Bossy would like to begin with a disclaimer, which is to say everything you’re about to read while eating a breakfast gyro is the personal experience of Bossy, and may not apply to everyone. In fact it may not apply to anyone.
This is because Bossy is not a professional, she just plays one on the Internet. But let’s go back a few chapters.
For many years, Bossy had good, clear skin:
Until she no longer had good clear skin:
Bossy has written before about her skin care regime. She’s even warned against the avalanche of products on the market for women in her age range — which is to say old as sand.
For most of Bossy’s life she adhered to a routine in keeping with conventional wisdom: A young, vibrant looking face is the result of hydrating the skin. Well.
Bossy recently made an appointment with her esteemed dermatologist, where esteemed equals the steam coming out of his ears when he saw how many things he needed to remove from Bossy’s skin in one visit. Anyway.
Here’s what he had to say regarding Bossy’s current skin care regime:
Bossy defended her position by saying she knows most of her adult acne is due to shifting hormones brought on by that awful P-word that rhymes with Worry-menopause.
Not necessarily, Bossy’s dermatologist said.
He said although adult acne is related to aging, it’s often not a direct correlation. Rather, he said, it’s common for women to obsess more about wrinkles, and therefore increase their moisturizing efforts, which in turn clogs pores.
Pores clogged by the very thing we think is helping! You with Bossy so far?
In Bossy’s Dermatologist’s very unhumble opinion because he is a kick-arse Dermatologist, the best routine for women approaching Worry-menopause is the following:
He believes in a good simple cleansing of the skin with a reasonably priced soap. In addition, he prefers the antibacterial element to help contain any existing acne.
And then, Bossy’s Dermatologist says skip the daily moisturizer and instead apply a good daily facial sunblock:
By the way, now would be a good time for Bossy to say she is not getting paid to endorse these products. Although, in full disclosure, Bossy admits these products were given to her by her Dermatologist.
Other healthy skin necessities include a clean pillowcase, hands off the face, removal of makeup nightly, and that’s it! Well, that’s not quite it. Bossy did have a conversation with her Dermatologist about Retin A, which he feels is one of the only proven anti-aging ingredients.
And Bossy knows what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, But Bossy, Retin A is expensive and you’re Undivorced and should be spending your money on a sunny one-bedroom apartment within walking distance from the office job you don’t have!
And Bossy agrees. But Bossy also agreed to a very small amount of Retin A cream, in a container resembling a pill vial, which was not that expensive, and which Bossy will stretch into next year.
For those skeptical about Bossy’s claim she can make a product last longer than the national debt, Bossy offers the following evidence:
And there’s still a fair amount remaining of this coveted hair conditioner a friend gave Bossy for her birthday:
Anyway, Bossy is only using Retin A as an experiment to see if it makes a difference. Bossy will report back to her esteemed council as the results become obvious. Or less obvious, as the case may be.
In conclusion, everyone has different skin and skin needs, so consider making an appointment with your own dermatologist to check this information against your own personalized care.
Love, Dr. Bossy.
Doc Boss, Retin-A is DA BOMB!! I swear by it! It takes about 4 months to see results but then your skin will look like a baby’s butt. Without the diaper rash.
Is peri rhyming with worry a regional accent thing?
Good science says you must have a control, so you should apply the Retin A to only one side of your face. I know this will appeal to your frugal instincts, because that will make the container last TWICE as long!
Thank you for this. Not only will I feel less guilt over not buying the ‘right products’ (the pricey advertised stuff) but I can send it to my teenaged daughters who buy into that crap
Just got my first RX for Retin A. Kill me now but the RX after insurance is $16.
Come on up to Canada, the water is freezing but the RetinA CHEAP!
I have this problem as well. (41 years old) Only I get the added bonus of dark spots, also..
Doxycycline is magical.
Cetaphil and Cerave are too.
–>My freckles act as good camouflage. I also try not to look at the 10x mirror too often..
Yes, Cerave is like magic. It’s at Wal Mart so you know it’s affordable.
Getting old is not for wimps. My dermatologist told me what you put in your body is more important than what you put on your skin.
Thank you Doctor Bossy.
i’m with ya on all this. and i just learned from my doc that oil-free is NOT the same as “won’t clog pores”… isn’t aging fun?!
cetaphil is awesome stuff. but as you;ve noted before – the dif between “gentle” and “daily” is considerable.
cant wait what you have to say about the retin A.
I started juicing 2 apples, 3 carrots, 2 celery sticks and a handful of spinach every day and it made my facial skin soft as a baby’s bottom! And you feel it minutes after drinking the stuff. Add lemon or ginger if it tastes too “green”, now I crave the stuff. ( Zits vacated too. )
Ok…so you didn’t listen to DoctorMommy…
who does nothing except splash, then use sunscreen.
My theory is as follows…
“if I started on all of the imperfections on my solar system I would be busy 24/7 just applying, and having removed, and looking……. forever.
