What doesn’t evaporate or get burned off will go into a bunch of big tanks and then to a refinery and ultimately, to your car and your cosmetics and your plastic bags and your tires and your drugs and your pesiticides and your clothes and your shoes and your roof and your street and … Basically, everywhere ALL the oil goes now. You didn’t think they were going to WASTE it, did you?
Comment above sounds good.. Our local news (Ft Myers FL) said yesterday that they were hauling it to landfills around the state though. So I don’t think it can be re-used.
I agree with 4 and 5, except I want it to go up Dick Cheyneys arse.
And 6, Sometimes funny has to stop just for a bit so that we can fully contemplate just what us humans have gotten ourselves into.
We can make new jobs with a new focus, clean energy.
To #7 — there will be pain in any process of moving off our dependency on oil but there will also be new jobs related to energy efficiency. I am from the gulf coast and know well the impact of big oil on the economic state of all people who live there but am sick to death of “but the oil jobs” as an excuse to continue crimes against creation. Jesus help us all! There is nothing funny to be said about this.
All of this makes me wanna crawl up in the fetal position and just start rocking back and forth. So sickening. Pass the xanax please. We’re all gonna die.
Dear BossysMom, I know we need to look this straight on and not dodge solely into “funny”, but I get massive quantities of that on NPR morning and evening, and online as well. I love Bossy for her whimsy and would much appreciate a moment of distraction here and there. So I”m voting with Sally/6 on craving humor.
Although (a) I do appreciate that crazy photo of the goggled-swimming-guy surrounded by oil — best visual summing up I’ve seen and (b) I’m totally with you, B’sMom, on Cheney’s arse.
To #10…I DO live on the gulf coast of Louisiana. I’m not saying we should not find other avenues for less dependency and feel it needs to start now, but our prez is suggesting Cap and Tax now matter which way it’s spun. I can’t understand what Cheney has to do this spill except for a while he was the CEO of Haliburton during the Clinton administration. Was it wrong to have worked? He gave that up to be VP.
If alternative energy solutions were economical we would be using them. There’s no money in it. Billions were spent in Carter’s administration to solve the energy shortage, which didn’t exist. One of the reasons that Spain, Portugal and other European country’s geen energy projects failed, along with their economies, were because they’re being subsidized by government. Bottom line, if alternative energy were profitable everybody would into green businesses and that would have happened long, long ago.
We are learning the difference between price and cost. We have been getting our energy on the cheap for a long, long time. Right now there is no end in sight for this horror. Once the well is capped, then we can begin to try and deal with the long term effects. And let us hope that cap happens before hurricanes get into the mix.
I have visited Gulf Shores in Alabama, Fort Walton Beach and Destin in Florida. Beautiful places that I think will recover over time. I worry about oyster beds and fishing more than the beaches. Marshes and other habitat.
The only up side I can find is maybe the giant pythons will stop breeding in the Everglades, because you know the glades will take a hit.
FWIW, Bossy’s mom, I agree with you on where the fault lies and also of course that there’s nothing funny about the spill. Y’know I really didn’t mean to criticize Bossy for writing about this issue — I was just saying how sad it makes *me*. I commend Bossy for saying something actulally!
I just do a silly little hobby photo blog and I feel guilty quite often for not giving my opinions on it (on this of course it should frighten everybody everywhere).
Disturbing… The fact that this was preventable. A surviving crew member of the oil rig stated that a few days before the accident there were pieces of the blow out protector seal found coming up through the drilling pipeline. He told higher ups and they decided to go ahead anyway. I’m a guy, I understand this mentality. ‘Oops, my condom broke but I’ll cross my fingers and keep going cause I’m soooooooo close.’ Bastards!!!
More disturbing… even though we were assured otherwise, they are no closer to sealing this thing off than they were a day after it happened. Meanwhile BP is sucking up as much oil as possible with their big vacuum cleaner thingy and making money off every gallon. Of course the spin is that they are trying to stop as much oil as possible from getting into the gulf.
