Welcome to the (No) Book Tour Countdown, where Bossy will — and this is a stretch — count down the days until she leaves on her (No) Book Tour. Bossy will use this space to detail what she’s up to as she plans, organizes, and collapses in fits. Shall we?
23 days until Bossy leaves on her Spring road trip, council. That’s the final answer. Bossy finally committed to a departure date — Tuesday, April 6th — and is moving full steam ahead, where steam equals the sizzle you hear is Bossy’s brain deep-frying.
The above photo represents iCal, the calendar program Bossy has been utilizing to work on her (No) Book Tour itinerary. Bossy will be announcing exact cities and dates within the upcoming week.
Speaking of which, if you did not fill out this quick and easy form, you are not officially signed-up for Bossy’s trip — which means you won’t get the emails regarding meet-ups, you won’t be listed on the map or links list, so please go to that form now!
Bossy wants You!
And we want BOSSY!
Ummm… still looking for the Oz visit…

Get excited! Oh, and Bossy? I forgot where the button is that I get to declare my participation in the (No) Book tour.
Can I stow away in bossy’s trunk?
omg can’t wait!!!
looking forward to seeing you soon… i filled out the form, so i should be good to go.
Filled out the form but not showing on the map. (>sobsniff< O – hello hormones!) I'm assuming that's because you haven't updated it in a "few" days. But I wanna be on the list and there WILL be handsome parting gifts, right?
I’m 97.6% I submitted my info weeks ago, but if you verify that I did actually submit, that’d be super awesome.
I’m on the map, and I’m pretty certain I filled out the form. I sure hope I don’t miss Bossy this time. Hmmm…maybe I should shine a beacon like the bat signal when Bossy nears Portland. Look for the giant cactus in the clouds!
Yay! I’m on the map! Can’t wait…
Any idea on West Coast dates? (ME! ME! ME! It’s all about ME!)
I just filled the form out! I’m in NJ, but really hoping that our trips to Austin match up!