This deodorant.
Bossy has written about this topic before, and seriously if you haven’t read it yet, you should click here now. Bossy will wait while you read.
Because anyway, Bossy totally changed her mind about the Crystal deodorant pictured above, which Bossy initially gave a very bad review. It turns out it’s a little workhorse.
As a member of Bossy’s council suggested in the post Bossy wrote about antiperspirants — and look at you trying to act like you read it when you didn’t — you need to approach this deodorant as if you are applying crayons to a coloring book, which is to say you need to go over and over the underarm area until you have obliterated the lines of Elmo’s face, or in this case: your pit. Understand?
This Crystal stuff is sold in health food stores and such. It’s made of, um, crystals. It needs to be waved under running water before applying but you would know that if you read Bossy’s piece on underarms.
The only other notable thing about this deodorant is the fact that Bossy once dropped it and the rounded edge shattered against her ceramic basin. A splintery deodorant stick is very annoying to use, but it smoothed out again in no time. Except when Bossy dropped it again and now the whole crystal monolith is falling out of its housing, and about that: what is it about your dropsies of late, Bossy?
dgm says
February 1, 2010 at 9:21 amI dunno, Bossy. I think The Crystal just can’t handle me.
Barb says
February 1, 2010 at 10:26 ami’ve been wanting to try crystal deodorant but that photo on the label…i’d rather put my own deodorant on!
The Domestic Goddess says
February 1, 2010 at 10:34 amI use it, too. I’m a sweaty, gosh-awful mess. Antiperspirants and BAD for you. Crystals? OMG THEY ARE SO AWESOME.
BossysMom says
February 1, 2010 at 10:44 amyes.
Just Juli says
February 1, 2010 at 11:02 amI had to switch to the crystal in college after a horrible, horrible allergic reaction to my other antipersperant. Apparently, I am quite sensitive to fragrances? Or maybe just all the other chemicals. And the “razor burn” rash I had in my pits for years prior was, apparently, a low-grade allergic reaction just waiting for it’s big break. Lucky me!
So after letting my body recover from the giant hives that covered most of my torso for TWO WEEKS, I had to switch to something safer. I’ve used both the Crystal and Tom’s products ever since.
Amy says
February 1, 2010 at 11:12 amReally? No sweatiness? No stinkiness? Really? I’d like to try it, but I have fears.
Ms. Karen says
February 1, 2010 at 11:20 amI’ve used it and I really like it. I still sweat, but it doesn’t stink. I’ll take that over clogged pores and allergic reactions any day, plus the whole “lasts for freaking ever” aspect of it makes the budget happy, too.
Julie says
February 1, 2010 at 1:13 pmI am hooked on Origins spray deo, all natch, no chem, great smell.
David says
February 1, 2010 at 1:26 pmI like how on the label, the nice lady is helping the nice man apply his deodorant. They must be really good friends.
Em says
February 1, 2010 at 1:59 pmThis is the best. I definitely use it & have for a zillion years. It handled menopause. And that is saying something, since menopause is like being 12 again in the deodorant dept.
Jenni D. says
February 1, 2010 at 4:03 pmWhat’s up with the picture on the label? Is the crystal available in finer adult bookstores?
KRA says
February 1, 2010 at 6:30 pmGuess what Bossy: they make it as a spray. It’s awesome!
Mel says
February 1, 2010 at 6:41 pmI was using a crystal very much like that when I developed a sensitivity to the aluminum salts. Now pretty much any kind of deodorant/anti-perspirant product makes me break out. Weighing the relative costs of sweating a bit vs. having perpetually scabby and itchy pits, I decided I was just better off showering regularly.
Maria says
February 1, 2010 at 8:23 pmYes, yes, YES! I still sweat too but it doesn’t stink as bad. I suggest that those who are scared of trying it, just bite the bullet and try it already…what’s the worst that’s going to happen…you get “het” up a bit and stink…then go find a sink and wash and try something different…but the benefits SO outweigh the risks…hello bad-for-you-antiperspirants!
MeanOne says
February 2, 2010 at 1:03 amI use that same crystal stuff, but get this, in a ROLL ON. I actually liberally apply some of the roll on, and then spritz some of the LIQUID version of the same stuff on. Then I apply some kind of fragrance, as a nod to smelly underarm stuff. If you can find a Wegman’s grocery near you, they have all three versions of it.
Operation Pink Herring says
February 2, 2010 at 10:22 amI’ll try this stuff out. I have tried the Tom’s stuff several times and it… well, how do I say this nicely? It doesn’t work. At all.
Bellacantare says
February 2, 2010 at 3:51 pmI’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed the odd label. Why would you let someone else apply your deodorant?
Bri says
February 2, 2010 at 4:47 pmI was hoping you would do a follow up on this. I tried the roll-on version and hated (HATED) it. I eventually wound up using Dove antiperspirant again because I started to think, maybe a little brain aluminum poisoning wasnt as bad as divorce (my hubby let me know that the natural stuff wasnt working). Now Im thinking I’ve got this whole sense of priorites out of whack.
Sheryl says
February 2, 2010 at 5:11 pmI swish mine under hot water so it’s little more of a “treat” to the pit instead of a cold iceberg. Bossy should try it. Although I guess that isn’t as earth friendly…
Kim says
February 2, 2010 at 7:13 pmAt my health food store they have this in a trial size…for the people who aren’t so sure they’re going to lurve it! But I do.
Gail K. says
February 4, 2010 at 11:21 amI thought the picture was of the new “Star Wars” brand of deodorant – The force will be with you when you use it! And because it is from “Star Wars” it looks like a mini-lightsaber to send all that bacteria to the Dark Side!
(can anyone tell I have a son who loves Star Wars?)
Jodi Anderson says
February 4, 2010 at 11:44 amI’ve been trying natural deodorents for a few years now and they tend to fall into two categories: doesn’t work or doesn’t work.
Based on that, THANK YOU for the recommendation. And, since I won’t get Alzheimer’s from the aluminum, I’ll remember to thank you later too!