Even more disturbing… The 20 billion BP put in the pot today is great… but not so much when they don’t have a plan to stop the leak. This could go on for a really long time and no amount of money from BP will be able to make up for that. The environmental and economic destruction could far surpass anything we’ve ever seen.
OK, I know I got off topic, but I wasn’t the only one. Kudos to Bossy’s mom and the Cheney comment. You all know he is somehow guilty of something, even if only by association. I’m 100% with #1. They will make money off this somehow. If landfills are taking this stuff they are keeping it aside in drums and selling it off. It’s hazerdous waste, landfills can’t dump it in the ground. Also, the’re not stupid. Crude in almost any form can be refined. Crude mixed with water is one of the easiest.
I swear the glass is half full, but not with oil. Let’s hope the people that need to learn from this do.
Let’s hope the next time someone says there is a problem, the guy in charge says , ‘ ok, we’ll stop for a few days and fix the protector chumpy.’
The things that humans do to each other is so mind boggle-ing-ly frightening to me that there are times when I have to just think of all those other ones that didn’t get bogged down from the WHY’s?? and just moved forward and somehow we were all able to stay afloat in their wake.
Most of the crude oil that comes out of the ground (including the ground at the bottom of the ocean) is mixed with all kinds of not-crude-oil impurities. The oil industry has a LOT of experience in taking those impurities out before refining the crude. The recovered oil is NOT going into a landfill.
And gg, the alternative energy industry is not truly profitable (yet) because there is a much cheaper energy source currently available – petroleum – that controls the market. The problem is that when petroleum either runs out or becomes less profitable than alternative energy / raw materials, it will probably already be too late to make the shift.
Jami, the alternative available energies that’s trying to be promoted today, like wind and solar with the exceptions of fuel cells and nuclear, are inefficient to produce for the amount of energy that’s derived. The problem is how to distribute it. There’s enough fossile fuels to last more than 300 years or possibly longer, despite what estimates you hear.
Nuclear power is based on fission. The containment is the problem. If that’s ever solved, we’ll have power indifinetly…like the sun. Fission reactions have the compliction of what to do with the waste, even if it’s cheap. Fusion would be the answer and has been tried to be figure it out since the 60’s. With fusion reaction the waste is helium and water which is inert. If we had no goverment moriturim for the last 30 years ago, we wouldn’t have an energy problem today. It takes 12-15 years to bulid one. On a side note, France gets over 70% of their electric power from fission reaction…which is cheap and renewable.
BTW, it will come out that if the well isn’t capped, the oil will flow from that source for the next 3 – 4 decades for the amount of oil.
Just another piece that may be of interest, it’s now been discovered that the earth’s core is producing much of the natural gas and petroleum. Fossil fuels aren’t just fossil, it’s being produced by the earth’s core.
I’m so sorry for the multiple comments. I just wanted to address my original comment #7. Obama has signed an executive order to commited two billion dollars (yes, 2 billion of tax payer’s money) to exploit off-shore drilling off Brazil. Troublesome is an understatement.
I will singlehandedly take it and dispose of it in a secretive but environmentally friendly way (hook oil IVs up to politicians beholden to the oil industry while they sleep in the night) and thus be granted superhero status.
What doesn’t evaporate or get burned off will go into a bunch of big tanks and then to a refinery and ultimately, to your car and your cosmetics and your plastic bags and your tires and your drugs and your pesiticides and your clothes and your shoes and your roof and your street and … Basically, everywhere ALL the oil goes now. You didn’t think they were going to WASTE it, did you?
Yeah—that’s what will happen to all the oil that isn’t on animals and birds and beaches and plants and———
Sigh—its so sad
Hopefully put it in line to be turned into gasoline. My next car may be a Prius after we lose all our reserves.
