It seems Bossy has been writing a lot lately about herself and her Undivorce and her trip to Atlanta and her Little Black Dress and her and her and her. Well, today Bossy thought it would be fun to post about something currently in the news — and so Bossy got out there and trolled the internet, and that’s when Bossy remembered why she hasn’t been posting about things currently in the news. Shall we?
This is Sean McGurk, head of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Center, and his mouth is open because he’s warning about a computer virus called Stuxnet, which Sean McGurk is calling a game changer. It’s no big deal, really, unless you’re concerned about computer viruses specifically targeting computers that run stuff like the nuclear power plant in Iran.
Next up:
This nice gentleman in Hong Kong with the mask on his face is here to tell us that the human bird flu is back. Remember when Avian Influenza didn’t infect any other species but birds and pigs — but then in 1997 humans began catching it and they were dying and so Hong Kong destroyed its entire poultry population in three days? Well that didn’t do the trick.
Next up:
Eva Longoria and Tony Parker are divorcing. Bossy doesn’t know Eva Longoria and Bossy doesn’t watch Desperate Housewives and Bossy doesn’t know Tony Parker and Bossy doesn’t watch the San Antonio Spurs and Bossy doesn’t know from the hundreds of text messages written by another woman that Eva apparently found on Tony’s cell phone.
And finally:
President George H. W. Bush is slated to receive an award considered to be the highest civilian honor — and that award is The Major Bedhead Medal.
And we should point out that the Major Bedhead Medal is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the Major Asshead Medal that The Other President Bush will be receiving shortly.
As usual, the government is right on top of things. Having spent a goodly portion of my life working in
strip clubscomputer process control/SCADA, I can tell you that every computer system I ever worked on is not connected to the internet, is rigorously monitored for infections and runs Unix instead of Windows. Although I will admit that I didn’t do any work in nuclear power plants, only coal, natural gas and geothermal.Thanks for the update, but I’d rather hear about Bossy!
Yeah, but apparently the text messages were from the wife of another player who is also getting a divorce
Glad Bush Sr. is finally getting the recognition he deserves.
Why my preferred viewing is The Weather Channel. I just can’t take the inane stupidity anymore.
Take care, p.j.
Thanks for bringing me up to date with the news- I haven’t seen a newscast in about a week. Please continue to throw these current event shorties here & there. I love your interpretation much better than the news stations. ( I thought Pres. Bush Sr. died, glad to see he is a live & well)
Yeah, Eva who?
What about Will and Kate? I admit it. I’m shallow enough to think they might just have a chance. Plus all the cool hoopla and dresses and carriages. I told my clearly under enthused husband, it’s a girl thing!
haven’t people heard never to put anything in writing!!! texting = writing
–>Thanks for the news update. I’ve been too engrossed with watching Dexter on demand from Netflix through the Wii. (Have you watched it?)
Obviously if Eva Longoria was really that cool, she would know that the UnDivorce is the thing to do.
Texting = lipstick on the collar. How true.
Thanks for filling me in on the news. I don’t have a television so Bossy is my only connection to what’s going on in the outside world.
I thought that was Victoria Beckham in the dress. All these stick insects look the same to me.
Are you allowed to call the ex-president a bellend? Oh, bedhead. My bad.
Have I missed any Bossy dioramas? Where’s Headless Ken when you need him?
Laughing my fool head off! When I read that Shrub Sr. was going to get an award my heart sunk but then Bossy saved the day.
I’d rather watch BNN. Bossy’s News Network.
Texts? How about that ‘butt call’ phenomena that lets the poor & unsuspecting listen in on a date?
at least you are up front about why you don’t watch the news……I blame the fact that I don’t watch the news on my 3 year old…..but really it is b/c it is either depressing or about famous people that I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about!
But what really matters is that Prince William has finally proposed to “Waity Katie”.. time for another Royal Wedding..phew, just when we were thinking we had to focus on reality…
“Text messages have become the new lipstick on the collar” BEST LINE EVER!
<3 Eva