This is a sponsored review from BlogHer and Canon
You are looking at Bossy’s new home, an apartment within this house only one block from the Bossy family house. The photo is a screen capture of the Google satellite address, because when Bossy was courting her new apartment, she was too shy to show up on its lawn with her camera — because then the apartment would know Bossy was falling in love with it right when she was busy playing hard to get — and yes this post is about Canon cameras so quit asking.
It’s a lovely apartment and heartily celebrated by Bossy’s supportive family, but the fact remains: it’s dark. Which is inconvenient considering Bossy likes her rooms to be light-filled — except those rooms that are sunshine-filled, which Bossy likes even better.
Trees, a deep porch overhang, and rooms facing that very famous navigational direction Not South result in rooms that will take a thousand dollars in electric bills to brighten. It’s just the way it is.
So. The other day before signing the marriage license lease, Bossy went on a date with her prospective apartment and that apartment’s landlord whose official name is Bossy’s New Best Friend — and Bossy asked if she might be allowed to snap just a few photos with which to remember the layout of said apartment once Bossy returned home.
The problem was, Bossy didn’t feel it was appropriate to lug her heavy digital SLR camera and risk looking too eager before the terms of the lease had been decided. Lucky for Bossy, she had just received a Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS point-and-shoot to test drive, but you can call it a Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS point-and-shoot for short.
So Bossy reached for this camera the size of the credit card Bossy needs for her new place so she could document how dark the rooms are in order to mine sympathy and Pier One lamps from Bossy’s extended family.
Except Bossy forgot to take into account the fact that the Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS point-and-shoot is particularly notable when it comes to low-light situations. Canon accomplishes this a few different ways:
- By allowing you to manually increase your ISO, making it more sensitive to light and therefore able to capture images in darker settings
- By turning off the flash to capture the ambiance of the room
- By adjusting the white balance for more natural lighting
- Little camera fairies make it so
and the popular fourth method
Bossy knows the Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS point-and-shoot contains little camera fairies because Bossy didn’t mess with any of her settings and yet the camera still produced photos of Bossy’s dark apartment that, when emailed to Bossy’s son, prompted him to respond, and Bossy quotes, “Looks really bright, fun!”
Here is the photo of Bossy’s new bedroom taken with the Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS point-and-shoot:
And this is the photo Bossy took with her regular digital SLR camera once the sun came out a few days later:
This series of bedroom photos, from best to worst in the same backward way Bossy does most things, is ironic considering Canon has a promotion in place called Your Second Shot, which encourages participants to enter their own failed photos — particularly in low-light situations — because Canon is providing the chance to win a Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS point-and-shoot in order to recreate your missed photo moment.
Tons of people have entered, and their amazing stories and photos are here. You can go on the site and vote for who you think deserves the chance to recapture their photo.
Meanwhile, Bossy’s friends at Canon want to give one Bossy reader a $100 Visa gift card! To enter to win, just visit Your Second Shot to read the lost moment stories, and then leave a comment here on I Am Bossy sharing which story is your favorite!
Rules: No duplicate comments. You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry. This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. The Official Rules are available here.
Sweepstakes will run from 12/5 to 12/18
For more opportunities to win, visit the Canon round-up page on to read other bloggers’ reviews!
–>I have a few shots that suffered from the dreaded LLS (Low Light Syndrome).
I can’t enter because.
But I might buy one of those. I’m sold.
I gotta go with the bowling. 90 years old? Gah bless her.
I love the sisters story because my sister and I live far apart too!
I want that camera! For Christmas. DH and kids will be thrilled…momma finally has a gift idea.
Oh how I would love a nice little camera like this. I’ve been a good girl this year!! Sort of…
OOoooooohhhhhh…..SWOON! I am in ? with this camera! I promise to be a good girl NEXT Year! I didn’t want to lie and say I was this year because Santa knows everything 🙂
My favorite, hands down, is the one of the ninety year old’s reaction to rolling a strike. You only get one chance at a shot like that.
Love the new bedroom. Love the new camera.
My favorite was Sylvia’s strike! I hope I’m moving that fast at 90!
The bowling story bowls me over! Ha! I want this camera. The End
My favorite is 500 Miles to Darkness. I know I know, it seems like such a buzz kill, but there is something about leaving your burdens that is act of contrition and renewal that rings true.
I have to pick 90th Birthday Strike Out. So cute!
Wow. Is this all it takes to get into Bossy’s bedroom? Rrrrr Rrrrrr!
I liked the Little Clown. Just too cute!
First to graduate college. I like your new room, Bossy!
I like “The Bet”.
I like the friends story
who couldn’t love a 90 year old bowling a strike!?