One could WISH they would pump it forcibly up Tony Hayward’s Derriere – but I suppose that’s probably not going to happen. *sigh*
I’m with #4. Right up his arse!
Comment above sounds good.. Our local news (Ft Myers FL) said yesterday that they were hauling it to landfills around the state though. So I don’t think it can be re-used.
Write something funny Bossy! I need it.
Where the oil goes is insignificant compared to the pain of 9.2 million lost US oil jobs if drilling stops.
The whole thing just makes me mad!
I agree with 4 and 5, except I want it to go up Dick Cheyneys arse.
And 6, Sometimes funny has to stop just for a bit so that we can fully contemplate just what us humans have gotten ourselves into.
We can make new jobs with a new focus, clean energy.
To #7 — there will be pain in any process of moving off our dependency on oil but there will also be new jobs related to energy efficiency. I am from the gulf coast and know well the impact of big oil on the economic state of all people who live there but am sick to death of “but the oil jobs” as an excuse to continue crimes against creation. Jesus help us all! There is nothing funny to be said about this.
All of this makes me wanna crawl up in the fetal position and just start rocking back and forth. So sickening. Pass the xanax please. We’re all gonna die.
Dear BossysMom, I know we need to look this straight on and not dodge solely into “funny”, but I get massive quantities of that on NPR morning and evening, and online as well. I love Bossy for her whimsy and would much appreciate a moment of distraction here and there. So I”m voting with Sally/6 on craving humor.
Although (a) I do appreciate that crazy photo of the goggled-swimming-guy surrounded by oil — best visual summing up I’ve seen and (b) I’m totally with you, B’sMom, on Cheney’s arse.
Not to be moralizing or instructive or such. sigh. I’m suffering disaster news fatigue. And I don’t even live down there.
To #10…I DO live on the gulf coast of Louisiana. I’m not saying we should not find other avenues for less dependency and feel it needs to start now, but our prez is suggesting Cap and Tax now matter which way it’s spun. I can’t understand what Cheney has to do this spill except for a while he was the CEO of Haliburton during the Clinton administration. Was it wrong to have worked? He gave that up to be VP.
If alternative energy solutions were economical we would be using them. There’s no money in it. Billions were spent in Carter’s administration to solve the energy shortage, which didn’t exist. One of the reasons that Spain, Portugal and other European country’s geen energy projects failed, along with their economies, were because they’re being subsidized by government. Bottom line, if alternative energy were profitable everybody would into green businesses and that would have happened long, long ago.
We are learning the difference between price and cost. We have been getting our energy on the cheap for a long, long time. Right now there is no end in sight for this horror. Once the well is capped, then we can begin to try and deal with the long term effects. And let us hope that cap happens before hurricanes get into the mix.
I have visited Gulf Shores in Alabama, Fort Walton Beach and Destin in Florida. Beautiful places that I think will recover over time. I worry about oyster beds and fishing more than the beaches. Marshes and other habitat.
The only up side I can find is maybe the giant pythons will stop breeding in the Everglades, because you know the glades will take a hit.
FWIW, Bossy’s mom, I agree with you on where the fault lies and also of course that there’s nothing funny about the spill. Y’know I really didn’t mean to criticize Bossy for writing about this issue — I was just saying how sad it makes *me*. I commend Bossy for saying something actulally!
I just do a silly little hobby photo blog and I feel guilty quite often for not giving my opinions on it (on this of course it should frighten everybody everywhere).
Miss Bossy, you sure did stir up a heap ‘a trouble today…and that’s why I love ya!
Disturbing… The fact that this was preventable. A surviving crew member of the oil rig stated that a few days before the accident there were pieces of the blow out protector seal found coming up through the drilling pipeline. He told higher ups and they decided to go ahead anyway. I’m a guy, I understand this mentality. ‘Oops, my condom broke but I’ll cross my fingers and keep going cause I’m soooooooo close.’ Bastards!!!
