First of all, Bossy apologizes for being a day late with Ten-Word Tuesday — or to be more specific A day late plus 56 years. At least that’s how far behind Bossy feels as she moves into the final stages of her (No) Book Tour planning and prepares to make many announcements, including exact itinerary dates and cities and sponsors.
Tuesday April 6th is Bossy’s departure date. That’s only twenty days away, council. Veinte, twintig, dvidešimt, tjugo, enty-tway days. So Bossy is once again updating the daily (No) Book Tour countdown calendar in her left column, where updating equals Who has time to update when Bossy is leaving in twenty days?
Speaking of Bossy’s (No) Book Tour (With) Nervous Breakdown, unless you filled out this form you are not officially signed-up to be a part of the road trip. Emails to Bossy are sweet, and comments are grand, and shouting to Bossy across streets is cute, but you need to fill out this form in order to receive information about the get-togethers, and to get mapped and linked on Bossy’s site — this means everyone including Bossy’s gays and including Bossy’s mom and including Bossy.
Anyway, where was Bossy? Ah yes, Tuesday. On Wednesday.
The above photo does not represent a mummy, but rather the little nest Bossy’s friend Martha prepared for Bossy a few weeks ago when Bossy was for the most part immobile and recovering from leg surgery and recovering from losing her mind due to leg surgery.
“Come on over,” Martha said — and to this end, Martha prepared Bossy a place to sit and pull her legs up and provided her a cozy comforter and three hours worth of The United States of Tara on DVD and a lunch representing the four food groups: Soup, bread, spanakopita, and wine.
Bossy can summarize her day spent at Martha’s house wrapped in a sofa nest in this way: Dear Martha, Bossy will be moving in shortly. Warn Netflix.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge (on Wednesday) is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy and her council about the last nice thing a friend did for you, or you did for a friend?
And be sure to check back later today for the friendiest comments on the web.
If you missed last week’s Ten-Word Challenge, click here to read about the various celebrity lookalikes in the lives of Bossy and her council.
Last night my parents threw a surprise 30th birthday party.
I have no friends named Bossy’s Friend Martha. Too Bad.
A sweet, light story….When a shelf holding wine glasses etc. came tumbling down
breaking years of pretty glasses,
neighbors in my extraordinary neighborhood gathered up a basket, and gave some of their glasses. This colorful assortment is now my favorite.
Brought cake and ignored the suprising pile of dog poop in my dining room.
Made me a gorgeous, funky necklace for no special reason!
Threw me fabulous 50th party; dearest friends;, stories, food, wine…
–>My recent 3-day birthday celebration with friends and family.
Favorite cousin bought Red Sox tickets for unemployed Me & Hubby!
Had a neighbor leave sacks of groceries on our porch step right before dawn every other Friday for many months while my husband was unemployed-he too much pride to accept. We discovered it was them when we were invited over for a meal and as I was helping clean the kitchen and noticed the same particular items in their pantry. They never wanted to embrass us with the help. This was a long commitment they did–about 6 months and they were not financially sound either. Good friends!
Toddler and I just dragged garbage cans home for neighbors.
I broke my ankle several years ago. Dear friend took a week of vacation to come stay with me during the day, clean house, cook meals and provide company until I was more mobile. Still amazes me to this day.
Won $50 in a raffle and donated it to my friends in HAITI
Crazy, delightful friends paid for me to attend a teacher’s training in …HOOPDANCE! Paid for class, paid for flight. How did I get so lucky?!!!!
Made 2 pies so friend could take them to bakesale.
It’s a bad sign maybe Bossy hasn’t done nice things?
When husband broke his back, friends finished our construction project.
Back problems! Sweetheart massaged, cleaned house, brought heating pad, wine/food.
ps Leslie’s story made me tear up; what a good neighbor!
she washed my kitchen floor on her hands and knees
best friend and i celebrate birthdays together with pedicures and many margaritas!
Sus made me a pretty bracelet to match her own!
MJ made her hair appt. the same time as mine
Offered rides to medical appointments to brand-new-really-doesn’t-know-me-from-a-hole-in-the-wall-yet (that counts as one word, right?) soon-to-be (ditto, so that’s #8) good friend.
Baby Favorite is suddenly very depressed about her “friends.”
Listening to Fred’s stories at his first chemo treatment, mutual.
