Bossy and her husband and daughter are currently enjoying their annual vacation in a bucolic Vermont campground, where bucolic equals Bossy puts the colic in bucolic.
The trouble begins this past winter, when Bossy called to reserve the annual campsite — and when Bossy says she called to reserve the site she means she made her husband do it.
So there was Bossy’s husband on the telephone, and he was all, “What do you mean our annual campsite is already booked?”
And so a scramble ensued, in which Bossy’s husband shoved a campsite map under Bossy’s nose and told her to select an alternate campsite, which made Bossy all kinds of happy because Bossy loves change as much as finding out Ikea’s drinking glasses are now a wholly unusable size.
After much negotiation, where negotiation equals gin, Bossy selected an altogether inferior tick-addled, poison-ivy filled campsite next to a road.
Except, council? Bossy and her family love it!
The campsite is larger and flatter and twenty-seven steps closer to the campground bathroom and it features a longer picnic table and trees which shade against the late afternoon sun.
And the being situated near the road thing doesn’t bother the Bossy family in the least because few cars travel down the road, and when they do, the car’s engine obscures the sound of marriages ending, not the least of which is Bossy’s own.
Let’s take a closer look at Bossy’s current set-up, shall we?
So what’s the problem, you ask? The problem is that Bossy and her husband were so upset this past winter when making the campsite reservation that they finagled things so they would stay only two days in this new site before moving everything twenty-seven steps northeast to their old favorite site.
So what’s the problem, you ask? The problem is now Bossy kind of hates her old site and doesn’t want to move — but her current new and favorite site is booked beginning tomorrow.
Let’s have a look at Bossy’s old site where Bossy will assume occupancy tomorrow, shall we?
Wow! what a lesson in remembering to be flexible in the face of adversity! Adapt improvise & adjust… and you might be surprised at loving your new circumstances.
Too bad about moving SO SOON after loving your new circumstances! Hopefully still many days of happy camping coming your way.
P.S. would love to win the mattresses… could really use a new mattress set.. it might be easy~ but still too much for me.
We used to take a DRYER with us when we vacationed at a very modest motel/apt in Beach Haven. It was INSIDE THE CAR. Towels & bathing suits that were always damp after hanging on the line for 24 hours were bone dry after less than an hour inside the car. The rear window area also served as a microwave.
what’s with the phone phobia??? I’ve got it, too!! Figure it out for me!
Your experience is totally something that would happen to me. As a matter of fact it has in different ways happened to me a lot in my life. And it happens weekly in the grocery store when I change lines because the other line looks better then my old line really ends up being better……well….a little different but the same damn irony of life that haunts me regularly and can ruin a perfectly good vacation! Hope you manage to enjoy your old spot anyway!
I totally have phone phobia too! I always con Prince Charming into making my difficult phone calls, he is better at them anyway!
Enjoy the rest of your vacation with your family!
Oh Bossy,
I believe that you tried to pass those same ruts off on us last year!
As far as the table goes, those are scientifically designed to create a natural bucolic basin of water when it rains. People in Europe pay extra for those.
I’ve always loved camping and hiking in Vermont and New Hampshire. Now I own my grandparents cabin on a lake in northern Vermont. It’s the best therapy money can buy!
In the name of white gas, my husband and I have had the same experience in Joshua Tree, California and after the whole episode was over we had to stare at ourselves in the mirror and go But We Camp So We Should Be More Loosey Goosey, RIght? and I was as WRONG and he was all RIGHT and there in lies the excitement of life and marriage and being close to the toilet when you are in the wild. HAVE FUN LISTENING TO QUIETNESS!
This is slightly off topic, as I am prone to be, but I found someone who must be Bossy’s spiritual fraternal twin. At least composition wise. Albeit without use of the 3rd person. – but hey even identical twins, let alone fraternal, develop into their own person.
He is an editor at Utata. Here is what Utata is about (copied ironically enough from their ‘About’ section):
Utata is a collective of photographers, writers, and like-minded people who share a compelling interest in the arts. We began (and continue to exist) as a salon-style gathering of photographers who came together on flickr. As a group we are continuously evolving; Utata is more of a process than a final product.
–but you’re saying to yourself – that doesn’t sound like Bossy’s writing. Nope, its not like that.
However, here is the editor’s writing from his Iron Photographer #105 project on Utata’s flickr group discussion board:
Anyway, Bossy I’m glad you and your family are having a great time in the wilds of Vermont.
CHANGE? *shiver* We don’t need no stinking change!
WTF is up with IKEA changing their glass size? Sheesh!
Makes me a little happy… Sorry!!!
I just drive to my Uncles and take a
pick of a few places and set up….
But then again I am from Hickville, MN…
Where we have a couple hundred acres
of Wooded bliss….
Camping? I hope this year you get interesting neighbors.
OMG you actually get REAL green grass in the summers when you camp. In Calif it’s all brown and dry by now. We sometimes just get dirt. We’re lucky that way.
I love the new campsite, But going back to the old one will still be fun. Think of it as a transition year. Next year you can secure your new favorite spot early!
You had me at campground. Not really. Drinks on the deck is close enough.
Still, happy camping,
Isn’t camping for the college aged set who don’t yet suffer from back trouble & don’t mind being filthy?
I think Bossy should camp near me in the Mojave desert; she would love every Vermont campsite as if they were 5-star luxury resorts. Just sayin’.