossy’s moms comment could be a whole new ten-word Tuesday theme ;
The letter G in memory of my dead little brother.
stylized question mark on thigh since me certain of nothing
Just Say NO To Getting A Tattoo
Grandkids initials and a tiny crown, on wrist, under watch.
Dragonfly = mystery + romance. Cycle of Life. Sexy Cat.
I have four; next is a buttercup, for my dad.
Celtic symbol for the number three, to help make peace.
ivy vine toe ring might resemble fungus; hence, no ink.
Hey Mommy (above) I love that. Not only do I love the # 3 (three kids) but peace is a cool message too. Must google 🙂
Small Jeep logo, always wanted, got and moving on; hidden!
I have two girls named Laura and Sara. I always wanted to get the Luverne & Shirley “LS” monogram on my chest. Going to have a third kid this year with a “J” name. Not sure how I’d work that in. Wasn’t there a Jimmy character in that show? But they didn’t have LSJ on their shirts. Oh well.
Tribal appearance but represents path friend’s car took in wreck. (Too much meaning for only 10 words. My best friend and I got in a fight about whether drugs and alcohol would affect our lives in the long run. He felt they couldn’t, and left in a rage because I disagreed with him. He was hit by a drunk driver on the way home that night and his car rolled over four times before sliding into a tree and killing him instantly. I designed the tat to look like a tribal, but it reminds me every time I look at it to stay away from things that seem innocent but can change everything in an instant.
18 skipbo logo. regret. 32 covered up with lotus flower.