Greetings from Election Return Headquarters, where Election Return Headquarters equals Bossy’s sofa.
If you haven’t yet voted, don’t forget to leave yourself plenty of time at the polls. Take along a folding chair. And hats, and gloves, and umbrellas, and sunscreen, and proper photo identification even if you don’t need it. And don’t forget to study the sample ballot before going into the booth and ask questions if you have any.
And don’t forget to visit Bossy in the Betty Ford Clinic, because surely she will need their services after tonight.
–>Bossy and I voted differently for president but I do agree that everyone should go out and vote. My husband, 5-year old son and I waited for over 90 minutes this morning in the cold.
He’s my o’boyfriend too!
I voted for President Obama again. Young friends who live in Florida are nervous. Friends living across the river from Cincinnati waiting in agony for Ohio results. For me election day is like final exam week. All the preparation has been done.. Time to show it.
Barack O’Boyfriend did it. Yes, he could.
We voted two weeks ago, can’t wait for the end of commercials and phone calls.
As a Canadian, I voted in spirit. And then drank said spirit.
Robme would not have gotten my vote no matter what.