I tweeted!!/Thisris
I am just so happy for you and your new home! Count on me and a bottle of champagne.
the 90yo is definitely the best…
I like the 90th Birthday strike
I’m going with Johns birthday! New love in old age is precious!
I’ve got to go with the bowling story. Good for her!
90th bowling is my favorite
Sisters at the Beach is my favorite.
Granny was my favorite for sure. I also voted for that cutie with the clown nose, it was a shame that was blurry.. how often can you get a kid to put on the clown nose?
A giant braille cupcake! Brilliant! (Winning this camera would be brilliant too. I need it to take lots of photos of my new granddaughter.)
Had to pick the two sons fishing… As the mother of three boys, I can NOT imagine splitting them up. So sad.
I’d have to pick the 90-year old bowler. Seriously….how cute is she??
A View to Remember
My favorite was the kid with the clown nose. So cute! And your apartment even in the perpetual gloom looks wonderful. I can imagine how exciting it is to prepare for this next step. I can imagine how scary it might be too.
This camera is awesome! My sister just bought one right her first baby arrived. It takes the best indoor photos!
And seriously, the 90 year old bowler who moved to fast for the crappy camera? I pick that one!
My camera is 7 years old and, don’t tell it I told you, it looks a little ragged. I’d love a new one to run ragged over the next 7 years.
I love the First to Graduate Law School. I have many photos like that.
tweet! tweet!!/MarinkaNYC/status/143779421587914752
I feel for the guy who didn’t get the shot of casting his burdens away… what a pivotal moment to lose.
Gah indeed!! It had to be Sylvia’s strike at 90! I hope she gets to recreate the moment at 91!
Cloudy-Vows is what I’d choose. What a letdown for such a special day/story.
i love the Spain story.. romantic!
Ha…were we supposed to only choose from the finalists? Le sigh… 500 Miles to Darkness. Sorry!
Liked the time square story – picture was adorable (even if blurry) and I can definitely relate o that story!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! My favorite moment/story would be…. Unseen memories! It brought tears to my eyes!
tweeted about your giveaway!!/Cylence/status/143791986971910144
need a camera thank you very much!!
I VOTED FOR “OUR REUNION” because my husband and I are also doing that long distance stuff.
The 90th birthday strike!
i like my little clown. voted.
Sylvia’s 90th b-day strike — how awesome!
That low light shot is pretty impressive for a point and shoot!
Hooray for the 90 year old bowler!
I like the plaza in Barcelona story.
I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.
My favorite is the 90 year old who gets a strike!
With it that dark, your “friend” Jeff won’t be able to see the age difference.
I liked ‘the bet’
my mom would love this as a christmas present.
The 90 year old bowler is my pick! So heartwarming…and blurry. 8-/
meg314 at gmail dot com
The college graduate is my pick.
meg314 at gmail dot com
1st to graduate from college. so inspiring.
I like “My little clown” how cute!
It’s gotta be 500 miles to darkness.
Only in Vegas is my favorite story and I so love that camera!
My favorite is the 90 year old bowler. Happy!
Love it!
We bowl alot with our special needs posse….so I am going with the 90 y.o. bowler.
I’d vote (well, did) for My Little Clown, because kids do things so fast you cannot really go back later and reshoot because by then it’s a different activity.
Not entering just wishing you happiness in your new abode
Love the grandma bowling!
90th Bday Strike..OUT
I like far away friends. It’s good to see your friends. Even when they end up fuzzy in the picture.
I vote for the 10 month anniversary photo. When you’re that young, 10 months seems like a lifetime. Sorry she won’t be able to see the picture when she’s older.
My favorite is the 90 year old with the strike!
I like the pic of the two sons who don’t live together. For some reason that one struck me.
Love the new digs!
Definitely the Sisters at the Beach, what a fun memory and a bummer of a picture
Who could pass by the 90th birthday bowling shot? Love it!
I voted for the pic of the great view with the girlfriend/boyfriend – mostly because I can sympathize so much. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to take a shot like that somewhere special and it never comes out!
Ahhhhh the 90th birthday strike….So so good
Definitely “Unseen Memories”
I’m going with the 90th b-day.
I’m halfway there myself!
I liked “the bet”
I commiserate with No. 15- First to graduate. Been there, done that.
Oh, Bossy. That all just seems like so much work. Even for something free. And I never win anything anyway. So just stopping by to say hi!
The fishing story of the two brothers.
I’ve got to go with 90th Birthday Strikeout. Love it.
I could do with a camera to add to my facebook inanity:)
Not sure I can enter because I couldn’t view the stories but I have researched this camera and I want one – I have the Canon Rebel and love it – I just need one I can pack in my purse and go! Love the fact that it shoots well in low light!
90TH BDAY STRIKE..OUT… is my favorite!!
