First of all, Bossy admits she always thought bible belt meant the following:
But as Bossy has driven the miles wrapped inside more miles riddled with more miles that encompass Virginia and Georgia and Tennessee and Arkansas, the various bible belt billboards tell a different story, such as this:
And speaking of signs, Bossy keeps seeing this one in front of various places of worship:
This is how Bossy passes the time in her car, reading signs and thinking and driving and driving and driving and driving and listening to the Sirius satellite radio that came with her (Harrison) Ford.
And speaking of Bossy’s satellite radio and sentences that perpetually begin with And speaking of, Bossy has this to say: Tiger Woods, do you have to make it so easy?
Case in point: The Masters Golf Tournament and Tiger Woods’ hole by hole coverage. Hee hee hee haw haw haw. And when you tire of that, you can listen to Tiger Woods’ stroke by stroke coverage. Hee hee hee haw haw haw.
Let’s see, Christ, Tiger Woods, is that it, Bossy?
Of course not. Yesterday Bossy rolled into the fine city of Nashville which Bossy likes to call Memphis much to the amusement of Bossy’s mother, who has always accused Bossy of lacking very basic city/state skills.
But Bossy wants her mother to know she is much improved in this area due to her extensive road tripping! Bossy also wants her mom to know she is currently sitting in a Little Rock internet cafe eating something healthy and my isn’t California lovely this time of year!
But back to Nashville. Bossy is exceedingly lucky to have a member of her council who offered to give Bossy three tickets to see a live taping of The Prairie Home Companion at the famous Ryman Auditorium, home of the Grande Ole Opry.
Bossy couldn’t stop looking around at the old wood ceiling and the old wood floors and imagining decades worth of wood debauchery by folks like Waylon Jennings. Hee hee hee haw haw haw.
Then Bossy and her council met up with even more council and even more silliness happened, where the silliness was fried and dipped in a creamy remoulade:
Here are the Nashville bloggers who were in attendance, check them out: blonde mom blog, Rebecca, Malia, Alli Worthington, Bossy’s new girlfriend Tori, and Busy Mom, with a special shout out to the generous Kat and the entertaining Dina.
And now Bossy is in Little Rock, which you may be surprised to learn is neither Little or a Rock. Go figure.
Someday, I will make it to Nashville to see Alli. Someday.
I love BOSSY (no) book tours.
We actually saw Country Music’s retirement program (AKA The Grand Ole Opry) last year in February. That night’s show was sponsored by WBVR in Kentucky. It was Beaver Night at the Opry, and I have the poster to prove it.
I have no idea what that show was, but I do know this… even tired and travel-rumpled, Bossy looks hawt. No fair.
Enjoying the tour from afar…

So excited that you are in Little Rock! Where will you be tonight?
Had a great time, proud to be part of your tour!! Also, send my love to (Harrison) Ford.
That’s all well and good, but I need to know where you got your band jacket. I want it.
Sorry I missed you this time at both the DC and the Richmond meet ups, but hey, I listened to PHC on NPR, so we were virtually right next to each other. Next time, you should use the word Amazing in your road trip. (because I am watching the Amazing Race). Sorry. Keep on truckin’ Bossy!!!!!
LOVED meeting me some Bossy on the great #nobooktour! So glad you were able to stop in Nashvegas!!
Looks like you had fun…I listened to PHC and didn’t hear you, but thought you said you would be doing some taping with GK. Was hoping to hear you on the radio.
And so, you will be here tomorrow night! Have I told you how excited my cousin, Pye and I are? Well, if you didn’t get that drift by now I just dunno.
When and how did Nashville become “Nashvegas”? I’m pretty sure the B. Belt doesn’t allow that kind of nonsense for their children to see. I’m pretty sure about that, indeed.
See ya, Monday night! :o)
Nashville is rad like flying bicycles. Sad you had to follow it with Arkansas.
Oh, how I love your updates. Even if I am crying a little because I”m going to miss seeing you in Boston.
Anyway…have seen Garrison on stage several times. What a delight he is! He should be on everyone’s Bucket Lists (lists of which, I believe, are terribly overrated…but that’s another story)
Waiting for your next update from whichever state you are mistakenly in!
I’m in Memphis for the weekend where we had fried fried for dinner tonight. Now I get it.
Oh Bossy! I would have driven the (Harrison) Ford off the road & into a ditch by now. Enjoy LR, AR: I have near and dear there, and I love the place, from afar.
PS and yes, the “belt” part of Bible Belt always distracted me, too.
I still can’t believe it all. I so hope we cross paths again someday.
–>Is Bill Clinton part of BOSSY’s council? If so, he’s late on his dues.
I love Bossy with a deep and abiding love and mi guest room es su guest room forever and ever amen.
(And please tell Harrison Ford I apologize for kinda bumper-humpin’ him right there at the end of our council meeting. I was raised better than that. But he’s just so darn shiny…)
I think it’s not a belt anymore, it’s the bible pants.
km was worse than Bossy as she watched the Master’s coverage. When they said Tiger will be in Charlotte next month km was all “who’s Charlotte?”. Too easy…..
Great post. Sorry I could not make it. I thought long and hard about it. Could not find childcare and would have had to bring my 16/y/o with autism to a very noisy restaurant. We went shopping instead. My own post today happens to be about being raised in the belt and how I finally broke the buckle:
Listened to PHC Saturday night to hear if the BOSSY (No) Book Tour was announced as IN THE HOUSE, but alas. It was an even quieter week in Lake Woebegon.
RYMAN AUDITORIUM? ZOMG! I have always wanted to go there! That is so cool that you went!
Look at me breaking my no blog at work rule. Had a great time with you all Ladies! Dina
Green with envy I am that my hero, Bossy, got to see my other hero, Garrison Keillor – and in the legendary Ryman Auditorium to boot.
Oh! Man! I love BOSSY (no) book tours!!!
I keep mousing over the pictures, forgetting that Bossy’s blog photos aren’t like Facebook and they utterly refuse to give me no clues about who is who in the photos. Dang.
Tomorrow night: watch for My Friend Peggy at Brasil, as my stand-in.
Drive safely.
Bossy’s in Houston tomorrow! I’ll recognize you because you’ll be wearing J. Cash’s fine black boots.
I’ve been practicing my pitiful orphans-in-the-snow excuse for leaving the office early. And if that doesn’t work I’m not above faking a siezure (even if I cant spell it).
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