Seasonal Depression — otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder — is a depressive disorder occurring only specific times of year, such as winter.
Typical symptoms of Seasonal Depression include lack of energy, tiredness, sleepiness, and oversleeping with a side order of naps. Other symptoms include decreased focus, difficulty concentrating, and what was Bossy saying? Oh yes, Seasonal Depression.
People who suffer from Seasonal Depression often withdraw. Most often that withdrawal is from an ATM machine to pay for the wine that will combat the shift in mood because we all know booze is good for depression. In Backwards World.
Other signs one is suffering from Seasonal Depression include anxiety, weight gain, and anxiety over weight gain. Seasonal Depression is most common in women.
The cause of Seasonal Depression is often attributed to a disruption of one’s biological clock, which is responsible for our sleep patterns, cell regeneration, and the desire to have Ewan McGregor’s baby after watching Beginners for the fourth time this week because = Seasonal Depression!
The most popular cure for Seasonal Depression includes a light box placed on a tabletop a comfortable distance away — and you can type into this light box using the attached keyboard, creating your first blog post in the month since you put yourself to bed with Seasonal Depression.
And how are you, Bossy’s esteemed council? Please leave word.
If you liked this post, check out the time Bossy outran depression by watching Oprah.
Or read Bossy’s review of the depressing items found in Skymall magazine.
Or see a photo of Bossy’s Great Dane Stella the day in 2009 when she was depressed about her sports team.
Hahaha. I never thought about the lightbox!! Sheesh, then none of us should be seasonally disaffected or whatever the hell it’s called. I’m no doctor. Don’t ask me. You are funny and you even when you’re blue. That’s why I love you. xo
I always thought it was cruel to name the affliction SAD. Like we weren’t depressed enough.
My son tends to be affected by this. Wasn’t much of a problem growing up in Arizona, but then he spent time in Turkey and now lives in Chicago. We will see how this season goes! Take good care of yourself, Bossy!
I don’t think I’m similarly afflicted, and I’m sure this has nothing to do with the fact that I watched the clock from 7pm until 10pm last night just wishing I could go to bed. What a poorly timed clock change “fall back” is.
If I subtract the which from why
(as e.e, cummings did)
to number all my fancies by
stacked up from toe to bed
I must conclude (as Dylan said)
these dreams of howling woe
are but misplaced lullabies
crying in my head.
Seasonal Disinfective Disorder? Must be time for Fall Cleaning.
The cool thing about Florida is that even after the clock change thing it still stays light until at least 5pm.
Olivia can totally relate. She lives in the Great White North or, more correctly, the Great DARK North.
Snow and darkness cover the land unrelentingly for half the year. Well, the snow does anyway: daylight may appear for a few hours each afternoon.
Blame it on the shipwreck Olivia’s ancestors suffered over two centuries ago on their way to . . . WHAT?
Certainly not this . . .
Feeling better for your popping up in the feed reader, Bossy. Here it’s spring so my depression’s not seasonal, it’s because I have a newly-retired husband cluttering up my work-from-home space. There’s nothing like a new life phase, eh?
Oh, man. Now I’m REALLY depressed. I’d better open another bottle of wine.
This member of Bossy’s council is getting concerned about our fearless leader.
Bossy has suffered much with the loss of Stella and empty nest (and different nest). Perhaps Bossy should start increasing her endorphins before she sleeps away too many more of her days.
If lightbox/exercise/low carb diet doesn’t do enough- time for some pharma-assist.
Best wishes !!!!
Yeah Christmas season will make you gain weight
You, too? Oy, the weight gain, and the WORRYING about the weight gain! I already need to lose those sneaky 10 pounds so I can gain it back during the holidays, complain about THAT weight gain (even though I had fun stuffing my face), then lose it before my February birthday where I plan to eat birthday cake for a week, because I’ve entered that time of my life where I plan to have a celebratory birth week rather than a birth day.
Whew! That was a mouthful of run on. I wonder how many calories I burned typing?
Thanks for breaking through your S A D and getting back to the basics of keeping us enlightened and giggling at your worldview!
I’m settling myself in for my annual seasonal depression party. It’s a blast (note sarcasm). Also, I’m the only one that attends this party.
You’re not alone, Madam…and it isn’t just you ladies who shake their fists at the darkness, either. A couple of Rx suggestions:
Florida. Las Vegas. Rum-based blender drinks.
San Diegans do not generally struggle with this issue because year-round sun, but I have several friends who are afflicted. Sending good juju for a speedy return to normalcy.
I have this. I hate this. The End.
I think Bossy and I will feel much better once she starts posting more often!!!!
Sleep problems — too much or not enough — are horrible. When I woke up early this morning happily thinking it was morning and the clock said “12:34” I was most distressed (after initial note of “Hey! 1234!”) knowing I would be lying awake for an hour at least. Hope your SAD improves. You are very talented and many people far and wide admire you.
My depression is not seasonal, I can get depressed in the summer or any other season. I hope things work out well for you.
Persephone has gone to hell too. Had given up checking for posts daily. That is how I missed this one for so long. As much as I like getting my hour back with the time change, hate losing the light overall. This year found me taking lots of naps.
My daughter gets the SAD. Used to use tanning bed as therapy. Had to give that up. I just realized that her job may help out here. She is working night shift as a nurse. Probably not a bad thing that sun is coming up when she gets off work . Not a good sleeper anyway. Probably didn’t help that she was born nicotine addicted and got routine fixes until after first birthday. Bad earth mother, bite me. It was the contented cow phase of prenatal care. Don’t try to quit while pregnant.
Radio silence….
More wine please!
Depressed. That’s my one word.
Bossy may be a tad depressed, but her posts are very wonderful and lots of fun for this reader!