Bossy needs help… understanding this new thong sandal. Thandal? Shoe? Shandal? Boot? Bandal? Shathandalband?
Thumbs up or down, council?
And a special thanks goes out to Bossy’s daughter for modeling this contraption in the shoe department of J.C.Penney.
In Bossy’s own very personal opinion, which is worth about as much as the Converse sneakers she wears on her own feet: the Renaissance Faire called. They want their shoe back.
What I need help understanding is who dreamed up this creation. And why they aren’t on medication.
can you say butt mother fucking ugly on the internet or is this a family friendly show…
Well, I do have to say I would be more apt to wear the thandal than these:
But I don’t know, I think my cankles would be hot and sweaty, and there is no arch support, so maybe NO!! (love Bossy’s Daughter’s Pedicure though)
uh – “where’s the rest of your ankle boot?” Definitely a DON’T!
LOVE the blue toenails
HATE the shathandalband
Thumbs way down!
thumbs down on the shathandalband – they look like they’d be sweaty. But they’re better than this:
Thumbs as far down as they can go! Fugly!
It’s official. I love Bossy’s Friend Amy beyond all reason–with the same intensity that I loathe those . . . those . . . insults to real sandals.
They’re fine if you’re going for the cankle look.
Oh those sandals are BAD, just NO!
Bossy’s daughter should get a medal just for modelling those ugly things.
Thumbs down! Those things are hideous. And who wants to wear a sandle (presumably a summertime shoe) with a boot collar thing that’ll make your ankles sweat? Why would anyone make those shoes? Why?
Please sir, can I have more …leather.
Does anyone REALLY need a sandal that makes their ankles look fatter? Anybody? No? Didn’t think so!
They are FUGLY! I saw some similar at Target this past weekend and scratched my head…
I’ve seen so many people wearing them. I assume that they have unfortunate ankles.
–>Two thumbs down for sure. (Cute toes though.)
They are uglier than a mud fence in a rainstorm. It looks like rats got them in the cellar. A big thumbs DOWN!
Thumbs down, way down.
They are ugly enough on the shelf in the shoe store but on the foot they are gag worthy. Icky poo.
No! No! No!
It looks like a leg weight attached to a sandal. Hideoso.
I must say, I wish I were the genius janitor cleaning up the scraps from whole shoes in a factory somewhere who patented this contraption. I mean really! Does it not look like they just slapped the leftovers together with a buckle and a button and put it on a sandal bottom?!
Fugly = Friggin’ + Ugly
Destined for the fall clearance rack and someone can later say “I got these for 1,99 @ JCP!”
Lindsay Lohan called and she wants her SCRAM back.
dang those shoes are ugly.
Cleopatra also called…or was that Spartacus?
Not even if they were free.
It’s unanimous — those things are hideous!
I was shocked when I went sandal shopping a month ago and saw many, many varieties of the above and nothing resembling a regular sandal. I have seen the above on a whole lotta tweens and teens and it makes then all look like sluts.
Really, who wears those things? Someone trying to hide an ankle monitor, or an unfortunate tattoo of an ex’s name? I can’t think of any other reason.
Gladiator + gothic = hain
Thumbs down – looks like a cross between an 80’s leg warmer and a sandal. UUUGGGGLLLYYYY!!
They are the ankle boots we wore in the 80’s with scrunchie socks except somebody took a real sharp knife to them. It’s a bad dream.
I don’t know what’s wrong with you people. You should all be thanking your lucky stars that you are not among the tens of people who suffer from cold ankles and hot toes.
You know, or whatever sort of affliction someone would have to be suffering from in order to buy those things.
Here I am, swimming against the taste tide once again in Bossy-world. When last asked for an opinion, I liked the hippyish, rather retro faux cowhide/sheep skin coat that everyone else was gagging over. And now….now….
I like these. People have been wearing them around LA for about 6 months or so, and originally it took me a little to come around, but now I think they’re fun and sort of edgy. (To be really edgy they’d need color. Like purple or turquoise. )
No. Don’t even think about it. Just wrong.
