Every morning while on her 6-week (No) Book Tour, Bossy wakes up while it’s still dark, where wakes up is a relative term since typically you need to be asleep in order to wake up.
And then Bossy hits the road and drives and drives and drives with more driving for good luck. Bossy tries to push herself to drive at least two hours before breakfast, because all of that hunger keeps her plenty distracted. And when those two hours fade to memory, where memory is a relative term since it’s difficult to remember anything when starving and not sleeping, Bossy begins to look for a place to get her daily breakfast sandwich.
And when, finally, the exit sign appears in the distance listing the available restaurants, Bossy scans it for the orange and blue swoosh of her beloved Burger King logo.
Once in the restaurant Bossy stands there eyeing the menu trying to select which of the many breakfast sandwiches she will call her own. And sister mercy, Bossy, why on and on with the breakfast sandwich already? you may be asking.
Breakfast sandwiches are actually quite nutritionally balanced with a nice day-starting protein hit, that’s why. Egg, sausage, cheese, bread. All that’s not represented from the food pyramid is wine and chocolate and fish taco.
In addition, Bossy is all breakfast sandwich because Bossy has never begun a road trip day without a breakfast sandwich. It’s a tradition. A tradition wrapped in a biscuit, or a croissant, or sourdough bread:
And all for a reasonable price:
–>What are you using that has $197.30 of a balance left on it? At that price, BOSSY can purchase many, many, many breakfast sandwiches with $197.30.
Ok, I’ll admit I’m not a particular fan of Burger King, but I AM a fan of breakfast sandwiches. Especially my homemade ones. I also really like Dunkin Donuts breakfast sandwiches but I imagine it’s not so easy finding one of those off the turnpike. Or wherever it is you are.
I’m looking for a Burger King to use my card at now!!
I have no idea how you manage to look so healthy. Must be good genes or something, because it isn’t the bkfst croissant + sausage combo.
Sister Mercy, how can the sandwich with all that wonderful protein be 2/3 the cost of a cup of flavored water? What is wrong with this picture?
a 200.00 gift card? LOL! That’s a lot of breakfast snadwiches. I understand that allure of those little salty, gooey lumps of goodness though!
Thanks Burger King for helping in bringing Bossy to California.
Blackbird has no doubt that the Burger King breakfast sandwiches are delicious (not that she’s ever had one) but she’s hoping Bossy has some blood work done when she’s done with the tour. Just sayin.
Bossy needs to sit down and watch “Supersize Me.” Beware the breakfast sandwich.
I knew there had to be some nutritional value in a breakfast sandwich…………
Good grief….where the heck are you by now? It seems like you have been gone 40 days and 40 nights.
At the first of this post I wasn’t sure they had fast food at all in that sate. I figured that is how you keep your slender figure.
We are having fun with these visits and seeing the US. This trip could probably qualify for extra credit on a paper or class or something.
New Official Tally of Bossy’s Road Trip Husbands
1. Burger King
2. The blue swoosh of Burger King’s logo
3. A Burger King biscuit of any flavor, shape or form
4. A sign that says Burger King
5. Any random mention of the King
Official Tally of Bossy’s Road Trip Divorces, or relationships who have taken a back seat to Burger King:
1. DC Cameraman
2. Harrison Ford
3. Holiday Inn Express
4. Bossy’s Little Rock Hostess
5. Bar keep in Middle of Texas after no sleep
6. Cameraman in Austin, but definitely not his microphone
the only thing i will eat at burger king is the croissanwich, and had i known there was a gift card in that box, your dallas hostesses and i would have “lost” it
ok maybe not
It was great to see you as you swooshed through the L.A. area last week. So glad we could tempt you away from the big BK to have some other edible fare.
Happy travels, Bossy!
I have already begun assembling you some squishy California vegan protein breakfast muffins. Ewwwww, that sounds terrible. Forget I said that. I may be a squishy Californian with a muffin top, but I’m no vegan.
On road trips, Burger King breakfast is the only way to go! I’ve been on that lonely stretch of road, looking for the good king to make me some breakfast. Worth the wait, when your’e starving and sleepless.
@ Chesapeake Woman – I would say that BOSSY is still hitched to (Harrison) Ford as he is providing th transportation – just sayin’. As for the rest, well, yes, I would probably dump them for a Croissan’wich too or John Cusack, whichever I could get my hands on first!
About the only food at fast food places that doesn’t give me a stomache ache immediately afterwards is breakfast sandwiches! Here in Canada Tim Hortons makes a pretty good one too. But did you know that Wendy’s only makes burgers for breakfast here? No breakfast menu!! Scandalous!
Get some good coffe. Oh, wait, it is more than the sandwich, so I guess it is good.
I do love me a Sausage McMuffin With No Egg. Tragic but true: I put extra salt on it.
Four! days.
I keep trying to get BK to hold the croissant and let me put my egg and bacon from it between two slabs of hash browns but apparently there IS a limit to “Have it your way”. I’m holding out fresh hope, though, now that KFC i s offering bacon and cheese between two slabs of fried chicken.
Hey, I invented food.
Im kicking myself for not grabbing some of those cards…..I love the sourdough sandwich best!
Thank you BK for sponsoring Bossy’s no book tour sandwich fix! We love Bossy and now love BK for loving Bossy.