Deb (#16) took the words right out of my mouth. Definitely a foot straight jacket. Except for the toes. I guess even the insane need to show off their pedicures.
I don’t know if this is where Bossy found the incredibly ugly shoe-like-product above, but you can find other strange footwear here:
One of those brace things, duh.
Did you buy those? By the time I put them on, it would be time to take them off!
Menopause boots? For when you’re sweating and freezing at the same time.
Is that the newest Oscar fashion shoe…oh..wait..that would be something to look for at the Grammys not the Oscars.
I’m thinking they come with a whip.
French Orthopedics.
Shoe as horse blanket?
The S&M guy with the foot fetish? Not at all confused.
Does it have sleeves in the back?
Neighhhh! Say it isn’t so!
Torture device?
It looks like what the doctor makes you wear when you break your ankle. Only not even as cute as that.
The height of fashion has sunk to a new low.
Like a foot straight jacket. But why do they let the toes be free? Do the toes pose no threat? Are they underestimating the toes?
#16, great comments. Toes cannot be trusted.
If they were furry they would be just like Hagrid’s Care and Feeding of Magical Creatures textbook!
Deb (#16) took the words right out of my mouth. Definitely a foot straight jacket. Except for the toes. I guess even the insane need to show off their pedicures.
I agree w/ Angela and Deb.. I totally thought it was some type of straight jacket for your leg/foot.. Is it supposed to be attractive?
So, is it a ‘classy’ expensive shoe or a brace?
Made me think of skiing-boots but not sure I am up for that with an open toe, the high heel could maybe add a new dimension though.
I don’t know if this is where Bossy found the incredibly ugly shoe-like-product above, but you can find other strange footwear here:
is there an updated velcro version?
Achilles tendon ruptures used to come with a boot that looked a bit like this; and yet… something’s not quite right.
Or is that moi?
Silence of the Lambs booties.
CinderHELLa’s slipper.
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, it was hideous
I thought straight jacket too. I had rollerblades in the early 90’s that kind of looked like that. They didn’t have laces.
oh hahahahaha….a velcro version!
OK, we now have peep-toe wedge shoot straitjacket. Next up, a convertible pickup helicopter nose hair trimmer.