This photo caught Bossy’s eye the other day when Bossy was hanging out at her mom’s house. It was taken by Akira Suwa for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and it was meant to serve an example of the unseasonably warm weather in Bossy’s hometown this past week.
And Bossy is sure most reasonable people who saw this photo thought it was nice or thought it wasn’t great or most likely didn’t give it much thought at all. But Bossy is not entirely reasonable — and right about now certain people who shall remain nameless but rhyme with Flossy’s Busband are scratching-out the word entirely with a red sharpie.
Anyway, here are just a few of the reasons Bossy lost an afternoon analyzing exactly what she loves about this photo:
Let’s begin with the hands. The girl has her hand resting calmly on her own stomach. The boy has one of his hands on her stomach as well, along with a strong hand clutching the bench arm. And then there’s the matter of her other hand, wrapped lovingly around his head. And the angle of her own head suggests an intimate warmth and commitment.
Next, his shoes:
They are hip without being tiresome, paired with a sock that says, “I’m comfortable enough in my relationship to wear argyle while not being so comfortable that I wear Archie Bunker’s white sweat socks.” And the angle of his feet hint at a certain vulnerability.
And then we have this:
The perfect amount of taut belly exposed, as the naturally worn red flannel shirt carelessly lifts to show the edge of what just may be the world’s greatest brown leather belt.
And finally, this:
Thanks, photographer Akira Suwa, another day lost. What did you do with your day?
That is a lovely picture. I can’t stop staring at it.
Sometimes the Wall St. Journal has photos I just can’t stop looking at.
Yesterday I worked, worked, worked. Went home drank wine and watched American Idol which was just awful.
I’m with Flossy’s Busband.
You also didn’t point out how the boy’s hand that is on the girl’s stomach is also slightly cupping her breast in a way that has removed between 5-10 years from her mother’s lifespan.
Oh, my. I have to agree it’s such a sweet photo and what struck me (beyond the things mentioned, natch) was that he is leaning INTO that hand that is cupping his face…kinda going with it, like cats do. And speaking of cupping…I don’t know as I agree with David in the “slightly cupping” aspect, altho, my husbands name is David and it could be that David’s notice these things because MY David would certainly have caught the “slightly cupping”.I would say he is gently resting his hand on her upper rib in what COULD be a cup, but is not…he doesn’t have to make a point of the possession that is inherently his, you see.
Perhaps David’s of the world and Flossy’s Busband are not CONFIDANT enough in their own Sun Day Family Worship to fully embrace the insouciance of the (rather young, tho balding delightfully) gentleman shown. Just sayin’.
That is a lovely photo. I love the boots and belt. Does that read “Sofia”? Beautiful people. Beautiful names. I’m thinking they are just glad to be alive.
is it me or what is up with her arm on his face…the weird, awkward angle…seems almost painful. Seems like it should be the other arm
Me? I flossed twice in 24 hours.
I hope Mr. Suwa sees the loving attention showered on his lovely photo.
i’m sorry, HOT BOOTS, what did you say?
i wish i was her 🙂
I knew the hand thing would be an issue for Flossy’s Busband, Because now he has to poke his mind’s eye out as the father of a potentially (*in a very far future*) dating daughter.
That picture’s hot for a lot of reasons…and if you’ve read this far, I don’t have to list ’em.
I feel afraid that I’m the only one that thought this was a photo of Candice Bergen and Billy Corgan and it made me wonder how they were captured together starring in a really bad 70’s movie considering there is likely 40 years difference between them.
His shoes might not be tiresome, but the whole Hey! I’m a Twentysomething with Taut Belly and No Side-Angle Stretch Marks! is tiresome. Freakin’ exhausting, really.
On a related note, I’d be willing to kill a twentysomething to get my hands on those boots.
I didn’t lay around on a park bench in Italian made boots, that’s for sure…but sure wish I did!
I’m betting someone’s gonna get a kiss in the subsequent photo.
I’m ready for spring too but we’ve already slipped into pre-summer down south, today it was almost 80 degrees.
Participated in my first Sales Leader Team Meeting, took a 3 hour nap, appreciated a day that was sunshiny and 76 degrees, ate a fabulous pear and knitted. It was a good day.
