Quite right too, that is not a godly hour. As parents of two children under four, we have not slept past 4:59am since the summer of 2003. You mean we’ll still be rising that early when they are teenagers????
Bossy’s son has been a visual example of my “men flip the bird differently than women” case study. I am hoping for a federal grant to study this subject. Hey, why not? Women usually cock their 1st and third fingers (simulating testicles???) when showing disdain for the ungodliness of the hour. Men, however, as in the case of Bossy’s son, tend to pull their side fingers down flat against their palm – perhaps to enhance length. I’m just saying…
I always get up at 4:00 a.m. No big deal, that is, until I start making coffee and slamming stuff around in the kitchen and otherwise rattle the tomb of my dear sweet Queen Nefertiti. A thousand curses are loosed upon me from the Wings of Death to include huge spiders with hair and saliva and venomous cobras. So now, I make coffee on the back porch and just sit there till she cracks the door to her sarcophagus. It be better that way.
There is NO way Bossy could have a son old enough to go to college. Because Bossy looks like she’s 32 at the most. If this is indeed Bossy’s son, Bossy must have found the fountain of youth in her backyard and decided “sharing’s for suckers.”
Quite right too, that is not a godly hour. As parents of two children under four, we have not slept past 4:59am since the summer of 2003. You mean we’ll still be rising that early when they are teenagers????
hahah Oh I hope someday that Bossy’s son has a blog.
Oy vay thats just crazy. last time I was up at that hour was when I went fishing with Moishe Kaplan in Atlantic City in 1963
bossy’s son is big awesome dude.
What a purty dashboard
There’s a 4:59AM?!?!?! Who knew?
I am glad you have passed on your sense of humor to your son. Great photo.
If it was in Sweden it would have been dayligth. Maybe I should wake up my teenagers and show them…
thats her job. STICK IT HAIRY BUTT!
This begs a much thought about question:
What if all the clocks of the world are wrong?
Hmmm, I’m a morning person who has a profound respect for the bird, the early bird in this case.
Bossy’s son has been a visual example of my “men flip the bird differently than women” case study. I am hoping for a federal grant to study this subject. Hey, why not? Women usually cock their 1st and third fingers (simulating testicles???) when showing disdain for the ungodliness of the hour. Men, however, as in the case of Bossy’s son, tend to pull their side fingers down flat against their palm – perhaps to enhance length. I’m just saying…
I always get up at 4:00 a.m. No big deal, that is, until I start making coffee and slamming stuff around in the kitchen and otherwise rattle the tomb of my dear sweet Queen Nefertiti. A thousand curses are loosed upon me from the Wings of Death to include huge spiders with hair and saliva and venomous cobras. So now, I make coffee on the back porch and just sit there till she cracks the door to her sarcophagus. It be better that way.
Is there a warning light lit-up on the dash? Oh well, its a Honda, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
I get up every morn at 4:50, so I know the feeling!
I’m sorry, does that hour exist? I seem to remember being awake until that hour, but not waking up at that hour….
Well, better at the clock than at the college dean, right?
It’s still dark outside. It’s worng to get up while it’s still dark outside. Totally fucks you up.
Oh grow up BOSSY’S teenage son, the rest of us had to do it and it SUCKS.
Good luck on college though, eh?
That’s what woke me up at 4:59! Your son flipping the bird!
that would be me every time I look at the clock at that time too.
Danny thinks the only people who should be awake before 5 a.m. are whores, newspaper deliverymen and insomniacs.
Yeah, I’d be doin’ that at 4:59am, too!
In the words of Bart Simpson, “There’s a 5 o’clock in the morning now?!”
There is NO way Bossy could have a son old enough to go to college. Because Bossy looks like she’s 32 at the most. If this is indeed Bossy’s son, Bossy must have found the fountain of youth in her backyard and decided “sharing’s for suckers.”
I’d give it the finger too…then ride off in the sunset with a mind set on IHOP.
I felt I was right there with ya on your journey….
Bossy’s son, cutie patooti!