Recently Bossy’s friends at Sheraton contacted Bossy to see if she’d like to take a friend on a fun weekend getaway to a big city — and Bossy said yes she would — except hold the friend.
Nobody loves Bossy’s friends more than Bossy, but Bossy has this thing about alone time. She thinks it’s critical. Bossy believes one should carve time to hear oneself think over the din of others. Especially if those others do annoying things like refer to people as one.
But the problem with alone time is: it can be kind of lonely. The things most people can appreciate about alone time often make them feel uncomfortable when given the opportunity to experience it. For instance, dining alone, and walking alone, and being alone.
But Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers thought it was a marvelous idea to send Bossy away alone on her Girl Weekend. The following represents the 38 hours Bossy spent listening to her inner voice. Of course, this report skips the 39th hour when Bossy wanted to schedule an inner voice transplant. Shall we?
The first thing Bossy did on her independent, free as the wind weekend was get stuck in traffic.
In no time at all, which was actually four hours that should have taken two, Bossy pulled into her hotel. Did Bossy mention that her Sheraton was located in Midtown Manhattan? This was convenient, of course, considering Bossy had just driven to New York City.
The location of this hotel couldn’t be better if you’re one of those types who enjoy Central Park and Times Square and easy access to 5th Avenue and Broadway and museums and shows and restaurants and shops.
The first thing Bossy did when she arrived at the hotel was settle into her executive suite. And settle and settle and settle. All of that settling was necessary because the room was so ample — and unfortunately Bossy’s habit when staying in a hotel is to broadcast her stuff across every conceivable surface, as if there was a Gap factory explosion.
All of that settling into the room gave Bossy quite the appetite, and so she set off into the balmy summer night:
And the reason Bossy was in a taxi in the first place when there is so much excitement near her hotel, is because Bossy heard about a restaurant she thought would be fun to try:
The restaurant is Buenos Aires which is where Bossy ‘s son has been living since February!
For the past five months, Bossy’s son has emailed incessantly about all of the Argentinian steak he’s been eating, even though Bossy’s son hasn’t really emailed about eating Argentinian steak because he’s on a budget — and even though Bossy’s son hasn’t really been emailing that often because he’s so busy not emailing — but still Bossy has been obsessed with eating Argentinian steak. Or maybe it’s called Argentine steak. But anyway, craving, yeah, right. Who understands?
So Bossy went to this particular restaurant and sat outside at a delightful cafe table where everyone around Bossy was speaking Argentinian, which Bossy’s son also speaks, even though it’s called Spanish.
Anyway, who wants to see a photo of Bossy’s steak?
Next Bossy went back to her hotel for a restful night’s sleep.
In the morning, Bossy pulled back her curtains to reveal a beautiful view of a beautiful day!
Since Bossy was staying in an Executive Suite hold the executive, it entitled Bossy to a free breakfast buffet in the Sheraton Club located on the 44th floor.
After breakfast Bossy thought about working out in the hotel gym. She thought about it, but she quickly thought of something else instead. And that something else was taking a subway downtown!
Once downtown, Bossy went to a street fair:
After devouring the food at the street fair, Bossy decided to get something to eat! So she walked to a nearby cafe and ordered a couple of appetizers:
After lunch following street fair food on the heels of a breakfast buffet, Bossy decided to take a long walk. And it was during this long walk she did something she never did before, and it was so fun it was like capital eff you enn. Bossy walked across the Brooklyn Bridge!
What’s convenient about walking across the Brooklyn Bridge is the vantage point from which one can select housing one would like to occupy:
After all of that walking wrapped in eating, Bossy retired back to her hotel to relax:
If you’re wondering why Bossy needed to relax, it’s because she had a ticket to an evening performance Bossy can’t talk about here, in case Bossy’s daughter selects today as the one day in all of eternity to read this blog. Suffice it to say the thing Bossy attended that night rhymes with Laudway Toe.
While on the subject of the Laudway Toe, it may interest Bossy’s council to learn Bossy had quite the debacle regarding her ticket and its method of ordering and other issues Bossy isn’t free to talk about mostly because she can’t remember the details.
But thankfully Bossy’s Sheraton is equipped with a wireless internet bar in the lobby called the Link@Sheraton, which allows hotel guests to do things such as access the theater’s website and print out expensive tickets and yell at the vender who added the insane fee to the price of Bossy’s seat. Well maybe the Link doesn’t offer a service for that last thing.
