Once upon a time in a land just behind your computer monitor lived a sharp-toothed villain known as IPOWERWEB.
IPOWERWEB made its home under the Internet on page one million of a Google domain hosting search:
IPOWERWEB was a cheeky villain. It wasn’t enough for IPOWERWEB to brag they were the leading eBusiness Website Hosting provider, no. In fact IPOWER, Inc., The Power Behind eBusiness™ bragged they were one of the world’s leading eBusiness Website hosting providers. The world.
But IPOWERWEB didn’t stop there. They also laid claim to other abilities, such as Domain Registration, Windows Hosting, Bossy should have known because what is Windows Hosting? and Dedicated Server facilities.
IPOWERWEB’s goal was to dominate business enterprises by helping them build, promote, and manage an online presence utilizing IPOWERWEB’s ½ a Petabyte of storage. Which by the way is approximately a gazillian Petabytes shy of enough.
And so it came to pass that one day in 1945 Bossy wandered into her family room with wet feet and registered a domain name—i am bossy—with IPOWERWEB.
And because Bossy was still in her early sixties and didn’t know any better, she then took that domain name over to TypePad and added seven more letters to it and fouled everything up.
But back to IPOWERWEB—who just moments before Christmas decided to change their platform.
But i am bossy didn’t work on the new platform and it sputtered and died. Killed by IPOWERWEB. And then Bossy forgot she had a blog The End just when all hope was lost, Is This Still A Bed Time Story Or Not? Bossy Forgets, Go Daddy swooped in to save the day.
The moral of the story: if your domain name is currently being hosted by IPOWERWEB, consider switching over to a different domain host, like Go Daddy. Bossy doesn’t care if she did convince friends to use IPOWERWEB just a few short months ago (Bossy’s friend Wendy: we’re looking at you.)
Or if you don’t switch hosts, at least know that IPOWERWEB consists of very nice people, many of whom may someday soon give birth to a few of Bossy’s husband’s kids, but they seem unable to handle anything complex. Such as the difficult task of routing iambossy.typepad.com visitors to iambossy.com. Because that’s as hard as pushing one whole button.
Second moral of the story: if you right now look up in the web address section of this blog and see that you are logged on to iambossy.typepad.com, or are linking to iambossy.typepad.com from your site, or are in any way associating typepad with anything iambossy, for gah’s sake please take the time to change your bookmark and links to iambossy.com. Without the TypePad.
Because it is a very thin New Year’s Eve Eve thread, and Bossy is barely holding on with drunken fingers.
Well that explains everything. And thanks for the tip; those are cute mittens for only $4.95.
Hey bossy… hope other things in life are getting better and are well… I have been with godaddy for a year now and they seem to be pretty good… on occassion have a few questions about things, but no where near the problems you sseemed to have had… Jeff and i hope you have a great new year… looking forward to 2008 and if we are ever near you or if you are in our neck of the woods, we will have to throw back some wine or cosmos or beers or anything that will get us drunk and giggly… like i am now…hehehe
let me get this clear, you’re NOT with typepad?
Well Bossy, if you had asked us the geeks out there we’d have recommended GoDaddy over iPowerWeb (even though I was very suspicious of the name at first. GoDaddy. Heh. *snickers*)
Aw shucks. I meant snigger, not snickers.
Well, that’s what a morning without coffee will do to you.
See, this is how cool YOU are. If I had been having these same problems, I would have been crying and breaking things at the first sign of trouble. I also plug my ears and sing REAL loud whenever someone tries to tell me the best way to fix the technology problem.
But you fixed yours! Go Bossy… er, GoDaddy…? Oh, whatever, it’s good to see your blog up and running.
Isn’t it extra-fun to straighten out these types of issues over the holidays?
(Unsolicited input – I’ve had good luck with both GoDaddy and BlueHost.)
I feel for you. I just left — I won’t mention them by name, let’s just say they promised their service was a “dream” — after a year of crying and hair-pulling.
So glad you are back up and running!
Oh, I am a GoDaddy girl too! They just haven’t selected my mug as their Go Daddy model yet. Glad to hear all is well and you can really enjoy the drinks for New Year’s celebrating and not as a coping stategy for blog technical difficulties. Happy New Year! Erin – ExpectingExecutive.com
All I know is that I click “i am bossy” and I’m here, no typepad. just bossy.com… how you did this… wow…
Glad to see you back Bossy and have a Happy New Year!
Go Daddy and me have a long standing relationship. And they haven’t booted my ass to the curb (go figure…) with all my annoying questions and whining.
Not that I whine.
A lot.
Wishing you and your family a happy new year filled with loads of joy, love and happiness and wishing uber quick healing powers to your kiddo.
Glad you’re back.
Go Daddy is pretty good. But they did INADVERTENTLY cancel a blog domain that I had on automatic renewal. Grrr. Smash.
What a relief to click on my bookmarked Bossy site and GET HERE without the **!!** “server not found” bull. GoDaddy go.
Hope ‘lil Bossy is continuing to heal…even though I only met you recently through the post by Corey, I think of you often. Cyber-Care, you could call it!
You are just plain bossy to me
Typepad and PairNIC are bedfellows of a very good kind.
I’m a go-daddy girl, always have been. I guess until they do something to screw me over, I’ll keep sticking with them. Also I hope your daughter is doing well, she’s still in my thoughts.
sounds a whole lot too confusing for little ole me.
glad you figured it out and went with the daddy instead…
Go, Bossy.
Go, Daddy.
It’s your birthday.
Here’s to a fantastic, drama-free 2008.
Dear Bossy,
When Bad things happen to Bossy? One Hotfessional may go postal. So glad my Bossy girl is back and functional. I will lick GoDaddy at the earliest opportunity.
