Bossy’s house is a complete mess, and Bossy should be organizing it from top to bottom, which is precisely why Bossy is sitting here on this sofa writing. But what should Bossy write about?
At first the whole house is a complete mess thing inspired Bossy to research simple, allergen-free spaces which are simple and also without allergens. Like this:
But writing about simple, allergen-free spaces would require Bossy to post photos of her own disorganized house in contrast, and Bossy’s just not willing to do that.
So next Bossy turned to the hard news, which means she clicked on her People magazine icon. And there she decided to write about Miley Cyrus’ latest apology.
Except then Bossy would have to research bongs and the stuff people put in bongs and Bossy doesn’t feel up to it. Besides, Bossy doesn’t want to perpetuate the hassling of Miley Cyrus, because no one better understands the burden of being a role model than Miley Cyrus.
And then Bossy checked in with CNN, which means she clicked on CNN’s Entertainment icon. There she found an interview with Bossy’s close and personal friend G. Love!
Writing about G. Love would be fun! Let’s see, G. Love has a new record of cover songs. Fun! And G. Love has an idea about a new cooking show. Fun! And G. Love has a new fiancée.
And then Bossy thought maybe she’d write about Alanis Morissette‘s newborn.
But in the end, none of these writing ideas stuck. And all of this deciding what to write about sure made Bossy tired! Maybe Bossy should avoid writing by organizing her house?
Bossy, reconsider the bathtub. Although it’s one of those things that looks droolworthy, you’d have to probably use one of the dining chairs to climb in and out, which might ruin the fun.
The bed? Yes. I’d take that bed.
Hee hee, jail cell, cheap housing…I always thought hmmm no cooking they give you all your meals…..
No way on that kitchen, unless I’m in roller skates, which would mean spending the winter in traction. BOSSY’s house brings the cozy so BOSSY should probably just get out the leaf blower and get to work.
Bossy, I don’t know what your weather is like. Here in sunny Florida, it’s very cold and raining. I spruced up the house, because my husband has band practice tonight and it’s always here. Wouldn’t want those middle-aged rockers to see a messy house! Now I’m in front of the fire with my little dog glued to my side for warmth. Surfing and reading and eating Cheerios. When the boys get here, I retire to a snuggly bed and do the same. And watch 48hrs mystery or whatever on investigation tv. I suggest you try similar pursuits and relax, like me. Messy houses are always there. Inspiration will come- mac and cheese helps. By sprucing, I mean, no dishes in the sink, quick dusting and fluffing a few pillows- I’m exhausted!
Bossy needs to find an eccentric, rich old lady who needs company on her eccentric, well-funded, adventures. Then Bossy would have a) a place to stay b) a steady income c) adventures for cheap.
Rich old lady should like wine with her adventures.
When Bossy needs a day off I will cover for her.
I passively-aggressively insert an amen on the buttered rolls! The turtle comment was funny.
I like seeing photos of your bedroom. It makes me feel better.
UNcle-ay on the assive-pay aggressive-ay! (Is that how do you say words that begin with vowels in Pig Latin?). I meant no offense whatsoever! To Bossy or to Bossy’s Council.
i too felt MUCH better seeing your mess. i mean, it’s not so bad. i could see the floor, too. not like a certain side of my bed….
I’m sure Bossy is all tuckered out from deciding what to write about. Will need to chill and do it all over again tomorrow or another day.
This house never dusted until I moved in. Now almost never dusted, generic alegra seems to help.
We have the same expensive full length mirror in our bedrooms. At first I thought that bath tub and windows in there were Legos. I do like that white living room rug though!
Were there not 2,000 miles separating us, I would be right over. I live to organize other people’s house. Ask San Diego Momma.
I seriously thought the bun was your actual… you know… boob. It’s boob-colored, for God’s sake!
And my bedroom should be so clean as yours. I mean it. I broke my arm last week and laid in bed exactly three hours before I feared for my life from the swinging cob-ropes above my bed. Sad.
The top of my dresser looks like the top of your dresser. Instead of being embarrassed, I have a proud sense of sisterhood – – -however undeserved.
I was never intended to live in a modern/sterile environment. Although I do admire that bathtub, I know my 115 yr. old 6′ claw-foot tub is just as good and I don’t need a step stool (yet).
Fun column Bossy. Thanks, p.j.
The photo of Alanis M’s five second old baby that looks like he’s 12 confused Cupcake.
The tub kind of reminds me of horse trough. Sharp corners probably not a good thing, crud colonies.
But, one day after this project and that project that are as of yet not started, will get a proper soaking tub. Before I develop old lady issues and can’t get in and out would be good.
That pile in the bedroom is definitely organized. I see that all of the bags are together, the clothes piled together, and, well, that’s all.
I wondered what was underneath that skinny little black dress. Buttered rolls, who would have thought it.
Bossy, A proposition for you — I have a “needs organizational help” house. And I have a newly purchased case of red wine in the basement from a winery that needed to “reduce their inventory.” Finally an upside to the economy, but I digress.
Cluttered home + case of wine = Bossy needs to come help me figure this out.
Are those white tractor seats in the living room??? My, how cozy and comfy….. NOT! I agree with #11. I like the rug too.
Your mess is pretty. Too much white + organization is like that bit with Miranda Richardson on AbFab. Weird and laughable. That tub looks like it would cut right through your hot buttered rolls!
okay… bedroom – whole house, actually – looks just like that shot of your bedroom which is why my dearest friend in the whole world drove down to see me and she literally took over my house. I’m not sure I’m going to know what to do now that I can see the floors….. and I, too, did not mean that in passive-aggressive kind of way just a passive – I can now sit on the couch and not worry about all the junk kind of way 🙂
I find there’s nothing more inspiring than chores that need to be done. I’m at my most creative and bloggy when my laundry is overflowing, and my room in a pigsty and I’m procra- … I mean when I’m inspired to write.
I feel so much better about my ice dams and beach towels all over the place! May I suggest spiked cocoa to give BOSSY a lift?