When Bossy is not on a (No) Book Tour (not) signing books and stuff like that, Bossy enjoys her fiber delivered by a nice glass of Metamucil, preferably after jogging.
But since Bossy is currently on a (No) Book Tour (not) signing books and stuff like that, she needed to find a substitute fiber. Benefiber is citrus-flavored and chewable, which Bossy enjoys so much she has incorporated her daily dose (two pills) into the driving games she enlists in order to stay awake.
For instance, Bossy will allow herself one Benefiber at 5 a.m. and another at 6 a.m., until finally allowing herself to pull over for coffee and a breakfast sandwich at 7 a.m., and yeah, who wishes their (No) Book Tour was as exciting as Bossy’s?
Reeb says
April 14, 2010 at 5:59 pmDarlin’, you really know how to have a good time while driving! Mmm, Benefiber. Are they a tour sponsor too?
Once I amused myself on an 11 hour Houston-to-Tulsa drive by laughing at a wind-up chimp who played cymbals on the dash of my car. Whatever it takes.
BossysMom says
April 14, 2010 at 6:12 pmthat would be me. hi honey.
foolery says
April 14, 2010 at 8:09 pmIf you REALLY want exciting, take a handful of Benefiber when you get into the car. Blog fodder. Film at 11:00.
middle-aged-woman says
April 14, 2010 at 8:56 pmYou know you’ve reached a certain point in your life when the EVENT happening on a daily basis is something to be hoped for, and the lack of the EVENT can cause serious stress.
Gail K. says
April 15, 2010 at 9:21 amI think Bossy would have a better time with Bossy’s Daughter’s bowl of popcorn. Better tasting fiber and think of all the games you could play with it.
sherry says
April 15, 2010 at 10:41 amBossy has inspired sherry to plan her 2011 (No) Fruits and Vegetables tour. Maybe Benefiber and Metamucil would like to sponsor?
Actually, sherry likes to start her day with an apple and a handful of raw almonds, and a Crystal Light Fit (5 grams of fiber, baby!), with a Beta-blocker chaser. Mmm, motivational!