Earlier this month Bossy went to her local grocery co-op for sandwich bags and walked out with these:
Bossy failed to notice the fine print on the Ziplock box, which states the product contains snack bags, perfect for 100-calorie snacks!
Here is Bossy’s list of ten things that will fit in this bag according to the 100-calorie guideline:
- One oreo cookie
- 1/2 cup of slow-churned ice cream
- 1/3 cup of edamame
- One slice of low-fat cheese and three crumbled whole grain crackers
- 14 almonds
- 6 wholegrain pretzel rods, cut into quarters
- 1/3 cup of nonfat yogurt, 2/3 cup blueberries. Squish
- 8 baby carrots and 2 tablespoons of hummus
- 20 pistachios
- 1 cup of tomato soup
And here is a list of things Bossy wanted to store in these bags, with no luck:
- Bossy’s daughter’s sandwich
- Bossy’s daughter’s potato chips
- Half a lemon
- Three leftover chicken thighs
- One bunch of dill
- Anything
So Bossy did what any practical person would do in this good for nothing situation. She photoshopped her baggies to the proper size:
Bossy is posting every day in November. Here’s what you missed so far!
- Welcome To The First Day Of The Rest Of November
- Very Little Has Been Said About Hurricane Sandy
- Bossy’s Dane Isn’t Just Great, She’s Voting For Obama
- Daylight Saving Time
- Is That Your Lacrimal Apparatus, Or Are You Just Unhappy To See Me?
- Vote Your Heart
- The Presidency The Sequel
- 5 Great Tips To Save Time This Holiday Season, And One Even Better Tip
- Emergency Friends Defined
- A Sexy Sweaty Dress
- A Laundry Phenomenon
- Veteran’s Day
- It’s National Watchamacallit Day
- Let’s Catch Up With The Rolling Stones
- Bossy Gets Crushes On People
Confusion to the enemy and the shopper is always the enemy.
I have bought those by mistake as well and wondered what the heck you could fit in those teeny bags. What a waste!!
Jan, they are great for toddler snacks and a makeshift change purse. Not much else.
It’s for the weed, Bossy!
is that a spider in the upper right?
Nice thumb, Boss.
I use them for my grab bags of fudge. Four pieces, $1.25. Perfect.
Will you please come over and Photoshop my closet?
Who hasn’t bought those god forsaken things by accident?!?! 100% useless. PS your thumb looks like a supermodel.
Oh, if only Photoshop worked in real life!
Travel bags…
6 Q-tips
1 tampon
2 Chapsticks
1 toothbrush
LOVE this size bag. It is everything BUT a waste!