A big thumbs down from me although they seem to be everywhere.
Do NOT want…
LMAO@ Bossy’s friend Amy’s comment!! (#2)
Two thumbs DOWN!!!
It’s the Edsel of footware. Thumbs down.
These may be the ugliest shoes I’ve ever seen.
Great pedicure, though! Super fun for summertime.
Thumbs down! They have the tendency to make one’s ankles look bigger than they are. I do however love the nail polish!
Redonkulous! Fun toes though.
Two thumbs down!
I thought it was a medical brace kind of thing, and you (or someone) had hurt themselves. Totally ugly.
The Zadge is right – they are in style for those looking to hide their SCRAM bracelets
With the humidity and 90 degree weather on the East Coast all I can think of is sweaty nasty ankles. Ewww.
I agree with the shat part.
I’ve never understood this trend and it seems to be just getting stronger. Is it to add a little meat to those underfed Hollywood legs? I’m against any shoe that is comprised of more leather than my purse.
Two thumbs down, waaaaaay down.
My Eyes!!
OMG, these are the fugliest shathandalbands ever imagined. Hate the trend. We are entering into a dark period of basically ugly shoes, get ready ladies!
Bossy’s daughter is too young to have that corn on her toe!
Thosthz thshould be called thandalsth. They are unnethetharily hideouthz.
blech. and sweaty too.
Looks like something to disguise an ankle monitor…..a big phat NO from me
Gross. That is all. (And what Bossy’s friend Amy said)

Looks like a chastity belt for feet.
Love the blue polish though!
I hate them with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
The essence of wrong. The manifestation of bad. But it’s your life so go ahead and flush it down the toilet if you want.
Bossy, really now.
Now, Em #38 has given us some food for thought. I think it’s all what you get used to seeing. Remember when Birkenstocks looked ugly (I know, I know, many of you are saying..they still do!) remember the first time you saw Crocs…and then there are my new and wonderfully comfortable Vibrim Five Fingers (NOT a toy, a shoe!) they are hideous, but SO incredible. Perhaps, that’s how the LA people and tweens wearers of the above picture feel…these shoes are initially hideous but really comfortable.
Then again, I grew up in a household that says you are COMPELLED, nay REQUIRED to see each side of a given situation. Because my first reaction was: NO WAY ON EARTH, would I wear those horrific eye sores.
They could bring you up on child abuse charges for making her wear them.
that shoe makes me sick. yuck.
Wrong on SO many levels … Just say NO, Bossy! Please?
Looks like a plan to hide law enforcement ankle monitors….wouldn’t wear them,….
Total thumbs Down….
Those rate right up there with the boyfriend jeans. They don’t become your style of beauty.
Funny how some things really get the comments going. I think people with extremely skinny long legs might be able to wear these without looking unattractive, but why chance it?
Nope. Sorry. Pretty feet. Ugly shoes.
I don’t understand why people don’t like these. They’re a gift from heaven! Every day, while I traipse around in the ninety degree heat, I think to myself, “Boy, are my ankles COLD!” Now I can keep my ankles nice n’ warm and show off my stylish pedicure at the same time. Thank you, god of footwear. THANK YOU!!
Wow. Thumbs all the way down.
And as someone earlier mentioned…. unfortunate ankles, I’ve got ’em.
I’ve got cankles like you wouldn’t believe yet there is still no chance in HELL that I would ever put those on.
model = cute
thandals = fuggedaboudem. fugly.
Thumbs way, way down…those are horrible…
I saw someone wearing something like this in DC the other day – I had to do a double-take because WTF with all the shoeyness around the ankle? A fashion don’t, methinks.
Next thing you know, you’ll see Dooce sporting them at the White House. Ugh.
Sorry you couldn’t pay me to wear them …..
My husband calls them the Roman sandal. There are some very pretty ones out there but unfortunately, hands down on this one.
When toes that cute look that hideous, you gotta blame the shoe.
Is that the same thing that Lindsey Lohan is wearing on her ankle? Just asking.
Oh, hell no!
