Once upon a time Bossy stayed with her friend Wendy in Scottsdale Arizona for a few days, where the two friends hooked themselves up to a wine I.V. in the Bravo Network ward of the imaginary hospital. Then one day Wendy said, “Let’s go shopping because I need a grown up shirt.” So Bossy and Wendy went to a store and here’s what happened: Wendy walked directly over to the grown up shirts which were actually distressed boyfriend jeans and decided to try a pair on.
Bossy followed suit, where suit is not a suit, but rather boyfriend jeans, which Bossy tried on and loved because they are so soft and comfortable. In fact they were so soft and comfortable Bossy said they felt like socks.
As you can see the jeans are a size too big, but that’s what makes them so comfortable. And Bossy doesn’t mind the bunchy front. No, the issue Bossy has with these jeans is the rear — and did Bossy mention she has an issue with these jeans? Yes, Bossy is trying to decide whether she should keep these jeans or return them and you, dear council, are going to help her decide.
So, here’s the issue. You know, the issue that’s not Bossy’s bizarre shadow:
The issue is the rear of the jeans, or should Bossy say her rear in the jeans. As Bossy said to her friend Wendy, “The ass doesn’t inspire greatness,” and dear Bossy we don’t know what you mean by that either.
Still, they are as comfortable as socks and they are supposed to fit loose because they are Boyfriend Jeans — even though in Bossy’s case the boyfriend is Sam Kinison.
While you study the above photos and render your opinion, Bossy would like to tell you about her San Diego (No) Book Tour get-together last night. It was held in her house:
It was very fun and well attended by the likes of Jacquie, Christina, a real live man named Matthew, Debbie, Kelly, Melanie, Katy, and Jenn, with a special shout out to lurker Jenn and Bossy’s cameraman Scott.
Today Bossy is hugging the Pacific Ocean in her (Harrison) Ford, driving to Laguna Beach for another meet-up tonight, followed by an L.A. meet-up the next night, followed by a Palo Alto meet-up — and are you sensing a theme?
Now what about those jeans?
I love the jeans. They look comfy and stylish. Comfy and inspirational ass are usually mutually exclusive, no?
I also love the shoe photo.
I love the jeans. I don’t think the arse area looks weird.
My party is on BOSSY’s blog! It was a great time–very make new friends and keep the old.
I like the look of the jeans. But, dear Bossy, I have seen your cute slender frame, and those pants do not make you look as cute as you are. You need fantastic ass jeans. So, I vote return. Sorry, comfy does not override slouchy bum.
They look fine to me – you need some comfy with all of that driving across the United States and whatnot.
Honestly, Bossy!! Those jeans are plenty cute and how often do you come across jeans that feel like SOCKS!?!
I say, keep the jeans and wear them when you want to be comfy AND cute! Because seriously, those things should be worn in public with no shame!
Hmmmm, I’m with elz. The jeans look good, but not GREAT. They don’t look bad, or even “not good,” but if comfort was the sole factor we’d all be wearing Snuggies in public. You can do so much better, Bossy!
I just noticed that the flash is creating a red glow exactly dead center in the shoe picture. VERY cool!
Hi again! So awesome to meet you and all the locals and to see hostess Jenn again. I just found out we have another friend in common up there in LA. Shayera – you met her on your last tour. Good buddy of mine from our politically oriented blogging lives 🙂 Funny how eventually all these online worlds intersect.
Oh, and I vote keep the jeans. Comfort over everything, especially if they feel like SOCKS 🙂
As my grandmother used to say to me; those don’t become your style of beauty.
Bossy looks a little pale next to all them Californians. Let’s hear it for East Coast skin! The jeans- I like the jeans. Also approve of cameraman Scott.
The jeans are fine. What I don’t understand is the camera men. How do you get them? I LOVE camera men and you seem to have MANY.
Return them. They give you flat old-lady ass, and Bossy’s neither old nor flat. They don’t deserve you.