LLS No! I need that Canon
I’m going with the 90 year old bowler.
90th birthday party strike out! so cute!!/aes529/status/144635612979412992
I liked “sisters at the beach” of the lost moments pictured, and I loveeee your new apartment. Love to you, la
re: Light
trust me on this…you cant brighten a low-light room with white paint. It will look dingy. Instead, put a light in each corner and get someone else (Bossy might break a nail) to paint a cozy lavender or blue/gray.
Yay for Sylvia, the 90 year old bowling dynamo! But too bad the picture didn’t clearly capture the moment.
I love the elderly (and they are quickly becoming my peers) so……. love the bowling!
I feel bad for Blurry Super Bowl pic…How often does Bruce Sexy-pants perform at super bowl halftime? What a wasted shot!
Congrats on the new space. Great irony with use of your new camera.
Would love to try this camera. I have avoided canon for years because I had a bad experience with one of their film point and shoot cameras years ago. My grandmother had passed away right before Christmas and she was the hub of the family. Everyone would travel to her house on Christmas Eve and have dinner and open presents. The year she passed we all still gathered at her house. We opened the presents she had already wrapped for us and shared our last Christmas together. I took many pictures, however, there was something wrong with the camera, the viewfinder was misaligned and so were all of the shots!
Easy choice for me…90 year old bowling. Even blurry, she made me smile pretty wide.
A friend has a Canon POS and she loves it. Her photos always come out great. I’m always too nervous to take my SLR to Disneyland so a good quality POS would be great.
Definitely Grandma’s Strikeout. I’ve been the victim of that motion blur too many times to count!
Ironically, my favorite story is Sylvia’s 90th Birthday party. I do bowl on a league as well and hope I’m still scoring strikes at 90.
There’s something about 500 Miles to Darkness, and the guy leaving his burdens behind at Cruz de Ferro. Perhaps because leaving burdens behind sounds very attractive right now.
I like Sisters at the Beach
tcarolinep at gmail dot com!/tcarolinep/status/145372238793805824
Bowling story. Good luck in your new home.
I like the 90th Birthday Strike Out!/susan1215/status/145558109287493633
Oh love the stories, love the camera!
I like the sisters on the beach one.
i like 4321 miles the best!!/DesMoinesDealin/status/145709054407352320
I like TIMES SQUARE MEMORY story!/HappyTina0115/status/145717486162165760
Sisters at the Beach is my fave!/purplelover04/status/145740603530027008
My favorite is the 90TH BDAY STRIKE..OUT story.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I tweeted about this giveaway.!/uTry_it/status/145825403888599042
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I love the brother and sister having dinner together because so often families are split (well…at least mine is!).
I tweeted:!/sayitrahshay/status/145938350413594624
So many great storys, but I’m going with Too Blue.
Awesome opportunity! The bowling story is great 🙂
my favorite is unseen memories
that house is sooo cute. wish they had home like that in my area!
I would cherish thought of being able to take photo of any kind. This camera sounds to good to be true! Your house apartment is awesome!
I like the story about the 36 year old brother being the first to graduate.
i like the Trevi fountain sory
i tweeted!/karinaroselee/status/146654020130439168
I love the zion and barcelona stories, because I had a similar experience (horrible picts) in both of those places.
i love the sisters story, i miss my sister all the time 🙁
I like the 90th Birthday Strike Out
I like the john’s birthday story!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I voted for the Times Square Memory! They def deserve another chance at that NY shot!
I tweeted here:!/FotoMacro/status/147721189995982848
I need help taking pictures of my little one. I voted for 90th Bday Strike..OUT..
holey moley your two shots look like night and day. aw* your post made me giggle! lol* I loved Blairs story with a sweet moment in bed~ so heartwarming. 🙂
thank you for for the opportunity 🙂
abitnerdygirl at gmail dot com tweeteroo 😛
abitnerdygirl at gmail dot com
The Engagement Fail story was so sad!!/bikeohio/status/148255581420007424 tweet
I like the Sisters on the Beach story.
marybug2 @ yahoo . com
2ND ENTRY TWEET!/kytah00/status/148266458126876672
I liked 500 miles to darkness. too bad he had such a dark shot at leaving his burdens behind.
I like the moment from the 90th Birthday on Senior bowling league. So endearing.
“A View to Remember” – beautiful shot. Looks like early morning.
500 Miles To Darkness is my favorite sweepmorey at gmail dot com
my favorite is the 90th Bday Strike..OUT
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
Loved the bowler!
My fave is the big top cupcake that spelled Happy Birthday Shea in braille on it in round sprinkles. Very sweet.
I like The Bet the best.
I liked “The Bet” story.
I like the 1st to graduate college
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I liked the Bet.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com