Shoes = Thumbs Down
Toenail polish = Two Thumbs Up
Bad, bad, bad style. Style? Yeah, like Crocs are style. Just plain nasty.
Just echoing what many others have said, but not even an adorable pedicure can make those shoes look good. This fad cannot die soon enough.
Its like a shoe with a sweater. Me no likey.
Greek tragedy.
Some designer is plum out of ideas and is tripping.
I guess if I had a badly sprained ankle, and needed to keep an ice pack on it all day, these sandals might be useful. For a day or two, max. But they are ugly and look trashy and uncomfortably hot.
#38 -Em: “People have been wearing them around LA for about 6 months”. This statement confirms my belief that LA is a different planet where common sense, health and comfort are willingly sacrificed on the altar of appearance. UGH.
I did a post about that style of sandal last week.. talk about ugly.
Can’ t say I like them at all. Don’t think they look good on anyone in any outfit…just my opinion…
I have to say thumbs down on the shathandalband!
what i really don’t get is if so many (at least here and amongst my friends) think these are so hideous (and they are sooooo hideous!), why do I see them everywhere!?!?
Positively THE ugliest thing I’ve ever seen on someone’s foot.
Whoever paid for this designer to go to school should get a refund. Bossy’s daughter’s feet are best in red ruby slippers!
I am very, absolutely, so totally really thumbs down about that footwear.
No no no a million times NO.
Ditto to everyone else.
This is how the horrid fashion dictate works…
I’m starting to get used to them.
Then comes fond.
These make my brain and heart and sense of style hurt. There is nothing right about them. Except Bossy’s daughter’s awesome toenail polish. Kudos to that.
It’s horrible, awful and very ugly. Oh and nasty too.
Ugliest shoe ever! It looks like a bedazzled burnt foot-cast! But cute toenail color!
Ugh. And I don’t know much.
Those things are BAD.
Lindsay Lohan called and said to cease and desist showing her patented “minimizing ankle-monitor detection system” (MADS) shandals. Also available in 5-inch heels.
Don’t shoot me. I’m only the messenger.
I would have said FUGLY too – I love what Bossy’s Mom said that the designer must have been tripping! Does Bossy get her humor from her Mom?
They are passed FUGLY and into BFUGLY.
Thumbs way, way, way down.
Hideous… (shudder)
Thumbs deep down in the far below.
I have seen these around here in Germany, and I have one thing to say… NO, so much more, but it comes down to one word: UGLY. I don’t get it, like it or want it, this “look”. Daughter, terrific job in making something hideous look remotely wearable.
Saw someone wearing them this week, and I could not control my mouth from falling open: they are far worse walking down the street than they look on zappos, where I’d seen them before. I think they are really and truly ugly, completely unflattering, and can you even imagine the tan line?
# 38, Em — you are a brave brave woman! We won’t hold it against you. After all, a well-preserved Edsel is a real collector’s item these days. You just might be ahead of the curve
Thumbs down. If this shoe were a gladiator, I’d command everyone to encircle it and then rip out its entrails.
No. That’s it. No. (not to the cute feet but to the UGLINESS encasing them) And have I voted yet? Well, just in case you forgot, it was a NO!
“We were going to make some Ugg boots but ran out of leather”
LOLOL! I love Bossy’s readers!
So now I’m curious…were these just a curiousity at the store? Did your daughter want these? Were they a consideration for you? Do all of your readers imagine me walking around LA competing with Lady Gaga in the fashion department?
It’s strange that they’re so flat. Everything I’ve seen in a similar style has a really high heel–which does not reduce the fug factor.
Butt Ugly. These things are popping up all over the place and I have not seen one pair that I thought had ANY cute potential.
Though I’m not exactly known as one with her finger to the pulse of the fashion world, the inner critic within says ‘hell no’ to that particular example of footwear.
I saw this today, and remembered your feelings about the Shandal:
I’m with Bossy’s friend…….butt motherfucking ugly. See. You can say that on the web and i know because Amy’s comment is still up. Musta been on some serious drugs when whoever thought this one up. Holy WTF margo??