This photo Bossy took out the window of the local train to New York City. Although Bossy often prefers to drive into the city, she does her best thinking here by far.
Bossy, schedule your next trip for Feb. 11-14 which is when I and 3 other Virginia bloggers are hopping a train to NYC for the weekend .. to meet up with other bloggers. Maybe you could introduce me to your Italian boyfriend, who I understand specializes in out-of-control hay, which happens to be growing on top of my head as we speak.
When I went to NYC for the first time this past summer, I couldn’t believe the number of those water towers~ often in a strange juxtaposition to the surrounding architecture!
The Big City with hundreds of those throwbacks really struck me as a humanizing feature to the impersonal structures of the city.
I had an hour car commute on the sardine land that is the LA freeway system for 10 years and (don’t tell anyone this) but I never hated it because of the Thinking Time.
Beautiful sky. Nice pic. Makes me sleepy though. Am afraid I would sleep through all ugly urban beauty & thinking-time extraordinaire 🙂 ZZZzzzzzzzz
Bossy, schedule your next trip for Feb. 11-14 which is when I and 3 other Virginia bloggers are hopping a train to NYC for the weekend .. to meet up with other bloggers. Maybe you could introduce me to your Italian boyfriend, who I understand specializes in out-of-control hay, which happens to be growing on top of my head as we speak.
JK Rowling also did her best thinking on trains. I foresee great things from JK Bossy.
Do you know, at nearly 42, I have never been on a real train? Unless you count the one at Disneyland.
Nah, I didn’t think so.
i dig trains as well, something so soothing about the noise, kind of like the ocean, but less ocean-y
When I went to NYC for the first time this past summer, I couldn’t believe the number of those water towers~ often in a strange juxtaposition to the surrounding architecture!
The Big City with hundreds of those throwbacks really struck me as a humanizing feature to the impersonal structures of the city.
Next trip, promise you’ll indulge in pinot and pate beforehand. The deep thoughts are sooo worth it.
I had an hour car commute on the sardine land that is the LA freeway system for 10 years and (don’t tell anyone this) but I never hated it because of the Thinking Time.
I used to spend 4 hours a day on the train and LOVED every quiet, undisturbed second. I didn’t love the 4:45am wake up.