After Bossy’s exciting day of eating and walking and napping and eating and sitting and watching and eating, she retired to her room for another peaceful night’s sleep:
After breakfast the next day, Bossy decided to take advantage of the hotel gym, which isn’t just a hotel gym but rather Sheraton Fitness. According to the literature, Sheraton Fitness features Core® Performance, which refers to state of the art equipment and Sheraton’s commitment to customize a healthy fitness regime for their guests. According to Bossy, though, Core® Performance refers to machines that make your muscles go Ow after enlisting someone to teach you how to use them.
After Bossy’s workout — which when compared to Bossy’s daily jog outside was actually more of a workin — it was time for Bossy to pack her inner voice and drive back to the outer voices in her life.
Thank you, Sheraton, for your hospitality and amenities. Feel free to call Bossy anytime you have an unoccupied room! Or even one with voices in it.
I stayed at that Sheraton last year during BlogHer. I was so glad I did, because I heard the elevator situation at the conference hotel was nightmarish, and I had no problem. The only problem with the Sheraton was that the view was so beautiful that I left my curtains open and looked out all night and did not sleep at all. Maybe that’s a New York problem, not a Sheraton problem.
I loved reading this review! I am going to NYC in October and it gave me some great suggestions as well as a good place to stay! Thanks Bossy and Sheraton!
I’m the same: for me, I need to be alone.
Yes, it gets lonely…but, what a vicious cycle. alone/lonely/alone/lonely.
ALSO: where did you get your arms!!!
Tell me, I want them.. Please.
That astroturf spaceship house provided a lot of discussion during our trip over the bridge. “do they let their dogs *go* out there?”. “Why is there a hot tub on astroturf?”. “Why would one HAVE astroturf?”. “How much do you think that place runs?” etc. LOVED the review Bossy!
Bossy loved some NYC and so would Missy! Thanks to Sheraton and you for the opportunity!
Bossy wasn’t in NYC last weekend, was she? I was and thought I felt a disturbance in the force. I was having some serious alone time as well — which included being alone with some other people from time to time.
Bossy might want to consider the Holland Tunnel next time, depending on time of day. I approached the Holland around 1pm and breezed through, circled around to the west side and went several blocks uptown in minimal traffic, and cut across the island on 10th street, to 1st Avenue (I had to go to the upper east side).
Bossy should venture out of midtown for some real yuks and I have a tequila bar I want to take her to in the East Village.
The corn thing is an arepa. I lived on street fair arepas for the 16 years I lived in NYC, but never learned to make one that tasted nearly as good.
This is the post that disappeared a while ago, but I can’t see the difference, except this one seems longer. Weird. But funny, too.
Didn’t you do a post like this before, or am a more senile than I thought? .
I love alone time! And I would love a bed like that.
Deja vu?
I have only gotten arepas at Street Fairs.
I love kids like that on the subway. And you made me cry talking about this one. Quit that.
I want to see a Broadway Show.
I’m not so good with the alone time, but I’d be happy to share that King bed with anyone who’d take me.
Def read this post before. What’s up with that?
The corn and cheese thing is a Mozzarepa! My husband only agrees to go to street fairs so he can eat these.
I am so glad this post reappeared! I was wondering why it was pulled, and I am guessing the answer is that it was to be posted once the contest was underway. Fun.
I took the day off today and spent 7 hours shopping and getting haircuts with my beloved daughter. We are almost done getting ready to bring her to NJ & then Morningside Heights next weekend. Bed, Bath and Beyond in Elizabeth: we are coming back!! Oy.
Glad you had fun with yourself! -Does that sound wrong? Err.
wait, were’nt you just weaning cattle? I don’t read your blog for 4 days and I miss a flurry of posts.
Love the description of the trip. I also have no probs being alone on a trip. Can satisfy one’s own curiosities and dawdle and wander. Although, I do like pointing out stuff like interesting buildings to friends, which I guess you satisfy with your blog. Wait, now I see the benefits of a blog….!
I cannot figure out why Bossy would choose to DRIVE to Manhattan. I thought there would be reasonable trains and or buses from your city to there.
Love the pics and remember the trip story from before, but without the opportunity for a MAJOR PRIZE. Bossy is so good to her council.
I can’t believe there were that many people driving into the city on a Friday…I thought they were all driving out to the east end of Long Island to bug the hell out of me!
Loved the review with pictures. I am always concerned about staying in strange hotels, but I stayed in the Sheraton in Atlanta, GA and they were great. Live in Elizabeth, NJ and this would be a quick ride on the train. NYC is always exciting to visit.
I would love a weekend in NYC! I just realized when reading this, it’s been SIX years since I’ve been!. My husband started a new job – which means starting at the bottom in number of vacation days, so a quick weekend would be wonderful!