Bossy grew up in a politically active family at a time when the country was smack dab in a climate of upheaval and transition because that’s how it was when dinosaurs roamed the earth, the end.
The first thing Bossy remembers about politics was in utero when she went knocking around some peace march or other, even though Bossy thinks it’s slightly pathetic when people use their children for their own political motivations.
The next thing Bossy remembers about politics took place in the kitchen. Namely it was something Bossy’s mom had written on the wall, right next to the place where spaghetti test strands remained stuck to the high ceiling:
Lively political conversations around the dinner table were a nightly occurrence, but the next thing Bossy actually remembers about politics
was this:
Jimmy Carter was the Governor of Georgia, and he was running for President, and Bossy knew everything there was to know about him, such as Jimmy Carter nearly tripped over Bossy’s 5th-grade boyfriend Jay when Bossy’s class trip somehow got tangled up in the middle of Jimmy Carter’s campaign day near Independence Mall — so when Jay found himself on the wrong side of the rope line he dashed across right as the candidate was coming through and so Jimmy Carter placed his hands on Jay’s shoulders and ushered him across to the other side and then he shook Bossy’s hand and now you understand all of the reasons Jimmy Carter was elected President according to Bossy.
The next thing Bossy remembers about politics was the morning after Ronald Reagan won his first term as President, and everyone Bossy knew flooded into libraries in order to research countries where they could relocate.
The next thing Bossy remembers about politics was meeting her husband him in a rope line even though sister mercy Bossy was not wearing a beret, which brings us to Barack O’Boyfriend.
Bossy can sum up her political history in this way: Seriously, people, go vote. You can’t talk without a voice.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words , can you share a voting memory with Bossy and her council?
And be sure to check back later today for the best voting memories on the web.
And if you missed last week’s ten word challenge, Mensch/Not A Mensch, click there!
Attending Catholic college. Clinton elected. TVs thrown out windows. Astounding.
Owned my own business. Clinton elected. Went back to college.
First voting experience was a midterm election. Not as sexy.
My first vote put Obama in office.
What, son.
–>In long lines in 2008 to Not vote for Obama.
This isn’t political but I’m glad to see Bossy back.
First time voter–against Nixon. Massachusetts-we’re loud and proud
Voted against Nixon. (I AM that old!) Majorly bummed out.
For us, first present on 18th is voter registration form.
Every year, at our family parties for our 18th birthday, before we all eat, the birthday person fills out their voter registration form and we all take pictures and clap. Similarly to Bossy, I cannot recall a time when politics was not discussed at my home. My poor kid has more of the same with his father and I.
Loved McCarthy. McGovern not so much accept it loyal Democrat
Pam’s kid Selby, Peeked under curtain. Scaring crap outta voter!
Dad: no time to act boy crazy grow up know issues
Registering to vote felt more adult than voting – weird, no?
Dad worked polls in my elementary school. I would wave.
My daughter so excited to vote for the first time!!
First vote was for Jimmy Carter. I’d do it again.
Until a few years ago, I voted in the cafeteria of the elementary school I attended. I loved signing my name right below the lines on which my parents signed. They are gone now, and I will always miss that part of voting. Longer than ten words, but the memory worthy of each word, I believe.
Eighteen. Drove home from college in blizzard to vote. Clinton!!!!
Me: Democrat. Him: Republican. He’s wrong. Keep losing his ballot. Oops.
First time voting – voted for Anderson. Couldn’t support the others.
Reagan declared President hours before polls in West Coast closed.
Voted for Carter anyway.
Contemplating suicide with my father over steak dinner: Bush again?
Park rec center poll worker thought I couldn’t vote…shortness!
Five-year-old son with me when I voted Obama!
By curtain of huge metal machines as parents flipped switches.
Voting today to stop the progressive train; derail it, disassemble it, and bury it.
Voted for gay marriage rights; wanted better for unborn daughter.
Went to a McGovern rally at the Western Michigan University fieldhouse at 5 yrs.
Reagan term two – registered Republican to vote AGAINST party lines.
@Mitzie – I did that TOO! Awesome!
My first Presidential vote was a write-in for Shirley Chisholm.
Always in line to vote asking Bossy’s dad’s advice…
Always forget the QUESTIONS on ballots ’til too late to research.
Bossy worked the polls; played who’s Democrat/Republican based on shoes.
18th b-day two weeks after W beat Gore, not fair!
Door to door voter registering in low income neighborhood. Enlightening.
“Rock the boat- vote!” My 3-year old cried. Where’s the boat?
I remember standing with my mother in a 50s Michigan school gymnasium as she swung a big lever over our heads which closed the fabric curtains behind us. Then she started flipping switches to vote. I was more fascinated by the curtain system then the political system at the time. In contrast, I voted this morning by pen on paper!
