Last night Bossy and her friend Martha ventured out in the ice and slush and icy slush to Bossy’s friend Amy‘s cozy house for, oh yes, Lobster Mac and Cheese. Sister mercy.
Even without that seductress dressed as a casserole, it’s just plain great hanging with the girls. Here Martha explains to dumbfounded Bossy and Amy how she, through a string of coupons and rebates and store sales, managed to buy a vacuum for, like, a penny. That’s Martha!
I am cooking up dinner for my girlfriends tonight. Nothing beats good food (hopefully) and great, ridiculous conversations with the girls.
What? No close-up gooey photos of cheesy crustaceans? WHY, BOSSY, WHY?!
LOBSTER mac and cheese??? Have mercy!
I love Ina more and more each day.
i can beat that… my was free… a hand-me-down from…yup…. MARTHA… … love her!
Oh and Amy… you are beautiful… great to see you!
Yum!!! Lobster Mac n cheese…
and.. really, a vacuum for a penny.. awesome!