More disturbing… even though we were assured otherwise, they are no closer to sealing this thing off than they were a day after it happened. Meanwhile BP is sucking up as much oil as possible with their big vacuum cleaner thingy and making money off every gallon. Of course the spin is that they are trying to stop as much oil as possible from getting into the gulf.
Even more disturbing… The 20 billion BP put in the pot today is great… but not so much when they don’t have a plan to stop the leak. This could go on for a really long time and no amount of money from BP will be able to make up for that. The environmental and economic destruction could far surpass anything we’ve ever seen.
OK, I know I got off topic, but I wasn’t the only one. Kudos to Bossy’s mom and the Cheney comment. You all know he is somehow guilty of something, even if only by association. I’m 100% with #1. They will make money off this somehow. If landfills are taking this stuff they are keeping it aside in drums and selling it off. It’s hazerdous waste, landfills can’t dump it in the ground. Also, the’re not stupid. Crude in almost any form can be refined. Crude mixed with water is one of the easiest.
I swear the glass is half full, but not with oil. Let’s hope the people that need to learn from this do.
Let’s hope the next time someone says there is a problem, the guy in charge says , ‘ ok, we’ll stop for a few days and fix the protector chumpy.’
Let’s HOPE!!!
If they skim it there’s a good possibility it will wind up in our tanks.
If it makes it to the beach, they truck it a few miles inland and dump it in land fills.
Saw it on CNN today.
landfills :/
The things that humans do to each other is so mind boggle-ing-ly frightening to me that there are times when I have to just think of all those other ones that didn’t get bogged down from the WHY’s?? and just moved forward and somehow we were all able to stay afloat in their wake.
On a barge and drag it out to sea like they do the rest of the garbage. Cynical? Maybe.
I have just one question: How come the diver in that photo is NOT wearing something to protect his head?? Yuk!
Most of the crude oil that comes out of the ground (including the ground at the bottom of the ocean) is mixed with all kinds of not-crude-oil impurities. The oil industry has a LOT of experience in taking those impurities out before refining the crude. The recovered oil is NOT going into a landfill.
And gg, the alternative energy industry is not truly profitable (yet) because there is a much cheaper energy source currently available – petroleum – that controls the market. The problem is that when petroleum either runs out or becomes less profitable than alternative energy / raw materials, it will probably already be too late to make the shift.
Jami, the alternative available energies that’s trying to be promoted today, like wind and solar with the exceptions of fuel cells and nuclear, are inefficient to produce for the amount of energy that’s derived. The problem is how to distribute it. There’s enough fossile fuels to last more than 300 years or possibly longer, despite what estimates you hear.
Nuclear power is based on fission. The containment is the problem. If that’s ever solved, we’ll have power indifinetly…like the sun. Fission reactions have the compliction of what to do with the waste, even if it’s cheap. Fusion would be the answer and has been tried to be figure it out since the 60’s. With fusion reaction the waste is helium and water which is inert. If we had no goverment moriturim for the last 30 years ago, we wouldn’t have an energy problem today. It takes 12-15 years to bulid one. On a side note, France gets over 70% of their electric power from fission reaction…which is cheap and renewable.
BTW, it will come out that if the well isn’t capped, the oil will flow from that source for the next 3 – 4 decades for the amount of oil.
Just another piece that may be of interest, it’s now been discovered that the earth’s core is producing much of the natural gas and petroleum. Fossil fuels aren’t just fossil, it’s being produced by the earth’s core.
I’m so sorry for the multiple comments. I just wanted to address my original comment #7. Obama has signed an executive order to commited two billion dollars (yes, 2 billion of tax payer’s money) to exploit off-shore drilling off Brazil. Troublesome is an understatement.
I will singlehandedly take it and dispose of it in a secretive but environmentally friendly way (hook oil IVs up to politicians beholden to the oil industry while they sleep in the night) and thus be granted superhero status.