Sent 13 months unemployed best friend free network seminar info.
My friend Andrea threw me a Very Merry Unbirthday party!
Weekly lunch at great aunt’s, 92. She cooks, I clean.
Always remembers my birthday even when I don’t remember hers.
My sweet friends always bring food for our Poverty Party!
WRH brought DG taters when my boy was sick. HERO!
Car trouble! Friend came to the rescue. Bought her beer.
A nice stranger wrote me a wonderful note after sitting close to my dad and I chatting in the meditation garden while my dad was hospitalized and having chemo. I saved it and read it when things are tough. I can’t count to 10 obviously.
Attended niece’s graduation in blizzard. Flew back into same blizzard.
Couldn’t eat solids, friends made daily jello jiggler letter messages!
Sometimes go way over 10 and Bossy doesn’t say anything.
Shared gift with ‘friend with newborn’ for other friend’s 40th
My best good deed that I can’t mention in real life:
Neighbour: brain-injured husband, 3 kids, we paid snow clearing service. (Okay, that’s 10 words plus 1 number).
Jr. Hi friend took me home after Weight loss surgery and coddeled me. ok thats 12 I think
Friend wet/dry vacced my basement after biblical rain fall.
Colleagues did all my work, graciously and generously, during two months’ medical leave.
My friend sent me Saint Cupcake cupcakes for no reason.
I sent a new pair of stiletto pumps to my friend Sasha when he told me he wanted to do drag for his birthday.
Friend stood me up today, so I’ve got nothing nice to say.
Friend sent birthday gift 15th year running – I’m not worthy!
Group of us spring-cleaned elderly couple’s lovely yard last Saturday.
Friends spring-cleaned my garden when I was sick all one year.
(can I buy one word please)
It’s easier to give than to receive help, I found.
Jeanie said I could quit an “obligatory” activity. Whew. Relief.
(my pal Jeanie’s encouragement to me that it was okay for me to quit this activity really set me free from “ought-to’s” in my head, so this is as good as a hands-on nice thing to do, for me!)
STINGY coworker bought us the good cafeteria popcorn. Was monumental!
Popped in a machine like at bar, I’m still floored.
60 cents a bag for three of us, still floored.
She has more money than us, we usually buy hers.
I know this sounds petty, but damn! a first for sure!
My girlfriend came in from California so I would have a ‘date’ to watch the Oscars
My pal wouldn’t accept repayment of the loan she provided.
Thought that spot was made for me…..It is a wonderful spot.. oh….it’s Tuesday… ooppps
Best friend in the whole world (from Kansas) introduced me to Bossy! (parenthesis don’t count in the ten words as per ME the REAL boss of the WHOLE world) (whole looks funny…did I spell it correctly?)
surprise party, blind date, cooked, cleaned, told me “break up”, soup
Blog friends are the best, their generosity knows no bounds.
Emotional support in times of need flows like a river.
Bird nest awful hair. Husband goes “Very Gatsby! You’re gorgeous.”
I am overwhelmed daily by the kindness of my friends.
My friend Linda never fails to make me feel worthy.
aunt flo came back. that bitch gave me awful cramps.
all done having babies, so she’s no longer my friend.
i do have friends whom i appreciate when not menstruating.
Didn’t punch my friend in the box while she perioded.
Friends had horrible houseguest. Took her to movies one night.
…So that friends could have dinner alone without her yammering.
Collected me at train station unexpectedly, $50 cab ride avoided.
My cousin came over and gave me a LOT of some really sweet seeds…we garden, so not those other kinds of seeds. It was the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time. From time to time we go plant shopping and bless her heart I get the gotta goes right nows when it is 115F or the last time a blue norther came in and it got super cold while we were out. We stopped at Sonic and got diet cokes and an order of french fries to share while we talked. I love her.
Wrote me letter of affirmation, depth, love. Thirty year friend.
I was depressed. Out of the blue “Let’s go bowling!”
Cooked meals for sister recuperating from transplant surgery. New kidney!
Sister’s friend: “Everyday I strive to have your character.”
Filled out the form last week but didn’t seem to work so did again today – sorry if I duplicated myself.
Offered use of cabin by 11 acre lake until house closes.
(numbers don’t count)
I wrote a post to help a friend; it’s here: