Putting this guy to work.
Bossy’s son decided to remain in New York City this summer in order to fulfill an internship before entering his Junior year at Columbia University — but that doesn’t keep him from traveling home most weekends, where he is instantly outfitted with a hammer, scraper, lawnmower, weed eater, rake, pruning shears, shovel, and a paint brush.
Here he prepares Bossy’s mom’s garage for a face lift.
Bless him!!!
Way to go, Bossy’s son for pitching in to help!
Dear Bossy’s son, you are needed here in CT. I have a garden that needs help!
Yo, Bossy’s son. I have some free Oz accomodation for all paint specialists… I can provide the scrapers and cold beers!

He is wonderful!
So many able bodied young men/women are so into themselves that they would never willingly sweat for someone else! Unless of course it’s for sex…
I would like to please request that Bossy write a parenting book. Bossy’s kids are fabulous.
WOW. What exactly goes ON there? Can I come, too?
still with that stuff on your cute, cute face…
Smart, Cute, AND helpful. There are many men who should aspire to be like him!