Bossy, if you return those jeans, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM GOING TO DO WITH YOU.
I had the same dilemma with a pair of comfortable-as-socks boyfriend jeans. I ditched them, because honestly – ass trumps comfort.
That’s not a butt. Butts are big and wide, like Texas. That’s small and narrow, like a congressional viewpoint.
You should return the jeans because unless you are wearing socks on your ass, that’s not a valid argument, and those jeans give you baggy ass. OK – if you’re going to be wearing them so only (Harrison) Ford sees you in them, keep them. I’m sure he’s seen you drooling in your sleep, and after that baggy ass jeans are no big deal. But if you plan on regularly wearing them out in the world, get jeans that make your ass look as awesome as it can! Which is pretty awesome.
And why didn’t WE do a cool shoe circle in Austin? Come back so we can do that. And drink more wine.
From the front, the jeans make you look like a particularly gorgeous 18-year-old. From the back, they make you look like an average 50-year-old. And since Bossy is neither average nor 50, these jeans are not for her.
I would KILL for your ass, is all I’m gonna say!
Looking forward to meeting you next week!
Lose ’em. The BF britches don’t, um, aesthetically augment the IAB framework…
From this part of the council in Michigan, I think the jeans are perfect. I don’t see the bunchin situation. I that’s exactly how they’re supposed to look.
Well I would be inclined to say nice fanny, BUT, I’d be opening the door to all sorts of trouble I frankly don’t need. So I can say, umm, nice shoes? Okay, the shoes, what in the…
I would say the jeans look fine, but hey I guess I need to see what everyone else is talkin’ bout to compare to (am a Newbie). Enjoyed all the guests last night. Can’t wait to go through all the “missed” footage!
Vote is NO on baggy butt boyfriend jeans! You go one size smaller and they will STILL be comfortable and your butt will look better!
If you value the asthetics of the ass-view, then you can not wear those jeans. Comfort trumps great-butt in my book, but that is just me. I don’;t wear any pants at all because of comfort issues. If you want your ass to look great, these are not the jeans for you.
As much as I detest disagreeing with the divine Chookooloonks, you were not given that body to hide in baggy-assed jeans. Get thee and thine’s hiney back into the store and return.
How much were they? Over 30 and I’d return them. 30 or under I’d keep em because they are comfy. More than that though, you have a rocking bod and these jeans don’t do anything for you.
Great to meet you last night, and all my fellow San Diego bloggers! I could use another margarita right about now.
Bossy, I love you but those jeans are no bueno. Too high in the waist thus causing pancake butt syndrome. They’re fine for the road trip in terms of comfy sock-like sweatpants, and Scott-type people will love all the extra space to stick their mic packs (ahem), but once you’re done with the road trip you won’t want to wear those.
Be kinder to your butt, it’s always been behind you 100%.
Your bottom deserves better.
RETURN! They are “mom jeans”. Yes, I said it. They need to be lower waisted, lighter in color and have smaller pockets that are not so high up. Yes you are mom but wouldn’t you want your ass to look like a 20 year old in a good pair of jeans? If so, get some non-mom jeans.
Hey!! It was so fun last night in SD and great to meet everyone. This morning I told my husband (he of “afternoon delight” fame) that you just might be the thinnest woman I’ve ever met in person. But those jeans? They do not express that.
You can’t go wrong with sock jeans. You just can’t.
They certainly aren’t awesome like you are. I say return them.
It all depends on how much they cost? If they are 40 dollar boyfriend jeans with a droop bottom, I’d keep them. If they are 70 + dollar droop bottom jeans–I say throw them back.
If you decide to throw them back, check out the AG brand. They have sock soft and great ass jeans combined.
Love the jeans. Your inspiring ass characteristics shine through and if you’re not sure, wiggle the behind a little more vigorously while wearing them. Extra exercise, extra inspiring. Win/win. Keeping jeans with a sock softness attribute is a moral and comfort imperative.