I don’t even know the difference between a domain name and mittens. But I do know that the link I’m linking to here will direct you to a godaddy site, and it’s been working okay for me so far.
Done and done…now where can I get the mitten deal???
I’m just glad you’re back. I can finally put away the heroin and move on to my other addiction again!
Hurrah! Bossy’s back!!
So glad YOU figured it out and I didn’t have to….
Glad Bossy is back.
And I thought they were selling snow or teeth whintening strips. Both quite a deal at $4.95.
zmulls.com has been a proud member of godaddy for over a year!
Despite of….or because of…their initial ad campaign of the bimbette with the loose bra strap testifying in front of congress…
I wondered what happened and now I know. I’m not sure what I know but now I know it. I am linked to you through google reader and I have you listed as iambossy.com.
Hope your daughter is getting better and better.
Hmmm, that ad looks to me to be an ad for dental work.
I’m glad you got things straightened out, and thank you for the laugh!
Will Bossy hold my hand if I decide to purchase my own domain? These things scare me. Because when I left technology/information storage world we were still on terabytes, fer chrissake.
hmm, bossy should remember that some readers are pretty clever and even have her old typepad url memorized! of course they missed the pictures, but words are pretty important too.
No typepad anywhere in my sight! Changed that long ago when you asked me too…I’m a good listener like that. I also like to brag about myself and my listening abilities. I’m modest like that.
I’m so glad I’m already hooked up with GoDaddy, though I didn’t realize how glad I was until I read this post. I’m really just glad you’re back. My husband is glad you’re back too, as he’s tired of hearing me cry, “Where is Bossy?!!!”, while curled up in the fetal position.
Sorry to say, but I’ve got several customers on GoDaddy, and have had problems there with all of them. This geek would have said try any place else. But since you already signed up, good luck!
Well Karisma just dropped by to see how Bossys daughter was doing? Is she getting better? I hope so.
Happy New Year.
Well I’ve just de-lurked to say that I un-type-padded my thread because I don’t want to miss any of the 2008 bossy! I so enjoy your humor!
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Why oh why do bad things happen to good Bossys? (Bossies?)
Happy New Year Mama. How’s your daughter doing?
Scott-O-Rama.com is registered and hosted at GoDaddy too. So far no big problems (knock on wood).
I like their DomainsbyProxy service which allows me to keep my real name and address off of the registration information for my domain.
I’m just a lowly blogspot blogger…so clearly you are speaking Greek to me. Opa!
Opa! Forgot to sign in!
I think I know that mitten girl! Her name is Michelle and she lives in my town.
Glad you’re back and all. . . I was so “WTF????” last week.
My sweet bossy is back! Don’t worry about the Seattle PI debacle. I live in Seattle and I will make it my mission to spread your fabulousness through the Emerald City with my own two lips. I’m powerful that way.
Web hosting by GoBossy.com – it can only be a matter of time, since Bossy knows all there is to know about interwebs.
Bossy’s husband sounds a bit too frisky for my comfort. Have you considered a radio collar?
This tech talk reminds me of missing the band bus and being stuck on the roadie bus with humbucker and wireless bodypack transmitter debate. Sigh . . .
Uhmm…. ok…. whatever you just said, I agree with you. This is much too confusing, especially while digesting holiday baked goods!
P.S. Just as long as Bossy’s husband keeps his other kids somewhere else too…
You know how I know GoDaddy is better than IpowerWeb? GoDaddy has nekkid people in their ads and IPowerweb has a Mormon girl selling mittens.
Go Bossy. Go Daddy.
and um yeah…its I am Bossy DOT COM
I didn’t understand much of this post but I still laughed a lot.
Poor Bossy.
Sheesh, I majored in computer science and I had to look up “Petabyte”. Apparently I only retain half of what I learn and remembered only up to “Terabyte.”
I wonder if I can get half my student loan knocked off?
So glad you’re back…thought you might have jumped off a realllllly tall building. Please tell us how that sweet daughter of yours is doing. I’m sure that I’m not the only one that has been adding her to my prayers. To reiterate “So glad you are back!!!”
Um, how come at the comments box, it says this: If you have a TypeKey or TypePad account, please Sign In? Because I thought we are supposed to NOT be dealing with TypePad. Meg’s…CONFUSED.
Oh wow, so glad I checked in here today (though they are holding a family dinner while I type). I thought it was God Addy, and I was a teeny bit afraid to find out that God might live sorta close to me. Maybe. On the wrong side of the tracks, in any case.
Happy Official Drinking Day of the U.S. Olympic Team! I just made that up.
Thank God for the Bossy!
I am about to take the plunge into self hosting or whathaveyou. GoDaddy was recommended. And now again! W00T!
Now I am happy. And that is unusual for me, especially when being told what to do by someone who calls herself Bossy!
Yo, I’m hosted on GoDaddy, and they ROCK! Bout the only place I’ve called at 2 a.m. and spoken to REAL LIVE PERSON. Not only that, they KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING.
I thought it was a hallucination, but no, it was real.
Yes, Bossy is Go Daddy. Does that mean Bossy will wear a wet Tee shirt now and show off her boobs?
Thanks, dear. You know how clueless I am about this stuff. GoDaddy it is!!! They are actually headquartered right here in sunny Scottsdale, so I can just march on over there if I have any problems.
I just forwarded this blog entry to the CFO of Go Daddy who’s a good friend of ours. Maybe he’ll appreciate the shout-out and introduce your husband to one of the Go Daddy girls. My husband’s been trying to get the hook-up for quite some time. Word on the street is NONE of the Go Daddy girls drive minivans :-)!
See, this is why Criquette CHOOSES to remain as computer-illiterate as possible. But thank you for your excellent attempt to remediate me.
very interesting.
i’m adding in RSS Reader