Have an appt with my dermatolgist today and he has recommended the Cetaphil and Cerave and the other things you have here, except for the brand of sunscreen. Good idea about using that instead of moisturizer.
Ok Bossy’s Mom, I’m 28 and just learned my acne proned skin (which I’ve had issues with for at least 18 years) is happiest if I just splash it with some water, and apply sunscreen every morning. Why couldn’t you have given that advice yaers ago.
My skin cleared up, not longer a grease pit. And if my skin is dirty, I’ll use a gentle cleanser. Huge improvement, and huge moneysaver!
I’ve been using the generic brand of Retin A for about a year now. I went to a family reunion recently and had no fewer than 5 people comment on how young I look. Coincidence? Maybe, but I plan to continue using it.
Lava soap followed by olive oil.
OK – not really, Remove makeup with non-oily remover wipes (Wal-mart generic) and wash with Cetaphil. Sunscreen on face and neck first thing in the morning. Haven’t had zits in many decades, where many is somewhere between 4 and 5..
I use a Retin A product, not prescription, for about half a year, and YES it does work in making my skin smoother and more even. Looking forward to what you think abut the prescription-strength product.
Olivia swears by the “benign neglect” skin care routine. That and getting rid of all the mirrors in the house.
Yeah – I drank the koolaid and bought Cindy Crawfords line of stuff. Makes my face feel suffocated and sweaty but dang if it ain’t soft. Still have wrinkles. I might need to learn to love the wrinkles.
Sometimes I have dreams and in the dreams a little person comes up to me and says “all the skincare stuff is a big fat fuckin’ lie” and then I wake up and I think I’m too serious and then I go join a picket line of women carrying signs that say DOWN WITH AGING (they’re part of the anti-aging movement) and then, once again, I think I’m too serious. And I leave comments that are too long.
Cetaphil works great. I use the liquid as opposed to the bar.
Now I’m going to obsess over my pores for the rest of the day!
Thank you Dr Bossy, I will be getting the soap for my 12 year old. And be grateful that he finally wants to shower! Yeah for girls and peer pressure and bossy.
Is retrinal the same as retin A. Its a perk I get for having dermatologists in the family.
Cetaphil is a lovely thing. Am almost out of expensive Aveda stuff, will have to pick up a bottle at Walgreens. I love girly conversations and posts like this. Classic classic Bossy.
I’ve been using Clinique’s 3-step system for over 20 years – except I only do step 1 (wash with soap) at night, then do steps 2 and 3 (toner and moisturizer) in the morning. People assume I’m 10 years younger than I am. Granted, I wear facial sunscreen (OK, moisturizer with SPF) as well, and haven’t spent time TRYING to get a tan in 15 years either…
Bossy will be happy to know that skin will settle down eventually. I became distraught over redness in early forties, along with as many or more issues than in teens. Finally found something I liked. Lancome tinted moisturizer, Imanance SPF 15. Costs way too much but lasts a long time.
Oh, and I like the make up remover wipes too. Face gets washed in the shower. Got lucky with the young looking crap. And if I lose significant weight wrinkles will magically appear
wash face with soap and water. Apply oil of olay with SPF 15 every morning and every night. rinse and repeat.
I love Retin A. I’ve been using dabs of it around the eyes and on zits since I was about twenty-four. It really, really works on zits. Try!! Which reminds me, I need to get more of those little sample tubes at dermotologists…
Man! Your Derm is a smart man. I spent years lamenting breakouts worse than teenagers. I tried every “system” on the market. Then I stopped, and my face cleared up. I do less to my skin than I have since elementary school, and it’s never looked better.
What helped me more than anything else: drinking a glass of kefir daily, eliminating most cow’s milk (except for kefir) and switching to goat and sheep cheese; ingesting coconut oil and using it topically to “wash” my face.
I had adult acne and my derm told me a lot of the same thing (although took away any toner/astringent).
I quit eating meat for other reasons (totally not related to my skin) and guess what? My adult acne cleared up. Poof. Gone.I was not expecting that. I had one recurrence when I ate ham at Thanksgiving…immediate itchy chin that led to a big ole adult acne spot (hate the word pustule).
I’ve come to the conclusions that the hormones they put in meat can have the same effect as our own, except we are supposed to have our hormones, not foreign ones. Just my opinion and experience.
I wanted my very young dermotologist to perscribe a Retinoid cream for the wrinkles around my eyes.He disagrees saying the skin there was too thin. I now realize myself is going to a young person. They can not give rational thought to wrinkles.
Bossy how do you not know about Paula’s Choice? She is the Consumer Reports of beauty products. She prefers the liquid cetaphil because the ingredients used to bind the bar together can clog pours. She sells AHA and BHA exfoliants similar to retina-a and rates the big brand cosmetics also. My sister and I have been loyal for ten years.