This past weekend, Bossy had the chance to go see Blondie perform live! Since this is a way better alternative to Blondie performing dead, Bossy purchased a ticket.
Well. The band wasn’t onstage ten seconds when Bossy’s friend Barbara who accompanied Bossy announced, “Debbie Harry is suffering from catastrophic bad styling.”
At first Bossy didn’t agree, thinking Debbie Harry’s selection of the red tulle skirt was an ironic nod toward the little girl’s party dress.
But then Bossy spied Debbie Harry’s Peppermint Patty sandals:
It wasn’t so much that these shoes are an absurd choice for a singer who moves around quite a bit onstage, but they were an absurd choice for a singer who moves around quite a bit onstage.
Then, to distract Bossy from the Peppermint Patty shoe debacle, Debbie Harry shed her skirt. And her shirt. And her dignity.
And there were others sharing the stage. Such as Bryan Adams on guitar:
And there was a drummer who threw his sticks twenty feet in the air. And there was a guy who goes by the name The Original Bass Player. And Spock was on keyboards:
Also in the band was Chris Stein, Blondie’s founding member and Debbie Harry’s love interest for many years. He looked just like Debbie Harry, minus Debbie’s ironic use of the Santa belt:
Also in attendance, it may thrill you to know, was Vice President Joe Biden!
The show was great. Debbie Harry still has her sass and her pipes. Blondie played all their old hits as well as the songs off their new record entitled This Isn’t As Good As The Stuff In The 70s But It’s Not Altogether Bad.
Bossy can sum up her experience at the Blondie show in the following way: It kinda felt like Blondie played their own cover songs.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words can you tell Bossy about the last concert you saw, or who you’d like to see?
And be sure to check back later today for the best concert stories on the web.
If you missed last week’s ten-word challenge regarding the way you load your toilet paper onto the holder, click here for over 100 opinions!
Michael McDonald, Boz Scaggs, old men who sound darn good!
U2: concert ok, spaceship stage strange, speedy stage takedown best part.
Cheap Trick, always amazing, small venue, eye contact, Rick winked!
I’d like to see me, unfortunately no one else would!
Doobie Brothers minus the always annoying voice of Michael McDonald.
Hoped to see Adele. Can’t afford $65 cheapest seats. Sad.
Thursday, Lizz Winstead for Planned Parenthood. Not really a concert.
(For the record, that’s the 2nd time ever I’ve written out what I wanted, counted up words to see where I need editing and come up with TEN! I might be a Ten Word Tuesday Savant.)
Tim McGraw, my dh at home might get lucky tonight!
She probablly wore those sandals because someone told her that the Crocs would look even more stupid, but she said, “My feeeeeeeeeeet huuuuuuuuuuuuuurt!”
Now I understand why women throw panties at the stage.
(David Byrne at Red Butte Gardens in Salt Lake City)
paul mccartney at yankee stadium. he played for almost 3 hours straight – didnt see him take a sip of water. and he sounded great.
sometimes the screen got a little too close and we a glimpse of old man spittle at the corners of his mouth but overall the guy deserves major props for putting on a concert like that – and i saw him on the 3rd night!!!
–>Recent best: Zac Brown Band; Worst Ever: The Counting Crows
The last concert I saw was Beethoven playing his originals.
Two years ago. Bette Midler. Vegas. Nothing but divine perfection
Tori Amos – a friend loves her but I don’t get it.
BB King – great show, awful venue
Saw Ben Harper 2 weeks ago and I’m still swooning.
Barry Manilow sounded great but his lips did not move!
The Twilight Hours at the MN State Fair – sounded great.
Took my daughter to see New Boyz – lucky I love her.
Oggled Sting’s biceps during The Police 25 year reunion tour.
St. Louis treasure Kim Massie at Jazz at the Bistro.
Last Saturday night date with DH – our first in years.
Neil Young, pleasantly surprised; not like nails on a chalkboard.
Elvis Costello. Love love love love love. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
rickie lee jones. still sounds the same. amazing.
#12 Bossy’s Mom: I thought I saw you there-rock on!
In Tampa Eric Clapton my all time favorite rock god
Eagles Reunion Tour. Surprisingly good. Youngest in audience (age 33).
Duran Duran!!! Yep…I’m a huge Duranie!
How fun to see Blondie though…I’d 100% go in a heartbeat…love Debbie Harry…but not quite as much as I love Simon and Co.! D2 rules! 🙂
Heard favorite youngest nephew sing in Handel’s Messiah December 2010
Kingston Trio, three very talented sixty-somethings singing REAL MUSIC
8/28 – REO Speedwagon. Instrumentals & lights great – vocals need oil change.
Olivia wins. Jimi Hendrix. Fake tickets but Olivia was there!
Dr.John, Shamekia Copeland, Charlie Musselwhite, Paramount Arts Center, Halloween.
Sept. 3 saw Elton John. Thankfully no Lion King songs.
Last concert: hoping nobody photographed me for online blog mocking.
Indigo Girls—so close, saw up their nostrils. Absolutely perfect.
TSwift…daughter said it was the best night of her life.
Bette Midler in Philly because a friend was playing keyboards.