In spite of your opinion, I love LOVE the Bossy shadow. Keep it always.
Unless they were purchased at poverty party pricing, they need to go back. They may be comfy, but they are not showing off your assets. What Not To Wear would agree.
If you can’t live without them, don’t get them. That’s my theory.
Go down a size and keep.
I would keep them cuz they’re super cute. But who am I to ask…I just went to the mall to get a couple new shirts and came home with about 10.
I say return because if you are questioning how they look, you will never wear them even if they are comfy. Believe me as one who owns many a pair of too loose in the ass or too short or too something jeans that I put on but then am reminded what is wrong with them and never wear.
I am alwayz weary of jeanz cuz when I put on a pair that are stiff and uncomferz I serial die. SERIAL!
Great jeans…that’s just their nature. Wear a long shirt if it bothers you or just walk backward out of rooms from here on out.
Every girl needs a proper pair of slouchy jeans. It’s a rule. And for the record? Most men I’ve asked think they’re hot. Just sayin.
I think they look fine..maybe you could dry them a zillion times?
Forget about your jeans – how about a shot from the rear of the cutie-patootie cameraman’s jeans!
Without hesitation, I vote “no” on the jeans, because while greatness and comfort can indeed go hand-in-hand, they are not friends here. PS Bravo=my FAVORITE entertainment (besides iambossy.com, of course).
I’m with The Zadge – that is one cute cameraman. All I know is I turned on my oven to pre-heat and ended up having to retrieve a giant, black piece of crispy kale from the oven floor. sigh. miss you!
You all look great!!!!
I think the jeans look good. I am told by people who know more than me about making jeans that a flattering butt is all about how the pockets are cut and positions. But I sure don’t know the details.
i think that is Bossy bought the jeans in her actual size (0?) the rear would inspire greatness.
Return. Anything that doesn’t make you feel like you look spectacular is a return. No matter how comfortable they are. (That said, I’m going through clothes to get rid of things and having to apply that to stuff I own. Unfun now. But better fun in the future when I’m walking around all ‘You know I look good’ in the four items of clothing I’ll have left. Ack.)
I find it amusing that no one suggests doing squats or lunges to fill those jeans out. No, it’s the jeans’ fault! 🙂
Matthew, you are a brave man.
PS: I’m crashing the LA stop on the tour. Yee-haa!
The jeans are good and look wonderfully comfortable! The last picture looks like ya’ll are doing the Hokey Pokey and what a bunch of cute shoes!
Your ass looks amazing…
Oops! Did I type that out loud?
No. Please return. Too much sag and gappishness.
Your butt is much too righteous.
They will most likely shrink a bit in the dryer – stick with them.
Slouchy ass is not a good look, but if it were me, I’d keep ’em anyway.
Keep them—-even if you’re lucky enough not to” grow into them”.
I see no weirdness in the caboose. A bit big = comfort, and when you and Harrison Ford are driving up the Pacific Coast Hwy, aka 101, you will want comfort. You will. Really. I sincerely hope that you will take101 all the way to the Bay Area. Between Ventura and Santa Barbara is the most beautiful stretch of driving ever. You’ll be inspired to take that surfboard off the top of Harrison Ford and hang ten in the surf with all the gorgeous surfer boys. Honestly, everytime I visit my Dad on the central CA coast, I always drive to Santa Barbara because that stretch just takes my breath away. It’s zen for me. I hope you take the time to go that route, and I hope you love it as much as I do!
I’d say, why pay for boyfriend jeans when you could probably get distressed jeans from your brother for free!
I have friend who is a handyman and always has jeans that are paint spattered and ripped at the knees – he claims to often have women willing to buy his jeans from him!
The jeans are really cute on you, because you have such a trim body. If they are comfortable and reasonably priced (poverty party?), keep them.
