Bossy collects many things on her computer’s desktop — things she can’t wait to turn into hilarious posts! Except she can wait! Apparently she can wait months and sometimes years! So today Bossy would like to shed some of these photos, links, and articles which are no longer relevant to anyone! Because Bossy gives until it hurts (you.) Ready?
Breaking news! Lindsay Lohan is back in rehab! Or maybe she’s out by now! Or back in again! Or out in out in again out?
Not to mention the above Bossy graphic doesn’t look like Lindsay Lohan, which is why Bossy is mentioning it. But it does look a bit like Bossy’s friend Louise! Who you don’t know! Who’s ready for more?
This is an article listing the world’s most expensive cities, entitled The World’s Most Expensive Cities. Tokyo Japan ranked number one, as you can tell from the accompanying photo (above), where it costs $698 for lo7zz7oV. For lo7zz7oV, people!
Next Bossy would like to play a little blog statistics game, and that game is, Can you guess which day Bossy announced her separation?
Next Bossy wanted to tell you about this wise turtle that was swimming in a tank at a bar:
And for Bossy’s next trick, she will balance this product on her head:
It’s the Goody Spin Pin and well, you can read the box. It’s supposed to allow one to pin one’s hair into an effortless bun, where one equals Bossy, who has never passed remotely close to effort in her life.
But Bossy can’t find this product at her local drugstore, mostly because Bossy hasn’t gone to her local drugstore to look for it. But when Bossy does, she’ll report here first! Although by that time Goody will have come out with a product that allows one to pin one’s hair into an effortless mohawk while living on Jupiter.
Next Bossy wants to tell you about this:
This gentleman was recently sitting next to Bossy on a train, and for the duration of the commute, he solved the riddles of the universe in his journal, even if Bossy isn’t entirely sure that the he in question isn’t K.D. Lang:
In whatever case, Bossy spent the length of the train ride trying not to appear too obvious that she was glancing at his words. Which is why it made so much sense that Bossy whipped out her camera and took a series of photos in his direction!
And finally because we’ve all had quite enough already, Bossy wants to show you her favorite sign from the Jon Stewart Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear, which Bossy didn’t attend because she has this thing about crowds, and that thing is: They’re so crowded!
That weird hair thing can be found at the local target. The new one, I saw it there Sunday and wondered if it worked. If you use it please report your findings…inquiring minds and all…Also, can I live on your desktop? seems like a fun place to hang out!
I need a new effortless way to my hair. And everything else! I’ll chip in to buy one if you’ll test it out. And tell us alll about it.
e mail from real estate agents is eating my lap top. I’m looking to spend a few moths of the year in Massachusetts. Maybe I should have waited a while. Now I’m just being inundated with houses! Like I could even make any decision without seeing it.I’m just ignoring them until I can unconfuse myself. Such a procrastinator I am! Glad I’m not the only one.
–>My desktop picture is “busy” so it’s harder to read things on it so I avoid having so many shortcuts and files. At work it’s a picture of my son as batman next to a big pumpkin and at home it’s a picture of the beach I took this past February.
The Japan commentary made me laugh!
My hair is heavy. Most of those gadgets don’t work for me. I’ll be interested in what you think of it.
Bossy, I hate, hate, hate crowds too. But! I took my kids and it was the most chill crowd I’ve ever been in. My kids even made the Huffingtonpost with their rally shirts!
My desktop looked very much like yours until last Sunday when I decided it was finally time to clean out. Now all the files that I might want to use at some time in the future are stored in the recycle bin.
When you said “clean the desktop” I thought we were going to clean (together) all the crap that is taking up space on the actual desktop where my computer’s desktop resides.
Could we do that next?
Hmmm…is your desktop related to my desktop? They could totally be BFFs. I even have a blog folder on my desktop. But it’s empty. Because I’m a rebel that way.
Do you want some Justin Bieber tickets? Really?
Ahh yes. The great blog “idea” file. I have a pile of newspapers, magazines and other assorted stuff just FULL of brilliant ideas that surely will make me my first million, um cents.
You should clean off your desktop more often. Hilarious.
Ok , the Tokyo thingy made me laugh.
I would definitely read you on the weekend, clean desktop or not.
I feel that the Lindsay Lohan pic looks like Maria Shriver with an eye tic. I watched some of the rally on youtube. Try to catch the very funny Cat Stevens (Yusef) vs. Ozzy Osbourne train song battle.
Sometimes I check your blog on the weekend just to see if Bossy was bored or something just HAD to be blogged IMMEDIATELY.
I thought you had already bought the bun pin thing and couldn’t use it because you bought BRUNETTE and you are not brunette.
I tend to look for Bossy posts any old time, even though I get them on FB now and don’t have to do that at all. Besides, good opportunity to dig into archives and explore stuff.
Hair is too short for implements. When it was long enough for stuff like that too fine, not thick and fabulous. I want the French woman’s hair on Hereafter. In my dreams maybe or a wig, sure couldn’t happen with my actual hair.
I would happily read anything you posted on any of those fascinating topics! I can spare you the investigative work of tracking down the spin pin, though. I got one, thinking it was *the* solution to tame my hair, effortlessly & elegantly. It does hold my hair up, with minimal effort (can’t say without ANY effort), but it looks crappy: frumpy and dumpy and deflated. IE BAAAAD. . .since my curly hair kinda looks like yours, (on a good day–for me, I mean!) I wouldn’t kill myself trying to locate one, if I were you.
That sign was funnier than the one my husband took a picture of; “If the is a mall, seriously, where are all the shoe stores?”
I catch up with you on the weekends, sometimes.
I have the elusive spin pins…. and while I’m not 100% on them yet, I -do- like the fact that two of the lonely things manage to keep my hair in a bun, without any elastic assistance.
Hilarious post! So glad to have Bossy back.
Feeling all squeaky clean now?
I’m curious about what’s in the bag in the seat across the isle and more importatnly what it made the train smell like.
That “oh hello tall building” is hilarious. I’m always staring at my tiny cityscape as well.
So your numbers go down on the weekend too?
That saves me, this weekend, from despair.
Keepers, every one.
I can barely work a bobby pin. I think that spin pin would be my undoing.
Funny sign. The “Donna Martin Graduates!” sign was one of my favorites.
The “Spin Pin” actually works well. Whether one substitutes for 20 bobby pins, I don’t know.
O Bossy, due to some family troubles of my own I have been a bad blog reader, and just now learned of your separation. Rather than posting the 228th comment, I’ll just say here that you are an inspiration. It all sounds very healthy and if fewer people treated their marriages as “all or nothing” I think we’d all be better off. I wish you and Bossy’s Not-Ex the very best.
When my hair was long I used two chopsticks. Or two pencils. Now I just constantly toss my head. Whatever works.
I dub your desktop a Holiday Desktop (as Christmas Desktop would be culturally insensitive) and declare it festive.