Stevie Wonder – took his whole crew to Oz – he delivered!
Roberta Flack – bulky but boy she can still sing it!
Jeff Mangum, fifteen years hibernating, unplugged guitar moment. Amazing.
Some jazzzy jazz with husband: love my husband, not jazzzzzzzz.
Tony Rice! So great I wrote a book. ;o)
Thomas the Tank Engine, LIVE! Waved glowsticks in the air.
I just saw Willie Nelson at the Santa Fe Opera house. It was on his bucket list for me to see him before he dies which really can’t be to far in the future. Even though he is old as the Liberty Bell, it was one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen. He still plays great. Even Hubby, who can’t stand country music, loved it. He played all of the old stuff, but he played new stuff that was really good too. Loved it!
Sade at Riverbend (Cincinnati), September 8, 2001. Absolutely amazing concert.
Free tickets to James Taylor. Youngest there. Defibrillator anyone?
Def Leppard. Many beers, popcorn for dinner. Hangover worth it.
Josh Ritter – won tickets – thankfully not the oldest person there!
Elvis Costello – mesmerizing – wanted to jump on stage and dance!
Bob Seeger in Minneapolis – brings me back to high school.
John Popper, unannounced show @AthensGA w/local friends; so great!
Florance & the Machine: Ethereal Beauty with an amazing voice!
Jill Scott/Maxwell…sexy, soulful, hot-sauce, tasty, sugar, yum-yum!
Back Street Boys, 2008, Nanjing, PRC. No kidding.
Matt Nathanson, July, Seattle, outdoor venue, kick-ass show!
GreenDay.. BillyJo swears alot.. had to cover my teen’s ears
Linkin Park, they have devoted fans, to loud for me though
Barenaked Ladies at Pine Knob, Clarkston, MI
Ages.. Wish I had gone to Taylor Swift with daughters.
Bossy are you going to the Hooters show on Saturday?
Please review if so 🙂
Rod Stewart. Wish I had those hours back. free ticket.
I saw the Smothers Brothers do their tribute to Queen
Sugarland and Sara Bareilles – both great but LOVED Sara’s set!
August 3: Night Ranger, Foreigner, Journey! Went with Open Arms!!
Keith Urban in 2010 and he was completely utterly fabulous.
Sigur Rós. Greek Theater on the UC Berkeley campus. Mesmerizing.
Am I the only one who thinks the size Debbie Harry’s head is a little out of proportion with her body? I’m sorry but it’s something I noticed way back when Blondie first came out … when I was … uh, two!
Natasha Bedingfield, Des Moines, Rained out! She was Great anyway!
Another, Warren Zevon at Bogart’s,ex surprised how good,duh.
Comes a time to give up clothing that emphasizes menopot.
The Dead, Warren’s a slut, danced my ass off,perfect.
James Taylor and Carole King at MSG in June 2010. They were both kick-ass amazing!
Willie Nelson, Duluth, MN, disappointing, talk-sang, changed melody throughout.
More than 10 words . . . but . . . took my teenage son to see the Eagles a couple of years ago, because he loves their music, and it was so fun to have him love a band that I actually knew and liked! They did a great concert. No warm-up band, just them on stage for 2 1/2 hours, playing old and new songs. But the funny part was that after they had come out and started playing, when they were on their second song, my son turned to me and said, “Mom, these guys are . . . OLD!!!” (I was expecting to hear ” . . . GREAT!”) I realized he had heard all their music but had never seen them! My response was, “dude, I liked them when I was in HIGH SCHOOL, what did you expect?” Ha!
Grace Jones can still hoelahoep better than a ten year old
Noise concert in Oakland – the avant garde keeps you young!
Sigur Rós was in Berkeley? Gosh darnit, I missed it!
Steve Miller Band at the 2011 Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest.
Heading out to see the Stampeders today! Hello 70’s!!
Flogging Molly. So sore the next day. I’m getting old.
The band RUSH a few months back in Louisville, KY. They are still rockin’ after 30 something odd years!
Took my mom to finally see Johnny Mathis last December.
Coverbands rock concert at Sandstone/sounded great, same contact high
When they say bring earplugs to Justin Bieber concert. LISTEN.
(or you won’t be able to listen to anything but ringing for 48 hours straight. But was wonderful memory with my 10yo.)
Bossy, are you alive? How about some new posts?
PLEASE WRITE ANOTHER BLOG TONIGHT OR EXTREMELY EARLY TOMORROW MORNING. Some of us subsist on your humor. I needed to hear from you today. Write something. Anything.
I really like Blondie. Don’t forget,they did the first rap video ever.
I took Inspector Climate to Pat Benatar. She still rocks.
Neil Diamond, Sept 22, 2001, in Washington, DC. Music heals.
Clubs, yes. Concerts, not since Bob Dylan at TLA, 1995.
It’s been almost 10 days since your last post- hope all is ok.
Kid Rock and Bob Dylan at Sturgis. Odd pairing.
Jackson Browne. Now I know what heaven will sound like.
The Cars: Ric Ocasek still zombie awesome 30 years later.
Rickie Lee Jones outdoors, still has voice of an angel.
very nice
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