Kelly H. totally nailed it and if she had a fashion blog I would read it. If she was in Chicago, I would invite her into my closet to root out my mistakes. In the absence of anyone around me like Kelly H., however, I do pretty well with the “no doubt” rule: If you spend more than 15 seconds looking at yourself in the mirror trying to decide if you like it, you don’t. If you have to ask the entire Internet for an opinion, you already know the answer. Break up with those jeans.
The jeans look great. No, they don’t make you look like a hooker, they’re not low-riding enough to have sex without even unzipping – but those are plusses in my book. On the other hand, as Suburban Kamikaze said, if you spend time wondering, you really don’t like them. So, OK, don’t buy them – but not because they don’t look great, because they really do — just because you’re not particularly thrilled with them.
#61 is right on the money. Take them back. You need skinny jeans for your skinny bod.
Dear Bossy,
Return the jeans, your backside deserves better!
When I looked at the jeans I thought, “They fit her perfectly.” Then you said they look too big. So if the jeans I have on right now seem just a little too big to me, does that mean they are way too big? Now you have me doubting myself, darn it all, Bossy. But keep the jeans. You gotta have the comfy. Arse looks great.
WOMEN!!!!!!! Jeeze, comfy is everything!!!!
Of course, a great bum is OK also
I was just wondering if we will be finding out the results of the poll because even though I have a college degree in mathematics, I’m way too lazy to go through and tally the count here and then keep coming back to see if there are more votes and now I think Bossy’s run-on-sentence syndrome is catching. So when you get the entire country’s opinion, just let us know the “end” result. kthxbai.
Cameraman = Yummy!
Jeans = Yucky!
Ditch them, get cuter jeans for the cute ass you have.
And, I’ll cry into my chocolate for the cute ass I had before my three kids (maybe someday I’ll find it again, if I ditch the chocolate).
@Suburban Kamikaze Why thank you! I wish I did have a fashion blog but alas, I am not the queen of all things fashion. But I know my jeans. They are one of a few items worth spending $$ on if you find just the right pair.
BOSSY: Please tell us what the results of the poll are and I believe we all are deserved of a pic of the camera man’s jeans too.
I am feeling medium about the jeans. They are cute, however i think that cute ones that are still comfortable exist somewhere. I vote return.
I have on serious mom jeans even as I write. So I”m not commenting; just wish somebody would invent cool PLUS comfy. And I need a kind fashionista to help me.
But I will say: Cutest photographer/husband so far!!
Will you ever tell us the verdict about did you return them or no?
The jeans look great. But, yeah, that shadow is weird!
And these are some looonnnnggggg legs.
See you soon!
i think your butt is too cute to wear jeans that baggy. they need to hug the rump, sister.
Are ya gonna drive back to whereever you bought them? (AZ? NM?). I don’t think they do you justice, so please donate to a charity. Where charity equals they may look gah-awful on someone but gah-awful is better than buck-naked. Glad you’re having fun Bossy, I love the S. A. Dress!
@Reeb, check out “Not Your Daughter’s Jeans.” Seriously, they are awesome.
I say keep ’em. They look great… but both my wife and my 4yo daughter will tell you that I have no style taste/judgment. There, no help at all… Have a good travel up the coast to the Pacific Northwest! paul
I vote return them! Life’s too short to NOT wear cute jeans that ARE comfortable :0)
Sister mercy, cameraman Eric is wondering what the heck is that contraption cameraman Scott is standing next to? Can you ask Scott to email Eric to discuss further?
I love reading about your no book tour!! And I’m sorry you won’t be visiting with bloggers in Minneapolis, but I don’t have a blog anyway and I’d end up wearing the button-down 501s I’ve been wearing since 1979…. perhaps not the same exact pair, I do get a new pair every two years! So I’m obviously ot the person to comment on jeans, but if you are in doubt, take them back. Of course, I’m not going to tell you how much of my closet has never been worn because I make bad decisions and am too lazy to return them.