- A book. Bossy would have read one, and then she would have written one. And Bossy’s book would have become one of those featured books all propped up near the entrance of Borders, and Bossy isn’t talking about the clearance table because gah.
- A song. Bossy would have written one. A really popular song, maybe even Grammy nominated. A song that would have been covered by Miles Davis. Poor dead Miles Davis.
- The family room. Bossy would have organized it. And then dusted it. And then she would have lit a match to everything and started anew. She would have painted the room white. And then pulled out the carpet and sanded the floors and whitewashed them and sealed them with polyurethane and then she would have knocked the wall out between the closet and the stairwell so the family room was open to the rest of the house. And then she would have stuck a wide plank in the room, held up by two sawhorses. And on that plank Bossy would plop her laptop. And maybe a stack of lined paper for her next book idea. Or song.
- The garden. Bossy would have moved it. She would have built a raised bed directly in the middle of her backyard, a big square raised bed with loamy soil. And then Bossy would have built a walkway leading to her new raised bed and then she would have rented a cherry picker so she could get up in the neighbor’s tree and remove all the limbs that would shade her new raised garden bed.
- A cake. Bossy would have baked one for her sister-in-law’s birthday, and it would have been Strawberry Shortcake because that is her favorite. And Bossy would have baked two cakes so she could enter one in a cake contest and then after Bossy won the cake contest she would have gone to the mall with her prize money to purchase some more holes with denim wrapped around it.
- The car. Bossy would have cleaned it. She would have washed and waxed it and run the vacuum over the removable floor mats and then she would have purchased a seaside cottage in Sweden with all the change found under the seats.
Thanks for nothing Daylight Savings Time.
Love, Bossy
This post was originally from March 2009. If you enjoyed it, visit Bossy’s March 2009 archives!
Love this! I, too, blame Daylight Savings for my shattered dreams and plans!
It sounds like Dalight Savings Time did Bossy a favor. If you give a Bossy an hour, chances are…..
And I would have had the time to spell “Daylight” correctly. Dammit.
What happened to your arm?
Wow. I’m such an under-achiever. I just would (maybe) had a decent night’s sleep. Maybe.
I’v e always felt I coulda been somebody, a contenda, if it wasn’t for daylight saving time.
What a bunch of wonderful ideas – your ambition is admirable. I would have just tried to get in another hour of sleep.
There are still 24 hours in a day – despite daylight savings time.
My favorite quote about the time change: “Daylight Saving is the same as a person cutting one end off of a blanket, sewing it to the other end, and declaring that he has a longer blanket.”
Bossy’s blanket would have been sooooo long! 😉
Daylight what now? Sorry, I’ve been distracted. Writing a book, moving my garden, sanding the floors in my Swedish cottage . . .
#8 Laurie, true only if you were awake for the time change, otherwise daylight savings time stole an hour while you were sleeping. Every other day, yes 24. Falling back in October, we get that hour back, even though the spring forward damage is irreparable 🙂