When the not stray cat known as Baby David isn’t allowed inside Bossy’s house, he will mock the family day and night from his position in their window box.
photo courtesy of bossy’s husband, who is really just a Crazy Cat Lady dressed as a husband.
I love Baby David! He should have his own section here on the blog. Our cat twists herself into the most uncomfortable looking positions, too. They have better joints than us old folk do.
I love your cat, I mean the cat that is not yours, but stays in your house more than he stays in his own house. The cat previously known as someone else’s and is now known as Baby David.
This reminds me of my cat in the flower box that wasn’t a flower box this year but a CAT box. Except my Siamese is INCAPABLE of yoga as he’s a little “adipose”.
That really does not look comfortable. Poor baby David.
That cat is adorable…it makes me sad that his owners allow him to roam.
I love this cat, I want one.
Baby David is a free spirit and therefore very happy. He is loved by many.
Baby David is going to have to compete for space when Bossy plants her flowers, I mean… flower.
aaaaawwww, look how cute honky is sleeping in your sunny window box.
that is a cute kitty, i’ve never seen a flower box look so comfy
I love Baby David! He should have his own section here on the blog. Our cat twists herself into the most uncomfortable looking positions, too. They have better joints than us old folk do.
awesome picture
More Baby David!!! He is such a beautiful cat.
LOL – I am NOT a cat lover… but that is too cute! Now I want a baby david.
I want to see Bossy’s Brother do an imitation of Baby David in the window box.
I love your cat, I mean the cat that is not yours, but stays in your house more than he stays in his own house. The cat previously known as someone else’s and is now known as Baby David.
I am in serious love with Baby Snowy David. He’s beautiful and looks so sweet.
Baby David yoga, anyone?
I love the hind leg up by the ear. I used to be able to do that…
This reminds me of my cat in the flower box that wasn’t a flower box this year but a CAT box. Except my Siamese is INCAPABLE of yoga as he’s a little “adipose”.
Awwwwwww! Lovin’ the Baby David (love name Honky even more!)
I think Baby David is trying to make you all look like cat killers! This kit-teh looks positively dead!
I love free-range cats.
Baby David is my favorite, how does he stay so white lying in all that dirt?
This picture makes me crave a nap in a big bad way. Which means that I’m seriously sleep deprived, I guess.
Baby David looks like he had one-too-many last night and couldn’t find the front door.
Looks just like my little white cat when she thinks she’s in the meadows. She could hardly be more wrong:
I love Baby David!