Fine. Bossy admits she lost most of yesterday to watching episodes of Weeds on her Netflix Instant Play feature.
Bossy is never sure if she actually likes this Showtime series she is unable to turn off, but she does know she’s always had a crush on Mary-Louise Sarah Jessica Parker.
And as Bossy watched for hours while calculating Mary-Louise’s age compared to Bossy’s, and Mary-Louise’s height compared to Bossy’s, and Mary-Louise’s singer-songwriter boyfriend Charlie Mars compared to Bossy, one thing became evident compared to Bossy: Mary-Louise Parker doesn’t eat solid food.
And yes, Bossy lost most of today to gathering the previous evidence for the imagined court case. You’re welcome.
Hilarious. That is all.
Oh, wait: How in the WORLD did you find so many shots of her with cup in hand?
I watched all five seasons this summer and started to hold my iced coffee a la Mary Louise.
I’ve always figured that if NANCY BOTWIN smoked some of that weed that she sells, there’s be some eating going on…
I think you’re on to something.
Don’t forget MLP in “Angels in America”, she did solids in that movie… unfortunately they all came from the drug store…
So THAT’s what I’ve been doing wrong…
–>I’ve never seen Weeds but thinking about Fried Green Tomatoes makes me think, “Tiwanda!!”
This is so funny! She does look like MJ in that photo! Great research! I liked MLP in the movie with Whoopi & Drew Barrymore, but I don’t know the name of the movie. Maybe you know: MLP has Aids, Whoopi is gay, Drew is pregnant & they kill Drew’s boyfriend and move to Arizona, then MLP dies.
Kim, I think Bossy should get out the Barbies for that one!
Case closed. MLP is definitely on a “slurp your way slim” diet…and it’s working!
I have a major crush on her too. She is looking good, so I may try this liquid diet.
Bossy has amassed an incredible amount of evidence to support her theory! I’m a believer too now!
It looks like she and Nancy Botwin have a lot in common.
@ #8 Kim = Boys on the Side
Movie Kim asked about is Boys on the Side. I like the liquid diet. Especially one that includes cocktail beverages.
Great! you just gave me another reason why my Netflix streaming won’t let me leave the house. If I don’t go to the grocery soon, were all going to be on a liquid diet around here.
She drinks everything but beer with a straw. I’ll let you in on a little secret from my youth. If you drink beer from a straw you’ll get drunker faster. Just saying.
I do not drink any of those cold coffee drinks that they sell, like mine hot, however I do decide to have one the first show of every season whilst watching.
She loves her mocha, frappa-whatever. And then Diet Coke. I guess they counteract each other?
I crush on MLP also. Not SJP, though. I’ve tried liquids only; but I had to pee all the time. And there was nothing to chew
@Meg (comment #2) – I find myself doing this too! I don’t know if I pull it off like MLP though.
I flew through all 5 seasons of “Weeds” through Netflix and now I have to WAIT for Season 6 to come out. Since we disconnected our cable, I’ve done that with “Breaking Bad” and “Damages” as well and now I’m left hangin’! Watching TV on Netflix is like potato chips – I can’t watch just one episode.
I am obsessed with Weeds. And, yes, she’s always munching on a straw. Have you seen Breaking Bad? Amazing.
I just saw her in the movie “Red”. She looks the same age as when she was in “Fried Green Tomatoes”, Does the woman never age?
Wow! You’re a cyber-stalker . . . how cool is that?! I loved her in “Fried Green Tomatoes” and have always thought she had the coolest voice.
Keep up the excellent detective work!
I don’t watch Weeds, but I do like Fried Green Tomatoes and mocha frappachinos and diet coke, so, ummmm.., yay?
I love her. I think she might have eaten solid food in the movie “Red”, which I just saw. She’s delightful in it.
Has skinny, lean, svelte Bossy also looked in the mirror? I’m pretty sure she’s on a liquid diet too.
I went through a Weed phase last year which caused two unfortunate side effects…
1. Constant consumption of frozen coffee drinks – clear plastic cup and gnawed on straw required.
2. Becoming overly involved in PTA while drinking said coffee
Thanks for the Movie title! Now I have to go rent ” Red” now. I don’t watch “Weeds” on a regular basis but it is a funny show. thanks for the laughs, I needed them!
Dear Bossy,
Please do a review of Mad Men, with or without Barbie Theater. I’ve spent all summer watching the first 3 seasons via netflix, and really love/hate Don Draper et al.
I have given Weeds half-hearted chances because I do love watching MLP.
Liquid diet for sure. I forget which seasons she appeared in West Wing, but Bossy should check those out too for liquid evidence.
This is why I don’t have streaming Netflix, would never ever leave the house.