Those boots are A.Maze.Ing
looked for boots from another country….all day.
I bet she bought those socks for him.
I’ll never forget the time I informed my husband he was wearing a pink t-shirt. I bought it, put it in his drawer and eventually one day he wore it. It was a beautiful moment. He never realized it was pink until I told him. Men. Beautiful.
I love the look on his face. Totally peaceful lurve.
Just a lovely photo. Not often that we see true intimacy in such a beautiful way. End of story.
Uuuuuggggh. I’m obsessed.
I thought it was an old faded photo of Bossy.(After her unfortunate leg amputation accident.)
hello? hot boots? those are to die for. love this picture.
Oh, what did I do yesterday? Nursed a new born baby girl, every 30 minutes or so. I am so in love with her!
Also, entertained her two year old brother with this running commentary, ” Wee-wa, eats donuts? No, silly! She drinks milk!” He has to say that every time Sofia nurses….it’s his little comedy routine. He calls her wee-wa, because he can’t say Sofia!
Okay, I’ll stop now.
yesterday I talked from 8 am to 5.50 pm to people who have English as a second language. I do this everyday. It’s my job. I then glue-sticked a collage psych poster for one of my son’s swimteam. Dropped swimmer to practice and then did subtraction (or as he says himself “distraction”) with my five year old. Flopped in recliner, finally ate. Watched the debut of High Society and realized I do NOT want to be Tinsley Mortimer.
That is a great pic. They look so happy, content and comfortable.
This photo is magic.
So are those boots.
Shoot, I read all the comments hoping someone else saw what I did in the pic at first glance. Apparently I spent all day, and most days, with my mind in the gutter.
That couple is SO doing it later.
i love this photo too. and the sentiment and magic it captures.
I thought it was a perfume ad
That just took my breath away. Really. Spot on.
“Bossy is not entirely reasonable.” Truer words were never spoken.
I think they bought his shoes and her boots in the same country!
Yesterday I fretted CONSTANTLY that I marinated my Butter Chicken 2 (yes,2) days too long. Finally I cooked it, and I was right. Never squeeze a whole lime over delicate chicken breast, leave it for 2(yes2) days and expect it to be tender. It was cooked before I cooked it. Nice and tough…yum. My life is boring. don’t you think?
I KNEW Bossy was going to zero in on the boots. You held off longer, with all that other exposition, than I expected except of course you saved your best for last. My favorite part of your commentary: proclaiming that a grainy photo of a 1/4″ sliver is the world’s best belt.
I love the tender look he’s giving her. I’ve seen that look from Husband, and I melt and love it every time.
I made spinach lasagne for the first time and boy was that rewarding. I find the photo a bit to PDA for my taste. I don’t want to see any groping, whether accidental or not. I will give thumbs up to his footwear and hosiery.
She looks dead and he looks like he’s going to eat her corpse-face.
I spent the whole day in the hospital watching my mom die. So park-bench moments look like another universe to me.
I spent it in a parent teacher conference with my hand resting comfortably on my tastefully exposed belly. Well, maybe not all of that is true.
Although at work, I read blogs.
Akira Suwa is my dad; I was just vanity searching him for fun (b/c it’s such a busy Friday afternoon) and found your blog post. Hope you don’t mind that I’ve sent him the link – I’m sure he’d love the kudos 🙂
BOSSY BOSSY BOSSY…you need a spinmaster. In your own head. Let’s reframe: you didn’t lose an entire day to ponder a photograph, you spent some time exploring the semiotics of the image and how they pertain to the universal longings of the proletariat. Why did you do this? Because you are a philosopher and an artist.
Just like how I didn’t waste three hours looking for deals in the garnet hill and boden and sundance online catalogs. I was conducting market research and updating my internal database on contemporary fashion trends in an economically depressed market.
Sharing the lurve… sounds like some of us needed it too.
Beth, my heart to you. And hugs.
Bossy, you and boots – match made in heaven. You are the boot-spotter extraordinaire.
Bush Babe – for heaven’s sake woman, go do some work!!
LOVE the picture and your analysis thereof. also, LOVE that the photographer’s daughter chimed in on the comments 🙂