1980: A few days to young to vote against Reagan.
Ummm…. “too” young. Yep, I’se a English prof.
Taking 17 year old to the polls with me, so he could watch.
Scene, dinner table, 1988
Dad (to four kids under 9): Who is running against Michael Dukakis? It starts with a “B,” has four letters and is found outside.
7 year old: Bug!
9 year old (me), laughing, spits lemonade all over dad.
Abandoned Leaving cert (huge) exam to be “impersonation officer” Ireland
Speaking of dinosaurs, I used to use that “when dinosaurs” saying all the time when the kids were little. My daughter, who is now 16, told her first grade class that I was around when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Well, her teacher corrected her and told her that was impossible. I guess that totally embarrassed her and to this day she is still angry at me that she believed I lived “when dinosaurs roamed the earth”.
This day. The first time in 32 years that I will not vote.
So disheartened.
10-years old. Wrote letter to Richard Nixon. Got reply. Stunned.
Okay, that wasn’t a voting memory, but it was political.
1992: Boyfriend wanted to vote for Perot. Spat at him.
Watching the 1st black president elected to office – Barak – AMEN!
New home and neighbors were with me in line to vote at Catholic Church. 13 bad rooth
Eighteen, newly registered, voted for Jimmy Carter.
Big Tuna and Mrs. Tuna vote opposite, hope I win.
Voted for Obama with my just-turned-18 year old daughter!
voted down party line today- a first for me – disgusted…
voted write-in for wife. Will not happen again, ever
voted after lunch -motley crew to choose from- amendments important
Oh lord Ross Perot & his charts. Bossy forgot that.
Setup doesn’t count in the 10 words, right?
My local election choices are all awful, and so I decided to go for the write-in candidate. And so, without further ado, my 10 words of the day:
“I pity the fool that don’t vote for Mister T!”
Was always pissed that the bars were closed during polling.
Many many prayers said that AlGore would NOT be elected.
(I might be your sole conservative reader…)
Surprised and amazed at the political diversity of Bossy’s council.
Reagan elected. Lost job. YAFers celebrating in DC elevators.
HAH! Bossy this republican wears CLOGS!
< !! Wondering if Bossy gonna kick me off her panel for being a Republican?
Pressing buttons, voting for my main man Clinton. Sigh. Clinton.
Standing side-by-side my 18and4dayyearold son casting our votes for Obama.
I vote. Growing up our conversations were different religion debates!
Yowza! What a bunch we were. Now its been banned!
Carter conceded election while I waited in line to vote.
Wore St Christopher medal for Bobby Kennedy,sixteen years old.
Went to lunch with Republican friend who was very sad after Clinton win in 92. I just smiled and said, “Now you know how I have felt for the last twelve years.”
Voted against Reagan at 18. Repeated same four years later.
Election Virgin popped her Cherry on George Senior, voted against.
They all wanted Italian food; I wanted Japanese. I won.
Lord have mercy, the tea baggers won some. Dispicable.
1988 naked couple conversation: Me: “Hi, Du-KAK-is!” Him: “Hi, BUSH!”
Bossy’s Mom, I am just has horrified. Seriously – can’t sleep.
Tom Corbett and Pat Toomey. Tee-hee.
My dad died and I wasn’t allowed an early vote.
Voted with my feet; left country after Bush elected 2004.
Bossy’s Mom: It’s Tea Partiers. The term you used has an entirely different meaning, or did you use that on purpose? BTW, I am not a Tea Partier.
nope, didn’t do it on purpose. I stand corrected.
with a new comment for the day after election.
Oi, or is it Oy.
my first vote wrote in humphrey. convinced husband no nixon.
oh, bossy’s mom, tea party made me abstain this year.
Clinton Gore train campaign. Attending made me feel important.
Astonished: Mommy, Daddy debated: Goldwater-Johnson. Wonder who voted for which.
Loved that lunch room smell, voting in my neighborhood’s elementary.
We hand-deliver mail-in ballots to collection kiosk. Call me old-school.
Attended Shirley Chisholm rally at the ripe age of 7.
Attended Michael Dukakis rally at the ripe age of 22.
We cancel each other out. Except on Prop 19.
Thank God the outcome!
I helped defeat Ken Buck in Colorado! Proud of us!
9 months pregnant in ’92 = front of the line.
My tall boy was a first-time voter this week!
Of course we may have canceled each other’s votes . . .
Whining at long line — then remembering: purple fingers in Iraq.
Late: First vote @21, behind Amy Carter, Providence 1984. Mondale?
just wondering, how does it help to abstain/not vote?